Chapter 271: Finally Seeing the Source!

But they said that Shi Wu and the three people encountered a rotten wooden box in the ultimate ancient land, and there was a creature in the rotten wooden box, and the creature warned them to let them leave!

But as soon as the words of the creature fell, they were destroyed by a terrifying and destructive force from the deepest part of the ultimate ancient land!

“Who are you?

The three of Shi Wu stared warily, the creature coming out of the rotten wooden box!

“Am I? I can’t remember who I am. The years are too long. I am just a remnant soul, a trace of the imprint of the soul, and the sound coming out of the rotten wooden box seems a little melancholy, distressed, and confused. Then he said slowly!

“Remnant soul?”

Shi Wu and the three looked at each other, borrowing from each other’s-eyes to see the hesitation!

A remnant soul can survive in this ultimate ancient land, so Shi Wu and the others don’t doubt it!

You must know that the ultimate ancient land is full of dark matter, and the souls of creatures are equally fragile. If they are infested by those dark matter, they will be frightened in an instant! First release…

But this remnant soul actually said that he had lived here for countless years, how could this make them believe it!

“Why didn’t you let us in, you know, now that the dark matter is invaded everywhere outside, if we don’t enter and solve the source, I’m afraid the whole world will fall to death!”

Huo Ling’er looked at the remnant soul and said!

“Aha! Solve it? If it can be solved as simple as this, since the ages, there won’t be so many strong men who have fallen here!” Hearing this, the remnant soul couldn’t help but chuckled, and then said helplessly!

“What is inside? Where did these dark substances come from?”

Shi Yi asked again!

“A mutilated body! A half-dead person!” The remnant soul was silent for a long time before saying! The voice is full of melancholy and pain!

A mutilated body?

A half-dead person?

The three looked at each other, wondering what the remnant soul was talking about!

“You should go back!”

The remnant soul said again!

We “can’t go back! No matter what’s in it, we must go in!”

Shi Wu said firmly in his eyes:

“Oh! Is it still the same?”

Hearing this, the remnant soul couldn’t help sighing!


Shi Wu and all three were puzzled! I don’t know what this remnant soul meant!

But no one can answer their doubts!

The temple slowly fell into silence again, and the remnant soul gradually disappeared, leaving only a helpless sigh!

“Let’s go in!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao shook his head, and then said!

After speaking, continue to walk inside!

As the three of Shi Wu move forward, the dark matter will become more dense!

Under this dense dark matter, Shi Wu and the others began to feel the pressure gradually, and the resistance to forward was getting greater and greater!

Unconsciously, the three of them couldn’t help but raise a protective mask, which isolates the dark matter from the outside!

One year has passed!

Those dark matter almost became liquid, and Shi Wu and the three of them couldn’t see the road ahead with their naked eyes, they could only detect it with Divine Sense!

And as you move forward, be careful to prevent your own Divine Sense from being infested by these dark substances!

Suddenly, Shi Hao felt a throbbing in his body, and he couldn’t help but stop!

“what’s wrong?”

Seeing Shi Hao stop suddenly, Lingerhuo and Shi Yi also looked at him in confusion!

“It’s okay! We continue to move forward, we feel that the final destination is about to arrive!” Hearing this, Shi Hao shook his head and said!

After speaking, continue to move forward!

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi were also full of doubts, but they also followed!

However, the two of them didn’t notice, Shi Hao, who was walking forward, was full of worries and worries in his eyes!

After walking for a while, the three of Shi Hao finally stopped. They saw a layer of black light covering the vast territory in front of them.

In it, it was dim and vague, and a rough outline could be seen vaguely.

“There is still a creature here!”

Seeing this, the three of Shi Hao were shocked in their hearts!

In the middle of the magnificent territory, there was a huge humanoid creature, more magnificent than the mountain. He was sitting on a stone chair, lying on his back, his body mutilated.

We “go over!

Shi Wu and the three people suppressed the shock in their hearts, and then walked towards the huge humanoid creature!

Now that they are here, they can’t help but retreat and hesitate, no matter what is in front of them, they can’t stop them!

Finally, Shi Hao and the three came to the huge humanoid creature. This time they saw it really. Under the blood-colored dusk, in the desolate rocky mountains, the black mist was surging, and a giant was lying on his back on the emperor chair polished by the stone mountain.

He was completely dark, and his physique seemed to rot. I don’t know how long he died. The corpse was still exuding rich dark matter, and those dark matter kept pouring out of the giant’s corpse!

“Difficult… Is this the source of dark matter?”

Shi Yi’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief!

“It should be!

Although Shi Hao was also very shocked in his heart, he said very calmly on his face!

“Could it be that this corpse is the corpse that the remnant soul just mentioned?” Lingerhuo said suddenly!

0……Look for flowers……

“What about the half-dead?”

Huo Ling’er said in confusion again!

“In the boundless territory here, you can’t even see an animal, so there is no half-dead person!” Shi Yi looked around, then shook his head and said!

After speaking, the three of them suddenly became stiff, and then they all turned to look at the huge corpse!

“It’s not that the half-dead person is pointing at this corpse, right?”

The three of them secretly said in their hearts!

Sure enough, in the darkness, the corpse opened a pair of hollow eyes, staring at them.

Sure enough, this creature is not dead!

Seeing this, the three of them were shocked involuntarily, and then stared at the corpse and became vigilant!



A weird voice sounded!


I saw the corpse sitting upright slowly, but the hollow eyes were still staring at the three people, Shi Wu!


Dead still!

Seeing this scene, the three of them couldn’t help but feel some scalp tingling, and their hairs stood up instantly!

A weird aura is enveloping the three people, Shi Wu, and the three of them can’t help but feel hairy!

“Who are you!”

Shi Wu watched the corpse guardly, and then asked!

As soon as the words fell silent, there was a majestic Divine Sense fluctuations, telling them that if they were to attract living beings and attract vitality, they could send them a verse of the immortal emperor.

What? Bringing creatures here, isn’t this just letting you fall into the darkness?

You must know that the three of them are here, but just to solve this dark source, how could the three of them still attract living creatures here!

So the three of them didn’t even think about it, so they refused decisively.

“Later, do you want to marry a great Karma with an immortal emperor?” An indifferent voice came. The corpse was opening its mouth and could make a sound.

“Even if we form Karma with you, we will never help to attract your creatures!”

Shi Wu said firmly!

“Disrespect to the immortal emperor! Danger!”

Seeing that the three of Shi Wu actually refused, the empty eyes of the corpse became even darker!

An invisible aura shot out from the hollow eyes, and suddenly came to the three of Shi Wu!

I saw Shi Wu step forward, and his body instantly turned into a giant of ten thousand feet, several times larger than a corpse, and suddenly stood in front of Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi!



The invisible air machine slammed into the giant’s body in an instant, exuding the sound of gold and stone collision!

In an instant, the giant giant seemed to be hit by a powerful force, and flew out! Eight,

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