Chapter 278 Master? Why Are You Here?

Seeing that the corpse Immortal Emperor seemed to be ready to attack them, Liu Shen couldn’t help holding the token in his hand, and then looked at the corpse Immortal Emperor vigilantly!

They are now only the Cultivation Base of the Immortal Emperor, and the difference between the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor is too big, and now she can only rely on this, the token given by Qin Xuan!

Of course, if the ancestor raised his eyebrows Daoist’s consciousness again, it would be very easy to deal with this corpse immortal emperor!

But God Liu knew that this was impossible. The reason why he was able to summon the ancestors last time was mostly due to luck! “Ah! What happened to Shi Wu?”

When Liu Shen and Shi Yi were vigilant, suddenly they heard Huo Ling’er next to them exclaiming!

Hearing that, everyone followed the prestige, and saw Shi Hao, who was now full of black light, and these lights were quickly repairing his injuries!

With the blink of an eye, Shi Hao’s injury has been completely repaired, and the speed makes God Liu and the others a bit speechless!

“Haha! Fight! Let’s continue fighting!”

Shi Hao, who had just recovered, looked at the corpse and immortal emperor couldn’t help but rise up again!

After speaking, the person had already broken free of Huo Ling’er, and then rushed towards the corpse fairy emperor again!


Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help being shocked!

Shi Wu’s doing this is purely different from sending him to death, but no matter how everyone shouts, Shi Hao still rushes over quickly regardless of what they say!

Seeing that Shi Wu dared to rush towards him, Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help showing a trace of impatience on his face, and his eyes revealed that he stared at Shi Wu fiercely!

Although the corpse immortal emperor admires Shi Hao, this is not the reason for him to indulge in front of him.Now he is a little impatient, and his patience has been worn out!

This time, “Let me solve you all at once! Die to me! In front of absolute power, everything is vain!” The corpse fairy emperor yelled, and then punched Shi Wu who was rushing over. Out! It seems that he is ready to do his best!

At the moment when the corpse immortal emperor shook his fist, the chaotic aura suddenly surged, and a terrible aura ascending from his body, and diffused, covering the entire ultimate ancient land!

This time, God Liu and the others really felt down.The terrible immortal emperor’s tightness was just imposing, and it made them feel as if the sky was about to collapse, so that they were already quasi-immortal emperor Cultivation Base and couldn’t move anything!

The eyes of several people couldn’t help being filled with horror, and their hearts were even more desperate!

And Shi Hao, who was rushing toward the corpse fairy emperor, suddenly stiffened, and then he was frozen, where he was!

Then the whole body was trembling violently, as if being pressed by something very heavy, it actually started to bend down!

I saw that although Shi Hao still exuded a terrible fighting spirit, because of the imposing aura of the corpse immortal emperor this time, it was released against him, so a part of the aura enveloped him!

The sky is getting dark!

The chaotic air surged violently, the sky was full of thunder light, and the celestial light gradually rose with the aura of extinction!

The entire ultimate ancient land is like the end of the world, full of destruction!

These are all showing the corpse Immortal Emperor, the terrifying power of this punch!

These terrifying powers poured out quickly towards Shi Wu from mid-air!

Seeing this, the immovable Liu Shen and others below couldn’t help but feel even more desperate!

Under this fist, Shi Hao would definitely be destroyed, and although he and others did not face this fist directly, they were also enveloped by this terrifying power.After Shi Hao, he would definitely fall like him!


This punch seemed to be carrying the power of a big universe, blasting down towards Shi Wu!

He came to him in an instant, Shi Hao’s originally dark eyes, in front of this terrible face, unexpectedly recovered a trace of clarity, but only for an instant, his eyes were once again enveloped in darkness!

Everyone couldn’t help closing their eyes in despair, and now they were unable to fight back in front of this absolute power, they could only close their eyes in despair! But is that true?

There was only a broken sound, as if the space couldn’t withstand the strong pressure, and it shattered directly!

The terrifying power destroyed most of the ultimate ancient land at once!

“Huh! What’s going on!

After a while, the terrifying power also dissipated, and the world was restored to its original state again.The Liu Shen and the others didn’t need to open their eyes, and found that they and the others were safe and sound.

Then he couldn’t help looking at Shi Hao, and saw that he was just like himself and the others, standing there intact!

And he didn’t know when there was a token floating in front of him, and the token continued to emit a gray light!

The old man on the other side of the world also opened his eyes wide, as if he had seen something incredible!

Just when Liu Shen thought that he and others were about to fall and closed his eyes, the old man who destroyed the world really saw all this!

Just when the terrifying power was about to hit Shi Wu, suddenly, a gray light shot out of Liu Shen, then turned into a stream of light, and came to Shi Hao in an instant!

And when the terrible power touched this token, it was automatically divided, and it couldn’t hurt Shi Wu at all!

“Smelly boy! Don’t wake me up yet!”

At this time, the token emitting gray light suddenly heard a voice that only Shi Wu could hear!

In an instant, everything seemed to stop, and everything around was still!

At the moment this voice appeared, Shi Hao’s dark eyes suddenly disappeared!

Shi Hao was also completely awake now!

“Master? Why are you here? What’s wrong with me?” Shi Wu 640, who was completely awake, couldn’t help but looked around in confusion, wondering what happened!

He only remembered that he was fighting with a black dragon, but he didn’t know what was going on, he only felt that his eyes were blurred, and then his eyes went dark and he didn’t know anything!

Stinky boy “! I didn’t expect you to get lost so easily. I really feel your Losing face as a teacher!” Qin Xuan’s voice came from the token again!

“Um! Master! I still don’t know what happened?” Shi Hao said helplessly after hearing this!

He didn’t even know what happened, so why did his master say that he felt the Losing face for him!

“Boy! Do you remember the thing I gave you?” Qin Xuan passed it over again, but it was full of helplessness!


Shi Wu asked with a confused look!

Did the master give me anything? Why don’t I know?

“Asshole! In the lower realm, when you first went out to practice, didn’t you give you something as a teacher?” Qin Xuan scolded from the token!

“Uh! It turned out to be this! It took so long, I still remember it so clearly!” Seeing Qin Xuan seemed to be angry, Shi Hao shrank his neck involuntarily, and then whispered!

“You…you! Alas! Why did I accept you as an idiot disciple!” Although Shi Hao’s voice was small, how could he not hear from Qin Xuan’s Cultivation Base? Qin Xuan couldn’t help being silent. After a while, I can only sigh helplessly in the end!

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