Chapter 361 Heaven Realm

In the world of the tomb of the gods on the other side!

After parting with Chen Nan, Shi Hao searched all over the world for lonely defeat. In this strange world, Shi Hao only knew lonely defeat and Chen Nan who had been saved!


“Lonely defeat, this old Yinbi is not a rat, right? You can hide so much! I have searched for him so much, and I didn’t even find any news!”

Walking on the streets of a town, Shi Hao muttered dissatisfied!

“Hey! I don’t know what is going on with the senior brother and the corpse Immortal Emperor, whether they have come out of that weird cavity!”

Thinking of Senior Brother Own and the others, Shi Hao also sighed helplessly!

Forget it! “Let’s find the old Yinbi who defeated alone, he is much more familiar with this world than I am. As long as I find him and ask him to help himself inquire about the seniors and their news, it should be a lot easier!”

Shi Wu shook his head, then secretly said in his heart!

“I don’t know if there are any strong men like Lonely Defeated in this world. If there are, I must go find them to fight a battle. Uncertain, own Cultivation Base Ascension is faster!

Shi Wu walked forward and said to himself!

“Do you know that there has been a sensation in the whole world recently!”

At this time, a voice came into Shi Hao’s ears, and Shi Wu was instantly attracted!

Shi Wuxun walked away and saw three smiling young men walking towards him!

The sound just now was obviously made by these three people!

Thinking of this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but pricked his ears and stood up earnestly!

“What’s the matter?”

The young man on the left asked curiously!

“Ah! Do you know the Du Family Profound Realm?”

The man in the middle looked at the two and said!

“Who doesn’t know about the Du Family Profound Realm? That is a powerful family that is more famous in the realm!”

“Damn! Why don’t you hurry up, why are you sloppy at this time?”

“Okay, okay! Isn’t it okay for me?”

The young man in the middle could also see that the two friends own seemed to be a little annoyed, so he quickly said: “Listen, a devil’s cave has appeared in the Du Family Profound Realm recently, and there may be six Primordial Kings in the devil’s cave. !”

“Six Primordial Kings? Isn’t the Nadu family dead? You know, the Primordial Kings are comparable to the King of Ten Thousand Demons!”

Hearing this, the young man on the right couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Yes! It seems that Du will find it difficult to escape this level this time!” Another young man nodded in agreement!

“Oh! Wouldn’t it be! However, there is no news from the Du Family Profound Realm yet, so no one knows whether Du Family Zhi is alive or dead!” The man in the middle also shook his head and explained!

“Forget it! Even if this is true, we can’t do anything about it. Even if it collapses by then, there will be tall tops!

Hearing this, the other couldn’t help but smile!

“Hey! Three brothers! Can you tell me which direction Du Family Profound Realm is in?”

Just when the three of them stopped talking and were about to go forward, suddenly a voice came from behind them, and it shocked the three of them!

The three of them quickly turned around and looked around, only to see a muscular man who was behind them for some time! So they kept asking: “You, who are you?”

“Um! My name is Shi Hao, and don’t be afraid. I heard what you said just now, so I just came over to ask!”

Shi Wu smiled!


Hearing this, the three of them couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief, so they asked complimentarily: “It turns out to be Shi senior! It’s really a long-lost name for you!”

“Da Ming? Am I so famous?”

Shi Wu scratched his head, then said!

Didn’t you just come to this world for not long, how could you be famous?

Although Shi Hao’s voice is very loud, these three people are all people with Cultivation Base. Naturally, they can hear what Shi Wu said just now, so they all smiled awkwardly!

At the same time, he couldn’t help but secretly said: “Is this person really stupid or pretending? What I said just now was just a compliment, he actually took it seriously!”

“Um! Shi senior, I wonder what you are looking for with the three of us?”

One of the three suddenly asked Shi Wu!

“Um! I just want to ask, where is the Du Family Profound Realm you just mentioned? By the way! Is there any powerful person in that place?”

Hearing this, Shi Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then asked again!

“Um, senior! The Du Family Profound Realm is in a space. As for the exact location, we don’t know where it is, but its entrance should be in that direction, it’s just that the entrance has been sealed!”

“As for whether there are any powerful characters in it, I don’t know! But in the news I received, some people felt that there was an unusually terrible wave of fluctuations constantly emerging from the entrance, and it seemed that a super Devil was about to be born. Generally, it’s just that he is gathering strength now! As for the others, I don’t know! “Seeing this, the person who knew a little bit of news hurriedly replied!

“That’s it! Hey! I see! Go!

After listening to the burning words, Shi Wu’s eyes lit up involuntarily, and then waved to the three of them, indicating that they can leave!

Seeing this, the three of them slammed into each other’s spirits, and after a glance at each other, they quickly ran back!

“Uh! Am I so scary?”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help scratching his head, and then muttered!

“Forget it, let’s go to the Du Family Profound Realm! Maybe there is really a strong one!”

After that, the whole person disappeared!

On a high mountain ten miles away from the exit of the Dujia Xuanjie, a girl in Tsing Yi with tears in her eyes, full of endless sadness, looked at the location of the Dujia Xuanjie.

Her voice trembled and she cried sadly: “Father, mother, grandfather, grandmother… all the relatives, all the people, more than 50,000 people, all died. No one survived, Cang, these three rivers Vengeance of the four seas, how can I avenge it?! How can I defeat those six Demon Monarchs?”

This Tsing Yi girl is (well) the only survivor left by the Du Family Profound Realm. The reason why she survived is because she was outside the profound realm at the time, and she was not in the Profound Realm. The door is gone!

“Where should I go now?”

After crying for a while, the girl in Tsing Yi couldn’t help but looked around blankly!

“Huh! Girl, why are you crying here?”

Just when the Tsing Yi girl didn’t know where to go, suddenly a thick voice came over!

Who and who”? Who is there anyway? Come out to me, I’m not afraid of you!

The girl in Tsing Yi was obviously taken aback by the sudden appearance, and she stammered and shouted!

After that, he stood up and looked around in a panic!

“Then, that! I am behind you!”

At this time, the voice came again, but the voice was helpless, and the voice was very close to her this time!

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