Chapter 349 Death Lord: senior! Who are the ancients?

“In the war of planes, the commander is the highest position. Of course, he is the most powerful person on all sides.” The Death ruler said slowly.

“If you want to be the leader, the premise is that he is the lord of Jiuyou, or the palace lord of a mansion, etc., and you have this qualification. You can imagine the strength. You can kill them. If you encounter a strong land, you will It’s over.”

Lin Lei felt a big stone pressed against his heart. Breathing hard.

I want to kill when I arrive

But do you have that strength? Those are not seven-star Devils, but purgatory leaders. But Lord Jiuyou. Except for the main god, those people are the most apex existence~ ah.

“This is the hope that Lord Master said?”

“Well! After all, I cannot break the rules that I have set. Otherwise, who else in The Netherworld can believe me in the future? This is the best way for me to find out!”

Hearing that, Lord Death nodded at him, and then explained!

After a pause, Lord Death said again: “Of course, if you are scared, you can go now.”

“I promise”

Lin Lei stared firmly at Lord Death in his eyes.

For my father and those friends, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, I Lin Lei will rush, after all, I came to The Netherworld to revive them!

And this face-to-face war is own’s last and only chance.

After all, the heart of The Netherworld that resurrected people is now in the hands of the Death Lord, so now the only thing that can help own is the Death Lord!

“In any case, I have to kill more leaders. Anyway, the opposite is the face of the god of light, and the master of the face of the god of light is the owner of the enemy, so I will kill more, and I will not feel uneasy. !”

Lin Lei clenched his fists and couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart!

“It doesn’t matter to me whether you agree to go or not. Anyone who represents me on The Netherworld’s side will be rewarded for their contributions. No matter who it is! I do things according to the rules, not for you. I just tell you this way. That’s it.”

Lord Death looked at Lin Lei, then slowly said!

Qin Xuan next to him, after hearing the explanation from Lord Death, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but he kept spitting in his heart: “According to the rules? It sounds so good! Isn’t it afraid that Lin Fu will become the master of Hongmeng in the future? , Make yourself a little braid!”

Lord God, how can I go to the battlefield of the plane?” After pondering for a while, Lin Lei suddenly looked at Lord Death and asked.

The Death ruler said indifferently: “Whether it is the purgatory of The Underworld or the Netherworld of The Netherworld, there is a space door directly leading to the battlefield of the plane. The battlefield of that plane is the same as the seven god-tier planes and the four major planes. The highest planes are all connected. The fastest way for you now is to go to my The Netherworld. Through the gate of space, the battlefield of the plane!”

Lei frowned.

Jiuyou Domain?

I remember that when I came to The Netherworld, Beirut gave myself a book, which all talked about the geography of The Netherworld, and did not introduce Jiuyouyu. In fact, the geography books of The Underworld do not talk about purgatory.

“Master Master, I don’t know the Jiuyou Domain…

Lei couldn’t help but speak.


Death dominates with a wave.

Suddenly a very thin book with black light flew down from above until it reached Lin Lei. Lord Death looked at Lin Lei and said, “Since you have the courage to go to the battlefield of the plane, I would also like to see if you, Lin Lei, killed a few leaders and survived, or were you killed by other leaders, go get the merit!

“Thank you Master Master!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei was not angry at all, and after receiving this book, he bowed slightly to the Death Lord!

Immediately, Lin Lei began to read this book. The books are very thin, with a total of more than a dozen sheets. With Lin Lei’s memory, just a glance, and in a few seconds, the contents of these more than a dozen sheets of paper are all recorded in his mind.

“This Nine Netherworld is still in the depths of the Underworld?”

After a while, Lin Lei couldn’t help but look up at Lord Death.

Too far away!

To go to the Netherworld, you must first fully walk to the end of the continent of The Netherworld, and then enter the sea of ​​darkness. Then reach the far depths of Minghai to reach the Jiuyou Region. It is estimated that it will take two to three hundred years if the metal life rushes past. This consumes too much time, and… if I just arrived and the war on the plane is over, it is unacceptable to me.

“Master, how long will this face-to-face war last?”

Lin Lei asked again.

“Every plane war will last for a whole thousand years! This time the plane war between the light and dark gods has been going on for nearly a hundred years. There are nine hundred years left. You have plenty of time to pass!” For Lin Lei Question, Lord Death answered very patiently!


There is enough war time, Lin Lei does not want to waste too much time. The longer the time, the higher the probability of death for fathers and brothers. And the longer the time, the weaker leader in the plane war may die early, waiting for himself to pass. I am afraid that most of the living leaders are extremely powerful.

0.………seeking flowers 0.

Thinking of this, Lin Lei immediately said to Lord Death and Qin Xuan who was sitting there: “Senior! Lord! So then I will go back and make preparations for the next face-to-face war!”

“Babe! Let’s go!”

After speaking, he said to Beibei next to him, and then turned and left!

“Huh! Finally done!

Seeing Lin Lei and Beibei’s disappeared backs, Lord Death couldn’t help but sat up next to Qin Xuan, and then said with a sigh of relief!

“Haha! You just pretended to look pretty!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help laughing out loud!


“Who ever thought that Lin Lei’s future achievements would be so high, if senior told me earlier, I wouldn’t be so embarrassed!”

Hearing that, the Death ruler couldn’t help but whiten Qin Xuan’s glance, and then said!

“Late! Can you blame me for this?” Mobile phone..

Qin Xuan asked a little bit!

“Don’t blame senior who else can you blame?”

Lord Death glared at him, then said angrily!

“Ah! Sure enough, the ancients don’t deceive me, only women and villains are difficult to raise!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, and then smiled bitterly:

“The ancients are sincere not to deceive me? Who are the ancients? Isn’t the ancients also very senior, he is a Cultivation Base unpredictable person?”

The Death Lord asked with a puzzled look!

“Uh! Ancient people? It is a great person! I am not as good as it!”

After hearing the words of Lord Death, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but froze, and then said with a mysterious face!

“An existence stronger than senior?”

Hearing that, Death dominates a look of excitement on his face, and his eyes are full of desire to explore!

Seeing the look on Death dominator’s face, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but evoke a playful smile!

Suddenly, Qin Xuan paused, and then said: “Come on!”

“Here? What is coming?”

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but asked a little bewildered!

However, as soon as she fell silent, she felt that a familiar breath came quickly to her!

“Vivia? How could she come to The Netherworld?” Nine

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