Chapter 359

Two “adults, to open the door of space and enter the battlefield of the plane, one of them must be Lord Jiuyou. Or the Lord of The Netherworld. Whether it is Lord or Palace Lord, they can lead a group of people in, but if ordinary High gods. You are not qualified to go in without authorization.”

Following the explanation of the armored soldier, Lin Lei and Bei Bei couldn’t help but fell silent!

If it is really as the armored soldier said, the two of you can’t go in, unless you don’t want your life!

After all, if he violates the rules set by the main gods, I am afraid that he will be chased down by the main gods who set the rules. Lin Lei doesn’t think he is now the opponent of the main god, I am afraid that the upper gods of Dzogchen can easily pinch himself to death!

Apart from “Lord and Palace Lord can bring people in, is there no other way?”

Lin Lei looked at the armored soldier in front of him, and asked unwillingly!


The armor soldier shook his head!

“Two Three Three” “Then how can I become a lord or palace lord?”

Lin Lei asked again!

“Become a lord or palace lord?”

Hearing that, the armored soldier was stunned, and suddenly couldn’t believe that the man in front of him would actually ask like that!

“What? Is it possible that the lord, the palace lord can’t be replaced after it is fixed?” Seeing this, Lin Lei frowned involuntarily, and asked!

“Uh! No, no. There is only one way to become a lord or palace lord, and that is to challenge them. As long as you win, you can become a lord or palace lord!”

Seeing Lin Lei wrinkle up every day, the armored soldier was also shocked, so he quickly replied!

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help but meditated. After a while, he only saw him say to Bei Bei: “Babe! Let’s go!”

After speaking, he turned and left!

Boss “! What should we do now?”

Walking on the streets of a town, Beibei asked while looking at Lin Lei, who was still bowing his head in thought!

“Now we have only two ways to go. First, we find a lord of Jiuyou to lead us in. Or, one of us, becomes the lord of Jiuyou!” Lin Lei said in a deep voice!

“But boss, will those lords take us in?” Beibei asked suddenly!

“I don’t know! Moreover, I can’t pin the chance of their father’s resurrection on a stranger!”

Lin Lei shook his head, then said!

“That said! Now there is only one way left to become Lord Jiuyou!”

Lin Lei nodded!

Just like what he said, it is impossible for him to put his father and the others back in the hands of others, what if the Lord of Jiuyou suddenly regrets it?

Isn’t it a waste of time to resurrect the father and the others?

At this moment, Lin Lei suddenly saw a restaurant not far ahead, so he said to Beibei, “Bebe! Go, let’s go to that restaurant!”

Beibei hurriedly followed, and asked as she walked: “Boss! Do we have dinner when we go?

“Yes, nor is it!”

“What’s the meaning?

Beibei looked at Lin Lei blankly, wondering what he meant!

We “went to eat, and at the same time inquired about news!” Lin Lei explained!

“Inquire about the news? What kind of news?”

Beibei asked with a puzzled look!

“Stupid! Of course it is to inquire about those lords and palace masters! Otherwise, why do you still think?”

Seeing this, Lin Lei rolled his eyes involuntarily, and then explained!

“Boss! You mean, are you going to challenge those Jiuyou lords?”

Hearing this, Beibei seemed to understand in an instant, so she exclaimed!

Stupid “! Can you keep your voice down, don’t you know what you want to do all over the world?”

Seeing Beibei exclaimed, Lin Lei’s parents couldn’t help but a black line appeared, only seeing him waiting for Beibei, and then said angrily!

“Um! Boss, I’m sorry, isn’t I shocked, so I didn’t pay attention for a while!”

Hearing that, Beibei also scratched her head in embarrassment, and then said embarrassedly!

Boss “! Are you really going to challenge those Nine Nether Lords?”

Beibei asked again. But this time the sound is obviously much smaller!

“Yeah! So, we are going to find out now, which lord is the weakest, we are like challenging which one, of course, just ask if there are any rules for challenging lord!”

Lin Lei nodded, then looked at Beibei to explain!

After entering the restaurant, Lin Lei and Bei Bei sat opposite each other. Lin Lei looked around and found that there were as many high-level gods as expected in the city of Flame Bone Island, but there were also middle-level gods and low-level gods!

It seems “These are some of the children left by the upper gods in Jiuyouyu.

Lei guessed so.

Two “. This is my restaurant menu.” A middle-aged god smiled and passed the menu.

Lin Lei is looking at him. At the same time, the realm of the gods spread out, the service staff couldn’t help but his expression changed…Lin Lei looked at Lin Lei, but he smiled and said, “Don’t be nervous, I’ll ask you something.”

“Uh! Excuse me!”

The service staff of a god Cultivation Base quickly replied!

Can you not be nervous? No one will release the Realm of God as soon as they meet. Don’t say that I am only a middle-level god, even a higher-level god, I am afraid I will be scared!

“In this Jiuyou domain, what are the rules for challenging Lord Jiuyou?” Lin Lei asked.

The service staff gave Lin Lei a puzzled look, and didn’t understand what the person was asking about, but he said honestly: “This is very simple, in the Eighty-One Domain, there is a blood battle platform in any Realm, as long as you experience it continuously on the blood battle platform. One hundred battles, and all of them are victorious. Then…the one who defeats the strong in a hundred battles is qualified to challenge the lord of the realm!”


Lei’s eyes lit up.

The rules are so simple, watching myself save some trouble!

“That’s right! Do you know which lord is the weakest in the Eighty-One?” Lin Lei asked again!

“My lord! I’m just a middle-ranked god, how can I know this!

Hearing that, the service staff with the middle god Cultivation Base couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, and then said!


Lin Lei was stunned when he heard it, indeed, as the service staff said, for the lord, how could he expose his true Cultivation Base to the challenge of others!

What’s more, the rumors are not necessarily true.Sometimes, the person who is the weakest in the eyes of everyone may also be the person who hides 0.9 himself the deepest.It seems that the weakest person may actually be the most powerful person!

“Okay! Go down! Just give us some wine and food!”

Thinking of this, Lin Lei said to the service staff.After speaking, he waved his hand and motioned him to go down!

“Okay! Two adults, wait a minute!”

Seeing this, the service staff finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at Lin Lei Beibei!

After speaking, he hurriedly turned and left!


Beibei screamed at Lin Lei!

“It’s okay! At least we found out, challenge the rule of the lord, isn’t it? As for which lord is the weakest, I am afraid that only those lords themselves know!”

Lin Lei smiled, and then said!

“The boss! Which lord are you going to challenge?”

Beibei continued to ask!

“We will challenge whichever is the most recent!”

Lin Lei said firmly!

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