Chapter 270 Entering the Ultimate Ancient Land!

The ultimate ancient land!

There are many old temples lined up here, and the entire ultimate ancient land is filled with unknown dark matter!

Among them, the deepest part of the ultimate ancient land, the diffuse dark matter, appears more concentrated!



Endless darkness!

“Is it here? The source of everything?”

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared, and the figure in the middle looked around, and then said!

“I don’t know! But the dark matter here is rich and strong, it shouldn’t be wrong!” Another figure replied!

These three figures are Shi Hao, Shi Yi, and Huo Ling’er who have crossed the boundary sea and came here!

“This place should have been very prosperous before. I didn’t expect that it would not be able to dodge the test of time in the end!

Looking at the old temples and the dilapidated houses around, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help sighing!

“That place should be the source of everything!” Shi Hao looked at the deepest part of the ultimate ancient land, and said with a solemn expression!

“Yeah! What a rich dark substance!”

Hearing this, Shi Yi also nodded and said!

“Go! Let’s go over!”

After speaking, the three of them flew away in the direction of the darkest matter!

The three of Shi Wu didn’t go far, they were about to reach the deepest part of the ultimate ancient land.

In the distance, shining brightly, there is a 607 monument, not too high, white as jade, and Sacred is flawless.

This is the end of the clusters of ancient temples, and further forward there will be a strange wave of power.

“Huh! This is?”

Feeling that weird power fluctuations came from the dominoes, Shi Wu and the others couldn’t help but stop!

“A cultivation Cultivation Technique?”

The three of them came to the dominoes and looked at them. Shi Hao said in a little surprise that the words were carved out one by one!

“We have all become the quasi immortal emperor, this Cultivation Technique has little meaning to us, only reference value.

“It’s true!”

Hearing this, Shi Yi and Lingerhuo couldn’t help but nodded in agreement!

“Hey! Shi Hao, look at the dominoes that are actually carved with something!”

Suddenly, Huo Ling’er seemed to have discovered something and couldn’t help exclaiming!

“Really carved something!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao and Shi Yi followed Huo Ling’er’s gaze and saw some small characters engraved below!

These small prints are so small that they are almost invisible with the naked eye!

“The Indestructible Old Man, Emperor Yu, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong… are these strong people who have been here in the past and have left their own cultivation experience under this domino?”

Shi Yi looked at the words under the dominoes, which were almost invisible to the naked eye, and couldn’t help but say!

“Well! The people who can come here are at least the powerhouses of the quasi-immortal emperor level, but after all, they are following the path of the predecessors, and ultimately they cannot surpass it!”

Shi Wu sighed!

“Shi Hao, Shi Yi! How about we are also on this domino, keeping our own cultivation experience, and the method! How about?” Huo Ling’er looked at the domino in front of him and suddenly suggested!


Hearing this, Shi Hao and Shi Yi couldn’t help but nodded in agreement!

After finishing speaking, I saw Shi Hao unexpectedly appear behind him, a huge figure, this figure looks very much like Shi Wu himself, if he is not too huge, it will definitely make people think that it is Shi Hao himself!

The huge figure that just appeared, suddenly burst out a shocking battle intent, and this shocking battle intent instantly dissipated the surrounding dark matter!

After dispelling the dark matter, that shocking fighting spirit shrouded the dominoes in front of you, and then the fighting intent ceased to penetrate the bone, as the fighting intent continued to penetrate into the bone, and the dominoes. Actually began to slowly show the words Shi Hao!

And Huo Ling’er next to him suddenly burned with a golden flame, and the temperature was infinitely increased in an instant, and the surrounding dark matter was burned out by the golden flame!


There was a whining!

Behind Huo Ling’er, there were Phoenix burning golden flames. This Phoenix burning golden flames rose into the air at once, flew around in the air, and printed all around them in red.

Then he rushed to the dominoes, and suddenly did not penetrate the bone cards, and the three big characters Huo Ling’er gradually appeared on the dominoes!

On the other side, Shi Yi had double pupils appearing in his eyes. (agai) In the double pupils, the heavens and the earth were refining the mysterious yellow, the ground, the water, the wind and the fire, the surrounding space began to tremble violently, as if it would shatter at any time.

Suddenly, a wave of fluctuations actually spread from the double pupil, and then did not penetrate the bone card, and the two big characters Shi Yi were also left on the domino!

“Ah! No matter whether we can go back or not this time, we still have a way out for future generations!”

Shi Wu looked at the two people next to him and said with a smile!

“It should be!

The two nodded back!

“Okay! We should go in too! Go and see the source of all this, what is it!”

Shi Wu looked towards the deepest part of the dark matter, his expression could not help being solemn!

“Junior! That place is not for you to enter! Get out!”

At this moment, behind the three of Shi Hao, a Divine Sense suddenly came out, as if to warn him like this.

The three people of Shi Wu Huo turned their heads and looked at the most magnificent ancient temple in the distance. There was a rotten wooden box, and a rotten wooden box would actually be enshrined in the most magnificent ancient temple.

The three of Shi Wu stared at this rotten wooden box, because they knew that the warning just now came from this rotten wooden box!

Moreover, they actually felt a soul fluctuation from this rotten wooden box!

There are creatures in this rotten wooden box?

But who is actually in a rotten wooden box?

Or does he want to hide inside?

Many doubts arose in Shi Wu’s hearts, and these doubts finally condensed into one sentence: “Who are you? Why are you here?”

But for the three people’s questions, the creatures in the rotten wooden box seemed to be silent, and there was no intention to answer them at all! The first…

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help looking at each other, and then shook his head one after another, and then he was ready to go ahead!

Stop “Let’s turn your head back, otherwise, you will be eroded by him! At this time”, the rotten wooden box in the rear came out again.

“Who are you?”

Hearing this, the three of Shi Hao stopped again, then stared at the rotten wooden box and asked!


The next moment, infinite divine light erupted from the depths of the ultimate ancient land, all black light, blasting towards the rotten wooden box.

That kind of power is heart palpitating, and the three of Shi Wu are a little moved. It contains the spirit of the immortal emperor, and the power is superb, this is a vast power.

The rotten wooden box is cracked!


The rotten wooden box suddenly exploded, rain and rain bursts, and it was extremely gorgeous, covering it, as if the most Sacred thing was born.

When everything calmed down, a temple appeared, ancient and mysterious, with a sense of vicissitudes of history. It was wooden, and it was old and extraordinary.

The three Shi Wu looked into the temple and were surprised when they saw the scene inside, because they saw a creature sitting cross-legged in this oldest temple.

It was a cloud of light, enveloping a creature, and it was shrouded in mist. It sat there, and opened its eyes suddenly, giving people a mysterious feeling.

I can’t feel the vast power, but it is absolutely extraordinary!.

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