Chapter 358

Looking at the look of the pretty girl Tsundere, Qin Xuan also shook his head helplessly!

Qin Xuan actually understood that even though this pretty girl said that, she was actually not angry at all, just complaining!

Because she knows that she can definitely break through the main god Cultivation Base, it’s just time for breakthrough sooner or later!

Time is passing slowly!

It has been a while since the breath of the Lord God from Nether Mountain!

On this day, the face-to-face war once in a trillion years has finally begun!

The face war is divided into five games. The first is the face of the dark god under The Netherworld, against the face of the bright god under the heavens!

The Netherworld’s Jiuyou Domain has a total of eighty-one collars.

It is said to be eighty-one collars, but it is actually eighty-one huge islands.

The Supreme God of Death created The Netherworld that year. In the depths of the sea of ​​the sea, there was such a peculiar place, Jiuyouyu, and eighty-one islands of a considerable area were all next to each other. If you can find it on the map. The eighty-one islands are arranged in a circle.

Jiuyou domain. Many militant powerhouses rushed here one after another, they were unscrupulous, they were militant. And countless years. Eighty-one lords of Jiuyou Region gave birth to eighty-one lords as lords of Jiuyou. Is the strongest leader

As the lord of Jiuyou, you also have to face the challenges of other strong people in the territory. -Japanese defeat. The stronger one takes the position of lord

And Flame Bone Island is the most core island in the Nine Yous!

The most famous place in Flame Bone Island is Flame Bone Mountain, which is not a place where superpowers live. It is the location of the space gate leading to the battlefield of the plane. Every time a plane wars, there will be a large number of people passing through it. Go to the battlefield of the plane.

Flame Bone Mountain

A dark and quaint castle built on the top of the mountain was also full of flames, but there were still many black armored soldiers patrolling, especially at the main entrance, there were more than ten people standing in two rows.

At this moment, I saw two phantoms across the sky instantly. It came in at a very fast speed.

Before the armored soldiers could react, the two phantoms had already fallen in front of them!

“Who is here?”

Seeing these two figures that suddenly appeared, the two armored soldiers guarding the gate of the castle hurriedly shouted!

We “want to enter the battlefield of face position! Come on, open the door of time and space!”

One of the two silhouettes that rushed out suddenly said to the armored soldier!

“Enter the face war?

Hearing this, the two armored soldiers couldn’t help but hesitated, but they quickly recovered, and saw one of the armored soldiers respectfully asked the two figures: “So the two adults wanted Entering the face-to-face war, I don’t know which of the two adults is Lord Jiuyou?”

Seeing this, the two figures were also taken aback, and then both looked at the armored soldier blankly, without knowing what the armored soldier meant.

Entering the face-to-face war, what does it have to do with the Lord of the Nine Nethers?

Seeing the two men with blank faces, the two armored soldiers also frowned, but they still asked the two figures in front of them again: “Then two adults, who is the lord of the Netherworld?”

“Hai. We are going to enter the battlefield of the plane, what do you mention about Lord Jiuyou, Lord The Netherworld?” One of the figures seemed a little impatient, so he shouted at the armored soldier. “Hurry up and take us to the door of space, let us enter the battlefield of the plane, but we are in a hurry, no time to waste with you

Seeing this, there were more than a dozen guards smiling just now, but their faces turned cold at the moment

One of the guards shouted coldly, “Don’t mess around here. Don’t blame us for being ruthless.”

“What did you say?”

As soon as the armored soldier’s words fell silent, one of the figures was furious, but he stared at the armored soldier and asked again!

“I will let you go”

The armored soldier looked cold, and then shouted again.

After finishing speaking, a black spear suddenly appeared in the hands of the armored soldier, and he stabbed at the figure coldly when he made the ground. The black spear thrust out like a black dragon flying out, and the space produced rippling waves.

But what people didn’t expect was that the figure stretched out his hand directly. Grab the tip of the gun easily.

The armored soldier was startled. I want to pull out my anger. But I found that I couldn’t pull it out.

The other armor soldiers were also surprised,

“Babe, don’t overdo it. After all, they are under the command of the Lord God.” Seeing this, the other figure who had not spoken couldn’t help but frowned, and then said to the figure of the soldier who grabbed the armor!

Yes, these two people are Lin Lei and Beibei!

0………Look for flowers………

It was learned from Lord Death that the entrance of the face-to-face warfare was in this Nine Nether Domain, but the Nine Nether Domain was so big that the two of them didn’t know the exact location of the entrance.

However, because the main god of The Netherworld did not hide the door of this space, Lin Lei and Beibei two inquired a little, and they knew that the entrance to the war was at the center of the Netherworld, which is the Flame Bone Island. Flame Bone Mountain in it!

Therefore, the two came in the direction of Flame Bone Mountain, but unexpectedly, after the two came here, the armored soldier guarding here would actually ask some strange questions!

How could this make Beibei violent, if it hadn’t been stopped by Lin Lei, I’m afraid Beibei would have killed them long ago!

Beibei stared at these armored soldiers and asked, “If it weren’t for the face of the Lord God, I would have killed you a long time ago and said why we are not allowed to enter.”

The armored soldier also calmed down at this time and realized that the two people in front of him were also very powerful people. Although they were the army of the main god, if the other party really killed him in anger. He died unjustly, so he quickly said: “These two adults. It’s not that I won’t let you in, it’s that I really can’t go in. This is the rule of the master gods.

For countless years, it has also been in accordance with local rules.

“What rules”

Beibei asked involuntarily.

“Two adults, to open the door of space and enter the battlefield of the plane, one of them must be Lord Jiuyou. Or the Lord of The Netherworld. Whether it is Lord or Palace Lord, they can lead a group of people in, but if ordinary A god. It is not qualified to go in without authorization.” Guard Nalian explained.

Hearing this, Lin Lei frowned, and he suddenly understood.

The highest position in the war of planes is the leader, as well as figures such as palace lords and lords. Only the leader can lead people in, and ordinary gods are not qualified to enter.

“No wonder the master said, let you become the lord of Jiuyou first, then go in. At this moment, Beibei turned her head and looked at Lin Lei next to her and said.

“Does it have to be led by a lord or palace lord to enter? Is there no other way?”

Hearing this, Lin Lei frowned and looked at the armored soldier in front of him, and then asked!

“Well! This is the rule set by the Lord God, now there is only this way!”

The armor soldier nodded, and then replied! Nine,

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