Chapter 351 Qin Xuan Goes Away, I’m About to Start Acting

Seeing Vivia’s disappointed look, Qin Xuan was also a little puzzled. For such a powerful Spiritual Roots, she would show such a look, but he soon understood it! This Vivia understood the meaning of own. wrong!

The rules of life that I said are not the low-level rules of life in this world, but the extremely powerful rules of life in the chaos!

Thinking of this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but explain with a wry smile: “It seems that you haven’t understood what I mean! The rules of life I just mentioned are not the rules of life you are currently cultivating!”

“Isn’t it the rules of life I’m currently cultivating? What do you mean?”

Vivia looked at him with a puzzled face, and then asked!

“Aha! The life rules you are currently cultivating are just low-level, true life rules, that is an extremely powerful existence!”


Hearing that, Vivia couldn’t help showing Guo Leng’s look on her face!

“I have seen a person who cultivated the real rules of life to Dacheng. Let’s put it this way! The person who cultivated the rules of life to Dacheng, as long as he wants, a sneeze can destroy the whole world, remember To live is the entire world, including the four highest planes, the seven god-tier planes, and all the material planes!”

Qin Xuan thought for a while, then said!

After all, for the Chaos Demon God, destroying a world is really just a sneeze, so I really didn’t speak big words!

“How is this possible? If there is such a person, how could I have never heard of it?”

Hearing this, Vivia said in disbelief!

After all, in her cognition, the Supreme God is already the most powerful existence, and the Supreme God dare not say that he can destroy the Supreme Face with all his strength, not to mention that a sneeze can destroy the entire world!

What’s more, the life rules of her own cultivation are not very good at fighting. Therefore, she has always been ranked last among the four rules!

Of course, if she wants to clean up the seven elements to dominate or below, it is still very simple. After all, the class is there, who makes own the rule!

“Frog at the bottom of the well!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan gave her a dissatisfied look!


Qin Xuan didn’t care about the angry Vivia, but continued: “If you don’t know, it’s impossible! This is not what the frog at the bottom of the well is! You know, the heavens and the world are so big that even I don’t know anything about it. ! What’s more, it’s you.” On the mobile phone..

“The heavens and the world? Where is this?”

Hearing that, this is not only Vivia, but the Death Lord next to him can’t help but prick up her ears, wanting to hear what Qin Xuan has to say!

“Uh! You don’t need to know this! After you reach this level, you will naturally know!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand and said!


Hearing that, Vivia and Death dominated the faces, and they couldn’t help showing disappointment!

“Senior! Is what you said just now true?”

“What does it say?”

Qin Xuan asked puzzledly!

“It’s the rules of life! Is the life rules of my cultivation really as powerful as you said?”

Vivia asked again uncertainly!

“Of course, it’s not just your life rules, even the other three major rules, and the seven rules! If you can cultivate the true life rules and cultivation, you can create a supreme one out of thin air with a wave of your hand. God, even many supreme gods!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then said affirmatively!

“Are the rules of life really that powerful? Then what chaotic energy do I still cultivate?”

Hearing this, Vivia’s eyes suddenly brightened, and then she whispered!

“Senior! What about the Chaos Qi that I am currently cultivating?” Seeing this, the Death Lord beside him became anxious and asked directly!

If the Death rule is really as powerful as the senior said, isn’t it the end of one’s own cultivation of the chaotic energy? Isn’t it good to continue to cultivate the power of the Death rule!

Hearing this, Qin Xuan knew what she was worried about in an instant, so she explained in an angry tone: “Have you heard me clearly? I’m talking about the rules, not the power of the rules you said in your mouth, and, After you cultivated the Chaos Qi, didn’t you feel it? You still don’t know which one is strong?”


Seeing Qin Xuan seemed a little annoyed, Lord Death couldn’t help but shrank his neck, and he didn’t dare to ask any more!

However, Qin Xuan’s words, the Death ruler still listened to it, so I thought that after cultivating this chaotic energy, it seemed to be many times stronger than before, but why did the senior say that the Death rule is very strong, and he used to Is cultivation really just a low-level death rule?


Qin Xuan took a deep breath, then looked at the two of them and continued: “First of all, the power of chaos is not a rule, it is just a powerful energy, but the power of chaos is the source of all energy, and it can fuse everything in the world. Energy, do you think it is strong? Secondly, do you think that rules and laws are so easy to cultivation?”

“From the beginning of your cultivation to the present, it has been more than a trillion years? However, you have not even learned the rules yet, let alone the rules of a higher level!

“I see!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, the faces of Vivia and the Dominator Death couldn’t help showing a suddenly realized look!

Indeed, as Qin Xuan said, the two of them have been cultivating for more than a trillion years, but they have never heard that the rules can be so powerful! Actually, a sneeze can destroy a world, and a wave can create one, even Multiple supreme gods!

Among them, the Death ruler has a deeper experience, and since she has cultivated Chaos Qi, what kind of increasingly powerful feeling makes her want to stop, that is, she has never experienced the rules of cultivation Death!

“Senior! Sorry, I shouldn’t doubt you 200!”

Thinking of this, Lord Death couldn’t help but walked up to Qin Xuan, and then repented and said:

“It’s okay! After all, your level is too low, I don’t know if I can understand it! So, you still integrate the four rules and the seven rules, let’s see how it will change in the end!” Qin Xuan said Waved his hand, then said!

Although Qin Xuan said this on the surface, he thought with excitement in his heart: “Unexpectedly, this pretense is really cool! Look, the master of this world is not speechless by me, and follow me obediently. Admit it! So, some things are not necessarily solved by force, and it is easier to solve with IQ! It seems that own IQ is also very high!”

“Well, senior, don’t worry! I’ll look for the seven element masters later, and bring their laws and powers over, and then I should be able to integrate them soon!”

Hearing that, Lord Death looked at Qin Xuan firmly, and then assured him!

“Senior! Look, how about this tree of life? I will give it to you, can you help me cultivate the Qi of Chaos? At this time,” Vivia looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then asked!

From what Qin Xuan said just now, she also knows that if the power of rules is so easy to be able to cultivation, then she has been cultivating for many years, and she might have created the supreme god, instead of being dominated by the four rules. In, the combat power ranks last!.

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