Chapter 350: Tree of Life

“Vivia? How could she come to The Netherworld?

Death said differently!

As soon as Death’s master’s words were over, a figure appeared next to her out of thin air!

“Hee hee! Big Sister!”

After seeing Lord Death, Vivia screamed with a smile!

“Vivia! Why did you come to The Netherworld?”

When seeing Vivia, the ruler of life, the ruler of Death couldn’t help but smile, and then asked suspiciously!

“I’ll give you this thing!”

Upon hearing this, Weiwei smiled and replied!

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand, and a jet of black gas appeared in her hand, and the black gas exuded bursts of astonishment!

“The power to destroy the rules!”

Seeing this, Lord Death couldn’t help but exclaimed! Then he looked at Vivia and said with a smile: “Via! I didn’t expect you to use the power of Utrecht’s “2000” Destroy rules so quickly. Get it!”

Hearing that, Vivia held her head high, without the slightest humility in replying: “Of course! With Utreid’s stupid and big man, I didn’t fool him by just a few sentences!”

“Ah! Good job! I know you are the best! Okay!”

The Death ruler couldn’t help showing a helpless look on his face, and then said with a smile!


Seeing this, Vivia couldn’t help but smile, and then she looked at Qin Xuan on the other side and asked, “This is the senior you have been talking about?”

After receiving the power to destroy the rules from Vivia, Lord Death nodded!

Hearing this, Vivia showed a smile on her face, and then she ignored the Death ruler and walked directly to Qin Xuan’s side, then sat down and said to him, “Senior! Listen to Big Sister! You can What kind of chaos makes me cultivation?”

“Cultivation Chaos Qi?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan first glanced at Vivia with a puzzled look, then turned to look at the Death Lord on the other side, seeing that she was hiding and daring not to look at herself, so she understood in an instant!

“Well! I do have a way to make you cultivate Chaos Qi!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then smiled and replied!

“Hehe! Then can you help me cultivate?”

Upon hearing this, Vivia looked happy, then looked at Qin Xuan expectantly and said!

“Can not!”

Qin Xuan refused to take the road if he didn’t even think about it!

The reason why Qin Xuan helped Death dominate the cultivation of Chaos Qi is all because he wanted to see what useful achievements people in this world would have in the end after they cultivated Chaos Qi!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have that leisurely mind!

So, now that Vivia asked herself to help her, Qin Xuan refused without even thinking about it!

“Ah! Why!”

Hearing that, Vivia couldn’t help showing a disappointed look on her face, and then asked inexplicably!

“Help you with Big Sister cultivation of Chaos Qi! That’s because she exchanged things with things! I don’t know you, so why can I help you? As a master, don’t you know that there is no free lunch in the world? Do you know the price exchange?

Qin Xuan glanced at her, then said angrily!

Want to help yourself in vain? Don’t even think about it. After a Death dominates you, it is troublesome. Now that you add a life dominator, can you still live?

“Equivalent exchange?”

Hearing this, Vivia was also taken aback, then looked at the Death Lord next to her, and wanted to ask if she was like Qin Xuan said!

“Yeah! I did trade the Samsara tree with senior at the time!” Seeing Vivia looked at herself, Lord Death instantly understood her, so she nodded and said!

“Samsara tree!”

After hearing Lord Death’s words, Vivia couldn’t help but exclaimed!

I have known Big Sister for trillions of years. Naturally, I knew that she was so precious to the Samsara tree. I didn’t expect that Big Sister would be willing to exchange it!

Thinking of this, Vivia seemed to have made some decision, then gritted her teeth and said to Qin Xuan: “Senior! I will exchange things with you too!”

“Ah! What? Let’s talk about it first, I look down on ordinary things!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan looked at her without saying anything, and then said!

“This is it!”

Vivia thought for a while, and then said!

After finishing speaking, she saw her stretch out her hand, and a small tree appeared in front of her out of thin air!

“tree of Life?

After seeing this little tree, Qin Xuan couldn’t help showing a strange look on his face!

What’s going on in this world, why is it all related to trees?

The Samsara tree previously dominated by Death, now the tree of life dominated by life!

Qin Xuan also knows something about the tree of life, but he has never seen it!

At the beginning, the demon god of life in the chaos had a tree of life, but that tree of life has matured!

At that time, the tree of life was as much as one trillion in length, and its branches covered a trillion li, but now the tree of life dominated by life is only a few feet tall!

In general, Vivia’s tree of life and the Samsara tree dominated by Death are both at the same level, but they are only in their infancy!

“Senior! Do you know this tree?”

Seeing Qin Xuan call out the name of the tree of life at a glance, Vivia couldn’t help showing a strange look on her face!

Because, even she herself doesn’t know what kind of tree this one is!

I remember that when I first got it, it seemed to be because it allowed me to speed up my cultivation. I cultivated under this tree, and my cultivation was more than a hundred times faster than usual!

But later, after I became the ruler, this tree became useless to me, but if I didn’t have this tree, could I become the ruler?

Therefore, even if this tree is of no use to herself, Vivia will always keep it by her side.After all, it has extraordinary meaning to herself!

Moreover, even if it is useless to oneself, it is also a rare treasure for other cultivators and even other main gods!

“Have heard! But I haven’t seen it! But this tree of life is indeed a rare Spiritual Roots! Unexpectedly, you will actually have a tree of life!”

0.9 Qin Xuan nodded and replied!

“tree of Life?

“Senior! Is this tree of life useful? Can it only increase the speed of cultivation?”

“Your tree of life is only in its juvenile stage, so it’s not bad that it can increase the speed of cultivation!

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but gave her a blank look, and then said angrily!

Of course, “If the mature tree of life is more than that, the mature tree of life will bear the fruits of life. If the fruits of life are eaten, people can understand the rules of life faster!”

“That’s it?”

Hearing this, Vivia couldn’t help showing a disappointed look!

The rules of life were originally the rules of her life. She had already understood nine out of ten. If she were to comprehend it, I am afraid she would be able to break through to the supreme god level long ago! So after hearing Qin Xuan’s words, she would be disappointed. look!.

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