Chapter 267 Suddenly Appearing Dark Matter

However, he said that although Ye Fan didn’t know what happened in the world of Own from Master Owner, his master still taught himself a solution, so Ye Fan was ready to say goodbye to everyone, so that he could go back and solve the matter first. Say it again!

“So! I won’t keep you much, Junior Brother!” Shi Hao nodded at Ye Fan, and said!

“Ah! Brother Shi Wu: Brother, it’s not that I can’t come back. When the time comes, the brother will come to you often when he is free. Then you don’t want to dislike your brother!” Ye Fan was also smiling after hearing this. Said!

“Haha! Where is the senior brother, if you can come to welcome you before it is too late, why would you still despise you!” Shi Hao laughed and said!

“Okay! You two don’t have to use it anymore! Ye Fan, then you go back first, and talk about it after you solve the problem!” At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly said to the two!

“Master, the disciple knows! By the way, Master “Sixty Seven”. If the teacher leaves the customs, you can’t wait for her to leave the customs to see her, and hope her forgive me!” Ye Fan nodded, suddenly thinking of something, It was looking at Qin Xuan and said!

“Hey! Don’t worry! The teacher will help you with this at that time!” Qin Xuan replied!

“So! That disciple will leave first!”

“Junior Brother Shi Wu, Duan… Uh, this Cao Yusheng fellow daoist, we will see you later!”

Ye Fan hugged the cupped fist at Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng, and then said!

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to reply, he turned and disappeared!

“See you later? It’s better that we never see each other, that’s it!” After confirming that Ye Fan would leave, Cao Yusheng whispered involuntarily!

Hearing that, Shi Hao beside him rolled his eyes involuntarily, but he didn’t say anything!

“Okay! If there is nothing wrong with you two, let’s go!” Qin Xuan didn’t pay attention to the little movements of Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng, but said to them!

“Then master! Let’s retire first!”

Shi Wu didn’t see anything wrong, so he said to Qin Xuan!

After finishing speaking, regardless of Cao Yusheng next to him, he turned around and walked outside!

“Senior! Then I’ll go down first!”

Seeing Shi Wu walking outside, Cao Yusheng hurriedly said goodbye to Qin Xuan!

Then chased it outside!

“Hey! Shi Hao, Shi Hao! Wait for me! You haven’t given me an explanation yet!”

Seeing that the two had left, Qin Xuan also shook his head helplessly, and then disappeared, not knowing where he went!

Time passed slowly like this!

It was nearly 10,000 years since Ye Fan left him!

this day!

A black mist suddenly appeared in an area in the spirit world, and the mist was still a little bit at the beginning, but as time slowly passed, those mists actually began to spread!

To the end. Actually spread to this whole area, making the spiritual kingdom of this area tossed. A drastic change has taken place! From holiness to darkness, from peace to anger.

In this area, someone fell straight down, disintegrated, and disappeared.

When many people did not react, the black fog was raging, covering this area, screaming one after another. Suddenly flooded there.

Soon, this area of ​​the spirit world was dead and silent, there was no sound, only darkness was permeating, and in an instant, it was infested here.

This incident naturally caused a huge wave. Three thousand states can’t be calm, and all the big families in the upper realm, the Sect faction, are also facing the enemy, with a foreboding that the big things are going to be bad.

That area of ​​the spirit world became a dead place. No one can approach, the gloomy and dark fog is spreading, as if the door of The Underworld has been opened.

Later, even more terrible things happened.

This area of ​​the spirit world actually collapsed, and the dark matter in the mist began to leak out, and it was infiltrated into the real world. This was puzzling, shocking, and terrifying. Many people are shaking.

Some survivors, although they escaped, they quickly fell to the ground from mid-air with blue foreheads and gray faces, just like that.

Someone checked and found that his soul had collapsed, as if he had been beaten clean and disappeared, but his body was intact, with no wounds.

The disaster was still behind. At this moment, a ray of black air unexpectedly rose from the dead person, making the surrounding atmosphere weird in an instant, and then the darkness spread.


The screams came one after another, and nearby creatures were killed one after another.

This kind of magical change is too terrifying, like a plague spreading, it has become an unprecedented catastrophe!

In the emperor pass!

Inside the manor!

As always, Qin Xuan was lying on the couch in the yard, lazily basking in the sun! Even if the sky fell, it still looked like he didn’t move!

“Hey! It’s been thousands of years! Qingxian hasn’t left the gate yet? Shouldn’t it! If it was only the breakthrough Quasi-Sage Dzogchen, with what I gave her, the breakthrough should have been successful long ago! Does Qingxian want to attack? What about Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? If this is the case, I am afraid that Qingxian will not be able to leave the customs for less than a hundred thousand years!” Qin Xuan whispered in his mouth!

Qin Xuan another salted fish turned over and continued to bask in the sun!

At this moment, I saw a Daoist shadow from outside the door, rushing in in a hurry, fixed my eyes to see who else Shi Hao could have!

“Master! Master! The big event is bad! The big event has happened!” Shi Hao ran to Qin Xuan’s side, and then shouted!

“A major incident? Which immortal emperor has fallen, or the world is about to be destroyed?” Seeing Shi Wu yelling, Qin Xuan was lying there half-dead, but he was interested, but he was still comfortable. After a while, I asked without any haste!

“Uh! It’s not! But it’s not much difference! Now three thousand continents, for some reason, suddenly a terrible mist has appeared. In this mist, there is a terrible dark substance. As long as it is contaminated by this dark substance, Yuan God will collapse in an instant! It’s terrifying!” Seeing his master still looks lazy, Shi Hao also felt speechless, but

Or explain it honestly!

“Ah! That’s it! What do I think it is? You go to find the source, and then cut it off for a while?” After hearing Shi Hao’s explanation, Qin Xuan lost interest, and then replied Said to a lazy look!

There is no need for Shi Hao to say about this, Qin Xuan knew about it a long time ago, but in his opinion, it was just a trivial matter of Sesame Mung Bean, and it was impossible for him to bring up any interest at all, so he didn’t bother to control it and let it develop! …

Seeing this, Shi Hao was also a little dumbfounded at 0.8. Looking at this posture, own, the salted fish master, I am afraid that he will not care about this matter!

“Oh! Why is my life so miserable! I have pushed such a salted fish master! Alas! It seems that I have to solve it by myself! However, own, the salted fish master, should know something and have to find a way Check out some news from him!” Shi Wu thought lamentingly in his heart!

“Um! Master 0…Do you know how this black fog appeared? And where is its source?” Shi Hao asked!

“Woo! Want to get news from me? Don’t even think about it. If you want to solve it, you can find it yourself! That’s right! There is not much time for you! If you can’t solve it after a while, ah! I’m afraid this The dark matter will spread to the entire Universe, including the lower realm!” Qin Xuan couldn’t help showing a playful look after hearing this, and then looked at Shi Wu and said jokingly!

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