Chapter 279 Immortal Emperor! Shi Wu Jun breakthrough!

“You…you! Alas! Why did I accept you as an idiot disciple!” Although Shi Hao’s voice was small, how could he not hear from Qin Xuan’s Cultivation Base? Qin Xuan couldn’t help being silent. Yes, I can only sigh helplessly in the end!

never mind”!”

“Originally, the thing I gave you was for you to slowly refine in the breakthrough fairy king Realm, but I didn’t expect you to just refine it into your body, and ignore the rest. I really don’t know how to say about you. NS!”

“If you had listened to me and refined that thing, even if it was a little bit, you wouldn’t lose so badly now!” Qin Xuan’s helpless voice came from the token!

“Um! Master, then I should have time for refining now!” Hearing this, Shi Hao showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and then asked cautiously!

Forget it! Let me help you refining! But brat, this is the last time. No matter what happens in the future, even if you die, I won’t help you again!” Qin Xuan said!

“Hehe! Thank you, Master!”

Hearing this, Shi Wu said with a smile!

“Oh! This thing was originally required for you to refining yourself, which is the best. This time I will help you refining for your teacher. As for the upper limit of your future achievements, maybe… Forget it, let’s not talk about it, you sit cross-legged. Let me help you refine it for you!” Qin Xuan sighed, then said, I can’t say anything at the end!

For the own apprentices, how does Qin Xuan not want them to be higher in the future, but this time he helped Shi Hao, unless there is some great opportunity in the future, otherwise it can only be limited to his own improved Nine Cycles mystery In the middle, I can’t jump out of this hurdle at all!

Shi Hao nodded, then crossed his legs and sat in the void!

Shi Hao disagrees with the words of his master. You must know that now he is the Cultivation Base of the Immortal Emperor. In this world, he is the top group of people. If it is in the breakthrough this time, he will be the Cultivation Base of the Immortal Emperor. !

Immortal emperor!

That’s the Immortal Emperor, at the level of the Immortal Emperor, I am the person at the top, let alone the current corpse immortal emperor, even if he is restored to the peak, he is completely worthy of him!

After Shi Hao sat cross-legged, the token floating in the void began to emit more dazzling light, and it suddenly became shrouded in Shi Wu!


Suddenly, Qin Xuan’s voice came out of the token again!

I saw that the black mysterious text that had disappeared unexpectedly appeared again!

And his pupils became pitch black again, and then that monstrous battle intent radiated from him once!

“Well! It’s all like this, you still dare to do strange things! Give me exercises!

Seeing this, I only heard Qin Xuan shout, and then the black mysterious text on Shi Wu’s body slowly faded!

An invisible aura started from Shi Wu’s body ascending, and began to spread to the outside, but at this time, a transparent mask enveloped the surroundings, enveloping the invisible aura, without revealing the slightest!

As time passes slowly!

Shi Wu’s aura became stronger and stronger, and even the surrounding space, under this powerful invisible aura, began to tremble violently, as if it would shatter at any time!

Shi Wu’s aura has surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor Corpse, but it also seems to have reached a zero point.As long as Ascension is a little bit, he will enter another world!

But with such a strong momentum, it is still impossible to break through the transparent mask, and it is all shrouded in it!

“Give me!

Qin Xuan shouted again!


Following Qin Xuan’s shout, there seemed to be something in Shi Hao’s body that suddenly shattered!

Shi Wu’s aura suddenly skyrocketed, and his whole body exuded a dazzling light, suddenly illuminating the entire ultimate ancient land, and it continued to spread!

After a while, it spread to the sea of ​​bounds!

And quickly passed through the sea, and then Nine Heavens ten places, foreign land, lower realm, and the entire Universe were enveloped by this soft light!

Shi Hao opened his eyes. They were a pair of very plain eyes, as if the world could not attract the slightest attention from him. But when you look at it secretly again, you will find that the plain contains infinite majesty, as if the whole world is contained in those eyes.

And his pupils are as deep as a Star! Vast as a universe! As if the whole world is under control! A divine light flashes from the depths of the deep eyes, like a comet whose tail flame is unstoppable, full of domineering, and penetrates the soul, making people dare not dare. Look straight!

“So strong! Is this the Immortal Emperor?”

Shi Wu felt the power in his body, and was shocked in his heart!

It is a feeling that makes him change the color of the world with one thought; the blood spills on the sky with one mind, as if one thought will give rise to the world, and one thought can destroy the world, as if the entire universe is revolving around him, and everything in the world is controlled. In his hands!


Just as Shi Hao was feeling the powerful power he had suddenly received, a sudden force that he could not resist, hit him directly from his head, and suddenly fell to the ground!

He had to wake up from that beautiful fantasy!

“Ah! Master, what are you doing!”

Shi Wu stood up, then shouted at the token!

“Smelly boy! I just got a little bit of strength and started to get familiar, right! I am here to make you sober! lest you get too bloated!” Seeing Shi Wu roaring again and again, Qin Xuan’s indifferent voice came from the token!

“You! Master! You are jealous of such a strong power that I suddenly gained!” Shi Hao roared again angrily!

“Jealous? Ah! Are you jealous of your sudden gain of powerful power? Brat, you can only get your power if I help you refine you!”

“Okay! I am really jealous! How about the two of us come to practice and see how powerful the power you just gained!” Hearing this, Qin Xuan’s sneer voice came out from the token again!

“Um! Master, don’t need it! I think it’s okay, don’t bother Master, you can do it yourself!” Seeing this, Shi Wu couldn’t help but shook his head and said:

(Wang’s “Really not necessary? But you know it’s hard to try it out by yourself! If it’s not for the teacher to try it for you!”

“Uh! Really don’t need it! Master, you can just let me try it by myself!” Hearing this, Shi Hao waved his hand again!

Just kidding, if you really compete with this unscrupulous master, you will definitely not be able to eat! Then you will have to peel off your skin if you don’t die!

Just now, I didn’t react at all, so I took a slap and looked at it.It seems that although I breakthrough the Immortal Emperor Realm, I am still far from this unscrupulous master!

Could it be that only when the Nine Cycles mystery cultivation reaches the Nine Cycles, can you have a chance to compete with your master?

But now I’m only at the eighth level. If you want to cultivate to the ninth level, you don’t know how long and how long! You know, the more difficult the Cultivation Base is, the more difficult it will be ascension! The longer it will take!

Shi Hao thought in his heart that in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

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