Chapter 277

Just as Liu Shen and the old man Mieshi were asking about what happened to Huo Ling’er, a roar suddenly came from the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land!

The heavy responsibilities present glanced at each other, and then rushed towards it!

Inside the ultimate ancient land!

Shi Wu lay on the ground, his whole body covered with scars, his blood stained the earth red!

But that’s it, Shi Hao still held on, trying to stand up, but because the injury on his body was too serious, he just climbed halfway and fell down again!

“Let me give you a ride! It can be regarded as an acknowledgment of you!”

Seeing this, the black-robed man’s eyes gradually became stern, then raised his fist and punched the scarred Shi Wu on the ground!

This punch carries the will to destroy everything, and the space is shattered wherever it goes!

Even the four people of God Willow who were coming, felt the will to destroy, all their faces changed!

The four people came to the battlefield and saw the dying stone, “Six 40 Zero” and falling to the ground!

The faces of Liu Shen, Huo Ling’er, and Shi Yi became even more ugly, because they felt that the punch that ruined the world was directed at Shi Hao. If Shi Hao was hit by this punch, absolutely Fall down with this!

“Shi Hao!

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er didn’t say a word, so she rushed over, trying to use her own body to stand in front of Shi Hao!

But the speed of this ruining punch was too fast, and it was too late for the three of them to make a move!

Seeing that this punch was about to hit Shi Hao, in desperation, God Liu directly took out the token given by Qin Xuan, and then threw it forward!

I saw the token penetrated time and space like a stream of light, and came to Shi Hao’s body at once!

And the punch that ruined the world, when it encountered this token, it disappeared without any sound!


Seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man!

He also couldn’t think of own’s punch, it was blocked so easily!

The Liu Shen, Shi Yi and others on the other side couldn’t help but breathe out after seeing the blow that ruined the world and the earth was blocked!

“Shi Wu Shi Wu! Are you okay!”

Huo Ling’er came to Shi Hao’s side, helped him up, and then shouted in a hurry!

“Come! I’m fighting! Fighting! Fighting!

However, Shi Hao seemed to be still immersed in his own world.He couldn’t hear Huo Ling’er’s call, his eyes still exuded warfare, and he kept yelling in a low voice!

“Shi Hao! Shi Wu! What’s wrong with you? Hurry up and wake up!”

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but feel even more anxious, so she shook Shi Hao vigorously, hoping to wake him up!

At this time, God Liu and Shi Yi also came to Shi Hao, and looked at the black robe man in mid-air with vigilant faces!

Linger “! How is Shi Wu?”

While Liu Shen was vigilant, he asked Huo Ling’er!

“I don’t know! Shi Hao seems to be lost by something!”

Although Huo Ling’er was anxious, he still replied!


Hearing that, Liu Shen and Shi Yi couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.When they reach their Realm, which one is not a person with a firm heart, and Shi Wu is one of the best!

But now Shi Wu actually didn’t know what was lost by something, so how can I not let them be confused!

“Late! I didn’t expect someone to come!”

Seeing the willow gods, the black robe man’s face couldn’t help but feel a little different!

However, his gaze stared at the token floating in mid-air with vigilance from beginning to end!

Although he didn’t know what the token was, he felt a fatal threat from the token!

On the other side, after seeing the black-robed man, the old man who destroyed the world was in the same body, and then his whole body was stunned, and he kept muttering in his mouth: “He is actually resurrected! What should I do! What should I do now? ”

“Huh! I didn’t expect that among the people who came this time, there was actually an acquaintance!”

At this time, the black-robed man also saw the Old Man Destroyer, a hint of surprise flashed across his face, but he quickly recovered, so he looked at the Old Man Destroyer and said!

“Uh! I have seen the Immortal Emperor Corpse!”

Seeing the black-robed man looking at him, the old man of Destroyed World couldn’t help but bowed and saluted, and then said!

“Yeah! I remember you, you are the ancestor of the Jiuyou Ji clan, you seem to be called Mieshi, right?” The black robe man nodded at Mieshi’s old man, and then asked!

“Your Excellency Huixiandi! Yes!”

The Old Man Destroyer replied respectfully!

“Aah! What do you mean by coming here this time? Is it the same as them, coming here to get rid of my source?” Immortal Corpse Emperor looked at him and continued to ask!

“No! No! Your Excellency Immortal Emperor, I am not with them, I am here just to find out who the aura of the last time was that can actually wake me up!” Hearing this, the old man killed the world hastily Waved his hand, then explained!

He believed that if he nodded his head, the man in front of him would definitely kill himself with a slap!

“The imposing master?”

Seeing that the old man who died of the world actually came for this matter, the face of the Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help but say different things!

How could he not know that aura? You know, that aura came from the sea of ​​bounds at that time!

He also wanted to check the momentum, but he didn’t dare. After feeling the momentum, he felt as if the sky was falling down, as if the master who exuded the momentum could pinch to death like an ant with just one finger. Own!

At the same time, he had to admire the old man in front of him!

Admire his thirst for knowledge, and admire him for not even his life in order to find out the truth!

“Old Man Destroyer! Do you know this person?”

At this time, God Liu had already asked Huo Ling’er to support Shi Hao, and then saw the man in the black robe in mid-air talking to the old man who killed the world, he couldn’t help but become curious, so he asked!

“Yeah! Know! He is the first corpse immortal emperor to cultivate to the immortal emperor Realm from ancient times to the present!” Hearing this, the old man nodded, and then introduced to the willow god!

Regarding the Liushen’s ability to save people from the corpse immortal emperor, the old man who destroyed the world was also very shocked, knowing that although they are of the quasi immortal emperor level, if they are the strong of the immortal emperor Realm, if they want to deal with them, it is more than pinched to death. An ant is not much difference!

At the same time, I was horrified at the treasures of God Liu. The previous section of willow branches can easily suppress the time and space storm!

Unexpectedly, it was another token this time, and it could easily block the immortal emperor’s blow. Next time she would come up with stronger treasures! Where did she get these treasures!

The Old Man Destroyer couldn’t help guessing in his heart!

Not only the old man who died of the world was curious, even the corpse fairy 0.8 emperor in the air was also very curious in his heart!

To know that the blow he made just now, but used five levels of strength, this is also a respect for Shi Hao, but it is his five levels of strength that the punch was so easily blocked by a token! How not to make him curious!

“Your token is good! Where did you get it?” Thinking of this, the Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help showing curiosity, and then looked at Liu Shen and asked!

“What do you want to do?

Seeing the black-robed man asking himself, Liu Shen couldn’t help holding the token tightly, and then asked vigilantly!

“Don’t worry! I don’t even bother to snatch things from your junior! However, they are here! That means they came to destroy me. In that case, I can’t blame you for taking action!” Seeing this, the Emperor Corpse couldn’t help but shake He shook his head and said, but in the end, his eyes became sharp again!

In an instant, the surrounding temperature began to drop, a breath of murder spread, and the atmosphere on the court became extremely delicate!

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