Chapter 347 Lin Lei’s Helplessness

But he said that Beibei, from Lord Death, an own grandfather, Beirut, had offended the Lord of Light, and was shocked in her heart!

Lin Lei frowned when he heard Lord Death say that Beirut had offended the Lord of Light!

He was not scared because Beirut had offended the Lord of Light and made him unable to move, but because he felt that he was in conflict with the Lord of Light! Otherwise, the people around him are all related to him!

Own home fell because of the Holy See of Light, and Mother Own was dedicated to him by the Holy See of Light, and thus controlled by him!

Now, Beibei’s grandfather, Beirut, has been hiding in the Magnolia Continent because of “offending him, so it’s not easy to get out!”

It seems that there is bound to be a big battle between himself and him!

Seeing, Lin Lei and Beibei were both lost in thought, Lord Death no longer continued to control them, but came to Qin Xuan and sat down!

“Senior! I…”

After Lord Death sat down, his face couldn’t help showing a tangled look, he wanted to say something to Qin Xuan, but he wanted to say it again!

“Ah! Your matter, wait until that person comes, let’s settle the matter of the two of them first!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also smiled, then waved his hand and said!

After speaking, he looked at Lin Lei and Beibei who were trying to speak but stopped!

“Wait for that person? Who is that person?”

Hearing that, Lord Death couldn’t help but feel a little confused, and didn’t understand what senior said!

After thinking for a while, she finally couldn’t think of a reason, so she simply ignored Lin Lei and Beibei next to her and asked, “You two are looking for me?”

“Yeah! I want to beg the Lord to help me revive my father and my friends!”

Seeing Lord Death finally took care of himself, Lin Lei couldn’t help but feel happy, but the expression on his face didn’t change at all!

“The two are resurrected?”

Hearing this, Lord Death couldn’t help but stunned, then stared at Lin Lei for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something, so he said: “Beirut told you this!

After all, she didn’t believe that Lin Lei would know that she could bring people back to life. Except for Beirut to tell him, Lord Death couldn’t think of where he got the news!

“I will dominate the lord, I was indeed told by the lord Beirut!

Hearing this, Lin Lei didn’t conceal it and responded directly!

Because, he knows, this kind of thing can’t scare Lord Death at all, and now he still asks her, if she knows that she is lying, and then goes with her hand, then she doesn’t know where to go to get together!

What’s more, even if you want to conceal it, I am afraid you can’t keep it.

“Senior! Do you know them both?”

After listening to Lin Lei’s words, Lord Death also nodded. It seemed that she had guessed well, but she still asked Qin Xuan next to her!

After all, if these two people have anything to do with senior, you have to let him know if Face is not, so it’s better to ask clearly!

“Shout! I met you a few days ago, but this is between you, don’t care about my feelings, do what you want in your heart!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan instantly understood her thoughts, so he said with a smile!

He and Lin Lei and the others did know each other for a few days, and they only met because of a bet. Therefore, he should not help Lin Lei too much to talk to him and make Death dominate him embarrassed!

After all, he and the Death ruler have known each other longer than Lin Lei and the others. To be precise, they are the god clones who know her. Therefore, if the two are compared with each other in Qin Xuan’s heart, it is easier for him to be the ruler of Death now!

“You go back! I can’t help you with this!”

Hearing this, the Death Lord smiled at Qin Xuan, then turned to Lin Lei and Beibei and said!


However, Lin Lei hadn’t spoken yet, and Bei Bei next to him interjected in dissatisfaction!

Beibei has been with Lin Lei for so long, and naturally knows how important his father is to him.

Therefore, Beibei now sees that Lord Death doesn’t even explain the reason, so he directly refuses, how can this make him stand it!

“Bebe! You shut up! Don’t apologize to Master Domination!”

Seeing Beibei dare to question Lord Death, Lin Lei couldn’t help but startled, so he hurriedly shouted at him! After speaking, he winked at him and motioned to him to apologize to Lord Death!

Starting from the cultivation of the Magnolia Continent, Lin Lei has seen so many tragic things, and in The Underworld, he even understood what cruelty is!

In the highest level of The Underworld, there are killings everywhere. Today you destroy my house, and tomorrow I will take revenge and destroy your house.

Therefore, Lin Lei has known a truth since he was young. As long as you are strong enough, what you say in this world is a truth, a definite number, and those who violate your words are against God’s will!

Because this is the strong respect, the weak eat the world!

So, now that Beibei dares to question Lord Death, Lin Lei is also afraid that the Lord Death can’t help it, and slaps the two to death!

At that time, let alone the resurrection of the father and them, I am afraid that I don’t even know the body of own, whether anyone will take it!

Who knows, after hearing what Bei Bei said, Lord Death didn’t feel angry at all. Instead, he laughed loudly, and then looked at Bei Bei like an idiot: “Haha! Why?”

“Why should I help you? We know, or you are my relatives or friends, and once I start this, if someone comes to me next time, should I help or not?”

Hearing this, Lin Lei couldn’t help being silent, because he knew that Lord Death said the truth!

Her relationship with her is just a stranger, why can she help herself?

Next to Beibei also choked herself, she didn’t know how to answer:

“It seems that I am thinking too good!”

After pondering for a while, Lin Lei couldn’t help but laugh at himself!

“The master! I’m sorry for how much we bother! So, then let’s say goodbye!” Lin Lei gave a wry smile, and then saluted the Death master, saying right!

It seems that “Let’s find other Lord Gods of The Netherworld, and see if they have any way to resurrect their fathers!” See, in Death dominates here, it’s impossible to resurrect their fathers, so Lin Lei thought I thought, why don’t you try to find another The Netherworld Lord God!

After speaking, Lin Lei gave Bei Bei a look, signaled that he was very up, and then turned around to leave!

“By the way! Don’t even think about looking for other gods, because to resurrect people, you need the heart of The Netherworld, and the heart of The Netherworld is now in my hands. As long as I don’t allow it, the Netherworld doesn’t have a god. Dare to disobey my words!

However, just as Lin Lei was about to turn around, Lord Death cast a glance at them, and then spoke again!

Hearing this, Lin Lei froze there, and the steps he was about to take have also retreated!

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