Chapter 348 Death Lord: I’m giving you a chance!

“By the way! Don’t even think about looking for other gods, because to resurrect people, you need the heart of The Netherworld, and the heart of The Netherworld is now in my hands. As long as I don’t allow it, the Netherworld doesn’t have a god. Dare to disobey my words!

However, just as Lin Lei was about to turn around, Lord Death took a look at them, and then spoke again!

Hearing this, Lin Lei froze there, and the steps he was about to take also fluttered back!


Lin Lei didn’t know what to do now, so he was astonished there, looking at a loss!


Seeing this, Bei Bei also hurried over, preparing to comfort Lin Lei, but when she spoke, she didn’t know what to say!

“Huh! I’m fine!”

After returning to her senses, Lin Lei Beibei waved her hand, signaled that she was okay, and then said with a smile!

However, this smile fell in Beibei’s eyes, but it seemed very bitter!

Seeing this, Beibei was about to go to the death ruler theories, but Lin Lei suddenly pulled him back, and then sighed helplessly: “Forget it! This may also be my father’s fate!”

After speaking, Lin Lei took Beibei and was going to the Nether Hotel!

“Senior! How good is it for me to deal with it this way?”

Seeing Lin Lei walking towards the Nether Hotel, Lord Death asked Qin Xuan!

“This is your business, you can handle it whatever you want! But that young man may achieve extraordinary results in the future. Are you afraid of evil him?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan turned to look at her, then shrugged at her and said!

Achievement “Extraordinary? Can he still become the Supreme God?” After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Lord Death didn’t care too much, so he said jokingly!

After all, for her now, only the Supreme God can give her a snack.Others, whether it is the main god or the ruler, or even the rule ruler, she doesn’t care!

So, for Qin Xuan’s words, she didn’t care too much!

“The Supreme God? Is my vision so low in your eyes? A Supreme God can make me judge extraordinary?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but glared at her, and then said angrily!

“Is it possible that he will achieve a higher level than the Supreme God in the future?

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but feel a little astonished, and then asked with a puzzled look!

“Hey! Young people will achieve success after that, and they are indeed surpassing the Supreme God!”

“Remember, I mentioned to you this time that the current Supreme God, just like you, is the Cultivation Base of the Lord God! It’s just that they can borrow some kind of power, so they are so powerful!”

Qin Xuan nodded, and then mentioned what he said last time!

“Hey! Remember!

Hearing that, the Death dominator nodded involuntarily!

“That kid, I will achieve something in the future. Although it is not comparable to the master of the kind of power borrowed by the Supreme God, it should not be much worse!”

Qin Xuan explained! At the end, he couldn’t help but show a playful smile!

That seems to mean that you are dead, now I have a good show!


Hearing this, the Death master couldn’t help but exclaimed, then stood up and shouted at Lin Lei who had already returned halfway: “Hey! What Lin Lei’s, come back!”

At this moment, Lin Lei, who was in a depressed mood, was walking towards the Nether Hotel, and he kept asking, what should he do now!

But this is, suddenly I heard someone calling myself, so I raised my head and looked up, but I didn’t see anyone, so I shook my head and smiled bitterly: “It seems that I have been blown to the hallucination!”

“Hey! Lin Lei, you are talking about!”

At this time, Lin Lei heard someone calling himself, and the voice was very clear, and the voice was still very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere!

Beibei “! Have you heard someone calling me?” So, Lin Lei asked Beibei, who was bowing her head next to him!

“No…Huh! Someone seems to be calling you!” Upon hearing this, Beibei shook her head and said no, but just halfway through the broadcast, I heard someone calling Own Boss!

Suddenly, Lin Lei thought of him and saw him turn around and look towards the lake!

Seeing this, Beibei also turned around with a look of confusion, and looked at the lake where they had just been!

I saw that Lord Death was rushing to recruit them, and (agaj) seemed to be beckoning them to pass!

“Babe! Master Master seems to be waving to us?”

Lin Lei asked with a bewildered face!

“It seems so!”

Hearing that, Beibei was also puzzled!

“Hey! Are you two stupid? Didn’t you hear me calling you? What are you doing there in a daze?”

At this moment, the voice just came over again!

This time, Lin Lei was very sure that Lord Death was calling himself!

Therefore, Lin Lei and Bei Bei looked at each other, and then walked over with a confused expression!

I don’t understand, didn’t Lord Death refuse to pick them up just now, why are you telling them to go back now?

Finally, the two walked to the original lake and came to Lord Death. Lin Lei asked puzzledly: “Master, I wonder if you call me to wait again, what’s the matter?”

“Boy, your name is Lin Lei Baruch, right?”

“Lin Lei. I’m telling you a very good news. Didn’t you want to save your father and your brother? There is hope. There is still a little hope.”

At this moment, Lord Death said suddenly!


Hearing this, Lin Lei’s already desperate heart suddenly became hot again.

“In the seven god-tier planes, and among the four highest planes, there is a very lively thing, that is, a status-face war every one trillion years.”

Regardless of Lin Lei’s fiery gaze, Lord Death said directly and slowly!

Lei’s heart was shocked.

He had heard of plane wars a long time ago, and only knew that it was a war of two face-to-face wars. It was very tragic, and the master fell in a lot of wars.

“And now. The Dark God Plane and the Light God Plane are engaged in a plane battle on the battlefield. The Dark God Plane belongs to the side of The Netherworld, the Netherworld Lord of the Netherworld, and is eligible to participate and assist. them.

“According to the rules of the plane war, as long as you kill the ten leaders of the other party. With such a merit, you can make a request to the main god of your own world. You can let the main god refine your main artifact, whether it is an attack or a material. The defense is still the soul defense. You can put forward whatever you want, a master artifact. The master god will do it for you.

Speaking of this, Lord Death paused, then looked at the two and continued: “In this face-to-face war, I will give you a chance. As long as you help the Dark God Realm side, kill the other side as a leader. I can Help you resurrect a relative or friend, and restore his memory. If you kill two, I will help you resurrect two. So, how many relatives or friends you want to save, then you should try to kill the enemy leader. .”Mobile terminal

Hearing this, Lin Lei’s eyes lit up suddenly, and then he nodded madly in response!

“Don’t worry, forget to remind you. In the plane war. The leader is a character at the level of the Lord of the Nine Nethers. Replaced with your previous The Underworld’s highest position, that is your purgatory leader in The Underworld. Among them. The weakest place. It should be comparable to you. The strongest is the Dzogchen God figure. “Seeing this, Lord Death reminded again!

Lin Lei’s expression suddenly stagnated.

They are all leaders of purgatory. Those who are in charge are all messi-like figures of Lei Jing and the lord of the undersea castle fortress in Lai Luowu. Go and kill masters like them yourself,

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