Chapter 266: Is There a Problem in the World of Covering the Sky?

But Ye Fan saw that the person in front of him denied that he was not Duan De, but was named Cao Yusheng. Ye Fan was also a little angry about this. He had to know that even if people were changing, his soul aura would never change.

I have known Duan De for so many years, how could he not remember the breath of his soul?

“Cao Yusheng? Impossible, even if you turn to ashes, the scent on your body can’t be hidden from me! You are Duan De’s unscrupulous Taoist priest! Can’t be wrong!” Seeing Cao Yusheng denying it, Ye Fan couldn’t help but point. He said with a certain look!

“Sao Wei??? Who is your kid, you actually said that I have a sorrow? I think you don’t want to live anymore!” Hearing this, Cao Yusheng jumped up uncontrollably, and then pointed to Ye Fan and asked loudly!

“Shi Hao! Who is this kid? How could he be here?” After questioning Ye Fan, Cao Yusheng asked Shi Hao next to him!

“He! It’s my brother! Why? Do you still want to compete with him? Don’t blame me. I remind you that his Cultivation Base can’t even match me!”

“That’s right! Do you know the exotic Pu Devil King, Scarlet King, and Wudang Immortal King? It was just slapped and slapped by my senior brother!” Hearing this, Shi Wu couldn’t help but looked at Cao Yusheng, and said playfully!

“Your brother? Still slapped one person and slapped the exotic Pu Devil and the others?”

After hearing Shi Hao’s words, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then as if thinking of something terrible, his body shuddered involuntarily!

“Um! This senior, you are Shi Hao’s brother, right? Shi Hao and I are also very good brothers! Come and come! Please sit down with this senior! You say I am Duan De, then I will be called Duan De from now on ! Cao Yusheng or something, that is already a thing of the past!” Cao Yusheng slammed to Ye Fan’s side, then moved a chair over, and smiled and gestured Ye Fan to sit down, and then said not wanting face!

“Um! Master, what is going on?”

Seeing that this person didn’t seem to be cheating, and that he didn’t really know him, Ye Fan couldn’t help turning his head to look at Qin Xuan, and then asked in confusion!


Qin Xuan gave Ye Fan a look, and then gently spit out two words!

I see!

Hearing this, Ye Fan suddenly realized it!

When it comes to his Realm, Samsara has long been forced to know, and naturally he knows what Samsara said!

After hearing the conversation between the two, Shi Wu next to him thoughtfully thought:

Among those present, only Cao Yusheng had a blank expression, not knowing what they were talking about!

“Right! Ye Fan! You haven’t said yet, what is the matter with me!” Qin Xuan just remembered at this time that his apprentice Ye Fan just because of Cao Yusheng, didn’t say what to do with him!

“! Master is like this!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan also hurriedly told him about Qin Xuan!

It turned out that Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian left the world of the sky for more than one million years. After more than one million years of development, there have also been many immortals in the fairyland, and Spiritual Qi is about to liquefy. !

When there are many people, there will be disputes, and the same goes for immortals. After all, they are also from people’s cultivation!

Therefore, the newly-appearing immortals have established their own forces. What is the Sect of the immortal domain now, and there are countless sect families!

It was nothing at all, but just over 100,000 years ago, Ye Fan suddenly felt that some laws that he had never seen appeared in the fairyland, and these new laws appeared, and they started to swallow the previous Universe consciousness. !

Moreover, these new laws have begun to replace the previous Universe Consciousness and operate instead of Universe Consciousness!

The original replacement has been replaced. This has nothing to do with Ye Fan, but recently some people from the following responded to Ye Fan, saying that they can’t cultivation now, and they can only do a simple thing to absorb Spiritual Qi and absorb Spiritual Qi. Slowly like a snail!

And although the treasures used in the past can still be used, but the power has been weakened by many times, causing the entire world of the sky to be used in battle!

Therefore, Ye Fan spied it secretly.

I don’t know if this problem occurred in Xianyu, even the entire universe of the lower realm has such a problem!

So Ye Fan started to investigate what happened, but no matter how he probed, he couldn’t find the source, but in the end he made another discovery!

That is the people of the Tang family, and they are not affected!

So Ye Fan came to the Tang family, and after discussing with the eight ancestors of the Tang family, the final conclusion was that it had something to do with Master Own!

Because they were all cultivated in the Tang family, they were not affected by the Cultivation Technique handed down by their masters, so everyone wanted to find Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian!

But Ye Fan and the others, all know that Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian have left this world.

No, once Ye Fan was in the long river of time and space, and felt a trace of Qin Xuan, so he hurried to catch up! In the end, he caught up with this era, and found Qin Xuan in this era!

0……Look for flowers……


After hearing what Ye Fan said, Qin Xuan’s face couldn’t help showing surprise, because after Ye Fan finished speaking, Qin Xuan relied on omniscience and omnipotence to know all of the matter at once!

It turned out that in order to stabilize the world of obscuration, I left the Innate treasure destiny Feng Shui compass, hoping that it can guard the entire world of obscuration, but I did not expect that this destiny Feng Shui compass actually evolved, and now it has changed from Innate Supreme has evolved into Chaos Lingbao, and it has also spawned a trace of wisdom!

The destiny derived from Feng Shui compass is just a Heavenly Dao that has no feelings at all, and can only rely on instinct to operate a kind of wood-like feelings! If you make a person that is good for the whole world, it will reward and make a good for the whole world. If the world is harmful, it will punish!

Originally this is nothing, it should be said to be a good thing, but it is that it works by instinct, and replaces the original Universe consciousness, but this replacement caused the original cultivation system to collapse suddenly, and everyone did not understand this new one. Cultivation system, let them cultivation!

“Well! This hand teacher already knows!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then said!

“Master! What the hell is going on?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan looked at Master Own and asked with a puzzled look!

“This is also a good thing. As for what happened, you don’t need to know it! After you go back, it’s like this… this…and then just like this!” Qin Xuan shook his head and didn’t answer Ye Fan’s positively. The problem is to tell him to do this after he goes back!

“Master! It’s that simple?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan looked at Master Own with a strange expression, and then asked! First time…

“Yeah! It’s that simple!”

Qin Xuan nodded affirmatively!

“Right! When are you going to go back?”

Qin Xuan looked at Ye Fan, who was still talking differently, and continued to ask!

“I’ll go back and solve the problem first! Anyway, knowing that you are in this era, master, if you want to find a master, I can come back anytime!” Ye Fan said!

“Yeah! It’s true!

Qin Xuan Road!

“Senior Brother Ye Fan! Are you leaving now? Don’t stay a while?” Shi Hao said!

“I won’t leave more, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to go back and deal with it!” Ye Fan shook his head at Shi Wu, and said!

“So! I won’t keep you anymore, Junior Brother!” Shi Hao nodded after hearing this! Eight,

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