Chapter 360 The Small Picture Is Big, Why Hasn’t Big Brother Come Back!

By the lake under the Nether Mountain!

“Why are there fewer and fewer people coming to Nether Hotel recently!” Qin Xuan looked at the pretty girl next to him, and then asked!

“I don’t know! But think about it, it should have something to do with the face war! After all, for the rumors of the Nether Mountain Lord God, they believe that the merits they have gained in the face war are more real!”

Hearing that, the pretty girl shook her head first, then said after thinking for a while!

“Yeah! How did I forget about this!”

“That’s right! Does your deity care about the face war? This first scene seems to be the face of the dark god under The Netherworld. Face the face of the bright god under the heavens!”

Qin Xuan suddenly realized with a face, then asked suspiciously!

“Their masters, master gods. They will not pass until the face war is over, and reward those who participated in the face war! What’s more, the deity should be in the Closed Door Training this time. I know if she can leave before the face-to-face war is over!” The pretty girl explained!

“What? Do you want to participate in the face-to-face war, too?”

“Um! I don’t have the time to participate in any face war in 06. If I go to join a face war, I might as well sit here and catch a fish!

Qin Xuan shook his head, then said with a smile!

Going to participate in a face-to-face war by yourself? I am afraid that there will be no problems with those people!


Hearing that, the pretty girl nodded in agreement!

After all, with this senior’s lazy character, how could he participate in the face-to-face war that fights and kills all day long!

“Ding Ding! It seems that after this Closed Door Training, your deity should have made a breakthrough!”

Qin Xuan said with a smile!

“Haha! I hope as senior said!”

Hearing that, the pretty girl also smiled, and then replied happily!

After all, after the deity’s breakthrough is successful, she will become very strong, so how can she be unhappy when she fights?

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also smiled, then turned his head and continued to catch his fish!

The prehistoric world!

In a chaotic world, here is everywhere, a cloud of gray chaos!

But in this gray and chaotic atmosphere, there is actually a palace.Although the palace is not big, it exudes a vast aura!

“Ah! How come Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis haven’t come back yet!”

Suddenly, a voice rang!

Dissatisfaction and depression are mixed in this voice!

I saw a seven or eight-year-old girl sitting at the gate of the palace, the little girl propped her chin with her hands, and looked out of the palace dreamily.It was all a gray chaotic world!

Needless to say, this little girl is our small country!

“How many years have Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis left? One year, two years, three years… 100,000 years? Ah! Too long, because of the number of countries!”

“Also, Grandpa Dadao is also a big liar. He said that he brought pictures to show for fun, but it is still gray and there is nothing in this area. It is really nothing to say!”

Sitting in front of the palace, Xiao Guoguo kept mumbling!

In the palace!

Chaos Avenue opened his eyes, then looked at the small country sitting at the door, and couldn’t help laughing helplessly!

Because the community has grown Cultivation Base Ascension very quickly over the past tens of thousands of years, it is now the Cultivation Base of the Hunyuan Golden Fairy Dzogchen. As long as it has been cultivated for a period of time, it should be able to break through to the Chaos Daluo Golden Fairyland!

However, Xiaoguo couldn’t bear the loneliness at all, and it was only a period of Closed Door Training, and she yelled to go out to play, which also led to the reason why she did not break through the Chaos Daluojin Wonderland now!


Chaos Avenue rushed to the little who was sitting at the door and shouted!

“Humph! Grandpa Dadao is a big liar, because he doesn’t want to care about you!”

Hearing this, Xiao Yin couldn’t help but snorted, then said with his head held up, Tsundere!

“Cause! Don’t you want to go out to play? Since you don’t want to go out to play, then forget it!”

Seeing this, Chaos Avenue couldn’t help but smile, and then pretended to helplessly shook his head and said!

“Out to play?”

As soon as the words of Chaos Avenue fell, her small eyes lit up, and Xiao Guoyin stood up abruptly, and then came to the front of Chaos Avenue!

“Grandpa Dadao! Grandpa Dadao! Is what you said true? Can you go out for fun?

When Xiaoguo came to Chaos Avenue, he couldn’t wait to ask!

After all, for the community, having spent hundreds of thousands of years in a chaotic world where there is nothing but Chaos Qi, it is already very difficult for her!

Although she used to be in Qin Xuan’s Minor World for a long time, it was a Minor World. There were not only Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian in it, but also the fairy dolls they ordered, so, Xiaoyin was not alone at all at that time!

And now, there is nothing here except the gray area, and you can only stay in the palace, and people can’t go out. How can this make the community suffer!

“Yeah! But

Chaos Avenue nodded, and then said!

“Uh? But what? Grandpa Dadao, you are talking about it!” Seeing the words of Chaos Dao Dao halfway, he stopped, Xiao Guoguo couldn’t help but asked anxiously!

“But your Cultivation Base must be breakthrough to the Chaos Daluo Jinxian, and successfully cultivate the magical powers I gave you, I will let you out!”

Seeing Xiaoyin’s anxious look, Chaos Avenue couldn’t help but smile, and then said!

“Ah! More breakthrough? How long will it take?” Upon hearing this, Xiaoyin couldn’t help but exclaimed!

Seeing this, the Avenue of Chaos couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, then glared at the community fiercely, and then said: “Who can blame this? If it weren’t for your serious cultivation, three days of netting and two days of fishing, you would have already broken through. , How can the Cultivation Base be perfected until now?

“Uh! Haha! Is that so? Why don’t you know? Yinyin remembers that Yinyin cultivation is very serious!” Xiaoyin scratched his head in embarrassment, looked at Chaos Avenue with a blank face, and then said!


The Avenue of Chaos was stared by Xiao Yin’s beard blowing!

I don’t know how many people want to follow their own cultivation, and they don’t bother to pay attention to it, and this little girl is actually asking for her cultivation by herself, she is not willing, how can this be fat and chaotic!

“Okay, okay! What a big deal! What if you make yourself angry? No one will take the cause out by then!”

Seeing this, Xiao Guoguo put his hands on his hips and stared at Chaos Avenue with his eyes wide open, and then said!

At the beginning, Chaos Avenue thought that Xiaoyinguo comforted him, and he felt better, but when he heard the last sentence, he couldn’t help but froze in place! Then he sighed helplessly!

I am afraid that I will be angry with you because I am afraid that no one will take you out?

“Oh! Don’t worry! I’m not going to be mad!” Chaos Avenue sighed helplessly!

“Yeah! It’s good if you don’t get angry!

Xiao Yuan nodded, and said to Chaos Avenue with your wit!

“Okay! You go to Closed Door Training first! When you break through the Chaos Da Luo Jin Cultivation Base, I will take you out!” Chaos Dadao waved his hand at Xiao Guoguo, and then said!

“Late! Then go to Closed Door Training first! Also, don’t forget!

“Hey! Don’t worry, I won’t forget it!”

Seeing this, Xiao Yinyin also nodded in satisfaction, and then hopped to the back of the palace!

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