Chapter 265 Ye Fan Finally Sees Cao Yusheng

However, it was said that Ye Fan followed Shi Hao and others to the manor, and finally met his own master Qin Zhan!

“Hey! Master, why didn’t you see your wife?” Ye Fan looked around, then asked curiously!

“Your madam! She is now in Closed Door Training, I don’t know when she will leave!” Qin Xuan replied!


Ye Fan nodded!

“Junior Brother Shi Wu! What happened just now? Why did I see you being besieged when I came here?” Seeing Shi Hao, who was still covered in blood next to him, asked Ye Fan curiously!

How can I say that the Shi Hao in front of me is also the younger brother of own. Seeing that his younger brother is bullied by others, if his brother does not find his place back, it can’t be said to be no!

“Late! This thing! It’s like this!” Hearing this, Shi Hao told Ye Fan what happened.

“What! There is still such a thing, let’s go! Junior Brother Shi Wu, let’s go find the place!” After hearing Shi Hao’s report, Ye Fan was also very angry, pulling Shi Wu out, threatening to find a foreign land. Back to the scene!

“Um! Brother! You don’t need to do anything about this! When I break through the Cultivation Base in the future, I will find them one by one! Neither of them can escape!

Shi Hao shook his head and said!

Seeing myself, the senior who I met for the first time, threatened to go to a foreign land to avenge him, Shi Hao was still a little touched by 593, but this is his own grudge, how could it be borrowed from someone else’s hand? After waiting for a while, After a breakthrough in my own Cultivation Base, I will find it back from those aliens!

“In that case! Then I won’t intervene!”

Hearing that, Ye Fan is not surprised, if the younger brother owns, he doesn’t even have this responsibility, the master will not accept him as a disciple!

“Okay! Shi Hao, you first take your brother Ye Fan to find a place to live, and talk about it later!” Seeing the two people are so united, Qin Xuan was also very pleased, so he ordered Shi Wu!

“Yes! Master!

“Brother Ye Fan! Come with me! I will show you a place to stay!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao nodded and responded!

“Then master! I will retire! I will come to see you again tomorrow!” Ye Fan nodded to Shi Hao first, and then said to Qin Xuan!

“Yeah! Go!”

Qin Xuan Road!

After that, Ye Fan and Shi Yi followed Shi Hao and left!

After seeing everyone leaving, Qin Xuan also stood up, turned around and disappeared!

the next day!

Shi Hao and Ye Fan came to Qin Xuan’s residence early in the morning to greet him!

After chatting for a while, Qin Xuan (agai) looked at Ye Fan and said, “Ye Fan! Let’s talk! What’s the matter about looking for a teacher this time?”

“Um! Master! I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much, so I came to you!” Hearing this, Ye Fan was also taken aback, but he quickly recovered and said!

Seeing that this kid was still pretending to be stupid, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but gave him a blank look, and then said: “You kid will say or not, if you don’t say anything, don’t tell your teacher anymore!”

How could Qin Xuan not know what kind of habits Ye Fan is?

If this kid has nothing to ask for himself, maybe he is still happy in the fairyland, how could he find himself!

“Uh! Master, I do want to find you something! But these are secondary, the most important thing is that the disciple missed you, so I came to you!” Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. However, the embarrassment on his face disappeared without a trace in an instant, and then looked at Qin Xuan with a serious face and said!

Hearing the conversation between his master and his senior brother, Shi Wu next to him also guessed the reasons for ten or nine out of ten, and he couldn’t help but grabbed his forehead. The senior brother own is too shameless, not wanting face!

No! It seems that the master is more shameless than this brother not wanting face! Could it be that this brother own, who has been with the master for a long time, and because of being infected by the master, has become so shameless not wanting face?

Wouldn’t it be the same with the two senior brothers who have not yet met?

No, I should stay away from the master, so as not to be infected by him, then the gain will not be worth the loss!

“I don’t care if you came to me because you missed me, or you begged me for something. It doesn’t matter. If you have something to say now, you can quickly get out of it!” Seeing that Ye Fan still wants to quibble now, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but glared at him, and then said!

“Um! Master is like this. I came to you this time to ask… Seeing that Qin Xuan’s face was already a little impatient, Ye Fan didn’t dare to continue pulling like this, so he was ready to find himself this time. Speak out his reason!

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a tragic cry!

“Ah! Shishi! You bastard! You actually left me and ran back alone. Are you worthy of me, worthy of all the creatures in the world?”

The sound was so loud that it spread throughout the half of the emperor city that was spread, and it sounded extremely miserable, as if it had been rounded by more than a dozen sows!

After hearing this sound, Shi Hao was also full of black lines, his hands clenched tightly, and blue veins appeared on his forehead!

“Is this bastard’s nemesis already! Last time it was enough for Losing face! This time the own name is probably going to spread throughout the entire emperor pass! It seems that he hasn’t left a deep enough impression on him last time! “Thinking of this, Shi Hao’s anger in his heart is even more triumphant!

Qin Xuan, who was sitting on it, also held his forehead with one hand, and then shook his head helplessly!

Only Ye Fan couldn’t help showing a curious look after hearing this voice!

Because of this voice, he felt very familiar, but he just came to this era and didn’t know anyone at all, how could he feel this voice so familiar!

At this moment, the figure ran in from outside the door, ran to the side of Shi Hao, pointed at Shi Wu and began to count down, as if Shi Hao had done something angry and grieving!

“Shi Wu! You are too interesting! You actually left me alone. Do you know how dangerous it was just now? If it weren’t for me to run fast, maybe next year today will be my sacrifice day!”


“Cao Yusheng! Shut up! What are you doing so loudly?” Shi Wu hurriedly yelled when he saw that the man was still preparing to scatter and finish!

“Um! Didn’t I just speak a bit loudly? Do I need to be so angry? I haven’t told you to leave me alone! Why are you angry? You are still unreasonable! Cao Yusheng “One The face said aggrieved, that looks like a little girl who has been abandoned by others, which makes people feel very distressed!

“Duan De? Why are you an unscrupulous Taoist here?” Ye Fan couldn’t help but stunned when he saw Cao Yusheng who suddenly ran in, and then yelled at him!

“Hey! Boy, who are you! Why are you yelling here, don’t you know that it will affect others’ rest? Also, I’ve said it many times, I’m not Duan De! My name is Cao Yusheng, don’t you know?” Cao Yusheng corrected Ye Fan loudly!

Cao Yusheng didn’t expect the sound that suddenly appeared in the room. He only focused on Shi Hao just now. He didn’t notice that there were outsiders in the room at all. Said!

Random screaming? Affect others’ rest? You actually know that it will affect others’ rest. You just yelled so loudly, I am afraid that the entire Emperor City can hear it! Ye Fan also thought of Guo Leng in his heart!

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