Chapter 272 Fight!

However, he said that Shi Hao turned into a giant of ten thousand meters and stood in front of Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi, wanting the two to help block this invisible aura!

But Shi Wu didn’t expect that the invisible Qi machine shot by the corpse but the sword eye would be so strong that it instantly turned Shi Wu into a giant of ten thousand meters, knocked out and hit the ground!


Cracks spread in the earth!

“Shi Wu! Are you okay!”

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but shouted anxiously!


In an instant, Shi Wu stood up, then resumed his original appearance and said!

I saw Shi Wu’s chest, there was a long trace, and there was a trace of blood on that trace!

Shi Yi, who has fought with Shi Wu, naturally knows how terrifying Shi Hao’s defense is. When Shi Hao uses Faxiang Tiandi, standing in place and letting him attack, it will be difficult for him to break through Shi Hao’s defense, unless Shi Hao Hao exhausted all his energy!

“Oh! It’s okay to receive my sword “Six Two Three”! It seems that the latecomers who came this time are much better than before! “Seeing Shi Wu unexpectedly walked back like a okay person, A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the corpse!

Don’t look at Shi Wu coming back without any injury, but his heart is also full of shock. Since the cultivation technique and cultivation taught by the master reaches the seventh level of Dzogchen, Shi Wu feels that it is difficult to have anything in this world. I can hurt myself!

But now, by a sword eye of a half-dead person, the defense was broken.

How can this not shock him!

“Haha! How many years! Junior! Among the people who came to you, you are the only one who can give me a little interest! Picking me up!” Seeing this, the corpse sitting on the stone chair couldn’t help but haha. laugh it out!

After speaking, a black mist broke out in an instant, turned into a black dragon for a day, and rushed towards Shi Hao!

“Haha! Good coming!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but laughed in excitement, and then turned into a giant of ten thousand meters again, slamming a punch at the black dragon that rushed over!


“Wok! Wok! Wok!”

In an instant! Shi Wu fought with the black dragon, and in an instant, a sound like a collision between gold and stone resounded through the sky!

Turn upside down.

Great momentum!

The aftermath of the collision shattered the earth and tore the space!

If it weren’t for the situation in the Ultimate Ancient Land a bit special, otherwise the momentum of the war would have spread throughout the world!

“Haha! I haven’t been so excited for a long time!”

After knocking the black dragon back with one punch, Shi Hao smiled excitedly!

Mainly, this black dragon transformed from the black mist is too strong for defense!

Since cultivating the improved version of Nine Cycles mystery, no matter who fights against him, they can only dodge, and there is no such thing as a fight to the flesh as they are now!

I don’t know how many years, Shi Hao has almost forgotten this feeling, and now it is hard to come across, this black dragon transformed from the black mist, how can he not fight a battle!

War! War! War!


I saw that Shi Hao suddenly shouted, his voice resounding through the sky!

The fighting spirit rose to the sky, and immediately enveloped the entire ultimate ancient land.The ten thousand zhang giant exuded the eternal atmosphere, and then rushed forward to the black giant!

“Oh! What a shocking intent to fight! What magical powers does this junior use? I have never seen it before!”

The corpse looked at Shi Hao strangely!

However, this difference was only for a moment, and then he commanded the black dragon again and issued a more violent attack on Shi Hao!

On the edge of the battlefield, Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi were shocked when they saw the battle between the two!

A series of huge spatial cracks appeared around the two of them, and the terrible time and space storms permeated the spatial cracks. Turn to ashes!

The battle continues!

As time passes slowly!

Shi Hao’s fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger!

His face became more excited!

If anyone noticed it, Shi Wu’s eyes must have flashed from time to time, as black as ink, full of destruction, unknown and other negative auras!

“Huh! Is it infested?”

As the battle between the two continued, the corpse also realized that something was wrong with Shi Hao!

It seems a bit like being infested by black matter!

“No! This breath is not something dark matter can hold! What the hell is this?” Suddenly the corpse caught the breath on Shi Wu’s body, and instantly shook his head!

“Haha! Come again!

Shi Wu yelled in excitement, and then rushed up again!

At this time, Shi Wu’s eyes didn’t know when he was as dark as ink!


Endless darkness!

In Shi Wu’s eyes, there was no trace of color, only endless darkness!

Shi Hao’s transformation into a huge giant has also begun to permeate various unknown auras, such as slaughter, destruction, etc.!

“What exactly is this?”

The corpse said with a shocked face, and his eyes were full of horror!

He wasn’t shocked by Shi Wu’s strength. You know, he hasn’t really made a full shot yet. If he uses his full strength, he believes that taking down this junior in front of him is just a matter of effort!

What really shocked him was the kind of breath that permeated this junior!

He can feel that the dark matter he currently holds, in front of this kind of breath, does not buy the same level at all, just like a little dust in the universe…

You know, the dark matter he holds now comes from that drop of blood!

The corpse thought of the drop of blood, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, it was the drop of blood that made him like this!

It feels ridiculous to think about it, a dignified immortal emperor, a person standing on the top of the world, was actually rendered immortal by a drop of blood from an unknown source!

But now, from that drop of blood, I haven’t felt the terrible breath brought by this junior!

It was like destroying everything in the world, and the intent to fight was even more earth-shattering.He couldn’t even think of what else in the world, so terrible!


I saw Shi Hao slam out a fist, and instantly knocked the black dragon out, then bullied himself up, came to the top of the black dragon, and suddenly shook his fists continuously!

“Ha ha!”

Shi Wu smiled excitedly, no! Shi Wu can’t be said to be excited now, but tyrannical! Cruel!

“What’s the matter with Shi Wu? Normally he is not like this at all!” Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi on the edge of the 0.8 battle also found that Shi Wu was a little different from the same!

Suddenly, he has become more violent, too excited?

But the two of them can’t get close to the battlefield at all. I am afraid that if they approach it in twos, they will be seriously injured by the aftermath in an instant! They can only be anxious on the edge of the battlefield!

“Junior! Although I don’t know exactly what that breath is! But you can fight with me until now, and it makes me look at you with admiration!” The corpse looked at the black dragon gradually darkening, and temporarily suppressed the horror in his heart. Said Shi Hao!

“Haha! Come on! Come again! We are continuing to fight!”

But Shi Wu seemed to be unable to hear it, still waving his fists excitedly, the dim black dragon that continued to attack!


Seeing this, the corpse couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed!

There seemed to be disappointment and excitement in his voice, as if the current Shi Hao could finally let him bring up a hint of fighting spirit!

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