Chapter 269 The Final Destination

Time slowly passed, and nearly hundreds of thousands of years had passed since the sudden appearance of the dark matter. In these hundreds of thousands of years, someone finally found a way to deal with this dark matter!

It’s just that where this method came from, everyone has no way to find out.They only know that there is a formation that can deal with dark matter, and this method of formation has spread all over the world at once!

It can’t be said to deal with, it can only be said to be trapped, that is, to isolate those places that have been invaded by dark substances, use formation to isolate them, and prevent those dark substances from coming out of it, that’s all right!

But this is not a long-term solution. Over the past ten thousand years, those big powers have consumed many resources to be able to besiege the dark matter, and these formations can’t last too long!

Boundary sea!

On the dam!

Four figures suddenly appeared! To be precise, there was also a dog!

“Is it here?”

One of the four figures suddenly said!

“Well! This is it! As long as you cross the boundary sea, you can find the source!”

The other nodded and replied!

“Hundreds of thousands of years! We have been investigating for hundreds of thousands of years, but I want to see what kind of monsters, ghosts, and snakes are at the source, which actually wasted so much time for me!” The figure who spoke first again Said!

These four people and one dog are Shi Wu Huoling’er and the others.After hundreds of thousands of years of investigation, they have finally found out that the source of everything is opposite them.How can this not make them excited and sigh!

In these hundreds of thousands of years, Shi Hao, Huo Ling’er, and Shi Yi’s Cultivation Base have all broken through to the level of the Cultivation Base. Among them, Shi Wu is the most peak Cultivation Base of the Cultivation Base, but no matter how he is. Efforts, it means that the barriers of the immortal emperor’s promotion to the immortal emperor’s level can’t be broken through!

Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi both broke through to the quasi-immortal emperor level not long ago, and they have stabilized!

And Cao Yusheng and the little black dog, Cultivation Base also has the level of the fairy king, and only one step can break through the Cultivation Base of the immortal emperor!

The reason why their Cultivation Base can Ascension is so fast is mainly because they got a lot of good things from Shi Hao’s master Qin Xuan.

“Cao Yusheng, and you black dog! Just stay outside and don’t need to go in with us!” Shi Hao turned to look at Cao Yusheng and the little black dog, and said!

“Huh? No need for us to follow in?”

Hearing this, Cao Yusheng and the little black dog were taken aback for a moment, and then asked uncertainly!

“Hey! Your Cultivation Base is too low! You don’t need to go in!” Shi Hao said affirmatively!

“Xiu, Cultivation Base is too low?

When Shi Hao said that the Cultivation Base of the two of them was too low, Cao Yusheng and the little black dog couldn’t help but froze there!

Is our Cultivation Base too low? We must know that Cao Yusheng and Little Black Dog are immortal kings who are infinitely close to the immortal emperor, but they are the Cultivation Base, so they are still too low in Shi Hao’s mouth?

If someone from the outside world knows, Shi Hao will definitely be sprayed to death. Both of them are the Immortal King Cultivation Base, and it is still too low. Do we have no Cultivation Base? Is there any reason for this? Immortal!


Seeing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help laughing!

Even Shi Yi beside him couldn’t help but smile!

“Okay! It’s so decided! After we go in, the outside will be handed over to you two! Ling’er, Shi Yi, let’s go in!” But Shi Wu didn’t care about the mood of the two at all, and waved his hand. , Said to Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi!

After speaking, Shi Hao flew directly into Boundary Sea!

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi also reduced their smiles, and then followed!

“Dead dog! Did I hear you wrong just now! Shi Wu actually said that our Cultivation Base is too low!”

After returning to his senses, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but look at the little black dog next to him, and then asked stiffly!

“I heard it too!”

The little black dog replied!

“Ah! Shi Hao, who was killed this day! I dare to insult me ​​like that! You know, I’m just one step short of being able to break through the Quasi Immortal Emperor level. Is this Cultivation Base still low?” After getting the little black dog’s answer, Cao Yusheng once again Jumped up and shouted!

“Okay! Okay! It’s fine if you are used to it! Anyway, this is not the first time to say it!” Hearing this, the little black dog also had an indifferent expression, and then said indifferently!

“Huh! Isn’t there any anger in your heart?” Cao Yusheng asked involuntarily when the little black dog looked like he was indifferent!

“Angry? What’s your anger?”

The little black dog asked without knowing it!

“Shi Hao!”

“Cut! What’s so angry about this! Isn’t Shi Hao’s right? And, you have to know, the reason why we can be in the current Cultivation Base is not because of him?” The little black dog cut, and then Seeing Cao Yusheng said disdainfully!

To know that Shi Hao is the quasi-immortal emperor Dzogchen level, the immortal king Cultivation Base is indeed too low for him!

“Uh! It seems too late! Then why am I angry?” Wen Yan couldn’t help scratching his head, and then said in agreement!

“Okay! Let’s go back!”

The little black dog said to Cao Yusheng!

After that, Cao Yusheng, who was still stupefied, turned around and flew away!

“Hey! Dead dog! Wait for me!”

Seeing the little black dog flying far by himself, Cao Yusheng directly threw away the question in his mind, then yelled, and ran after him!

Emperor City!

Inside the manor!

“Shen Liu! Shi Wu and the others have already gone to Jiehai! You hold this token to keep up with them, this time their opponents are not easy, maybe they may not be able to solve it!” Qin Xuan Chong Liu Shen ordered!

After speaking, the two-word token was handed to God Liu!

“Token? Is there anything special?”

Liu Shen took the token handed over by Qin Xuan, and after reading it over and over again, he didn’t find anything special about the token, so he couldn’t help asking!

“Oh! There is nothing special (Wang’s Zhao), it’s just that there is a breath of me on it!” Qin Xuan said no without concealing it!


Hearing that, Liu Shen didn’t continue to ask, he turned around and walked outside!

“I hope God Liu can hurry up, otherwise Shi Hao’s stinky boy will suffer. Although he is only a weak hypocrite, he still touches the threshold of the Realm of Sage, not just a few quasi immortal emperors. , It can be dealt with!” Seeing that Liu Shen has disappeared, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but muttered playfully!

“But after this incident, that kid Shi Hao should be able to absorb it completely, right?”

“Hey! There is a good show this time!

Thinking of this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smile, and then said to himself!

After speaking, I saw Qin Xuan stretch out his hand, and a scene appeared in front of him.In this scene were Shi Hao, Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi, and they were flying forward quickly!

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