Chapter 242

Thousands of years have passed since Qin Xuan three people came to this imperial gate.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, the Imperial Pass has been invaded by aliens almost every day, and the people here are fighting almost every day, and there are countless casualties in one day.

When God Ye Qingxian Liu saw this, he also tried to help, repelling an unknown number of aliens. Later, the two of them gradually became bored. As long as it was not the most crisis of Emperor Guan, they were also lazy to take action.

However, in these hundreds of thousands of years, with the strength of Ye Qingxian and the two gods, the entire emperor pass knows that there are two glamorous women in this emperor pass, with unparalleled fighting strength and heaven- Defying, at least is also a Cultivation Base above the fairy king level.

As a result, the good names of the two of them were passed on to the entire Imperial Pass.

Because Ye Qingxian always wore her black hair in battle, she naturally draped her chest and back. She wore a snow-white dress. She was covered by the haze of chaos, and she wore a face that looked like crying instead of crying. The grimace mask “Five Zero Zero” with a smile, holding a Heavenly Demon can.

As soon as the Heavenly Demon jar in his hand was raised, countless foreign races were sucked into the magic jar in an instant. The foreign races around her were also instantly swallowed essence and turned into ashes, thus being called the Celestial Immortals King.

If this is in other places, it will definitely be regarded as a female devil who kills people without blinking, but in the Imperial Pass, people don’t care whether you are a female devil or not, as long as you can kill a foreign race, you will be regarded as an object of worship. .

As for the willow god, she held a section of jasper-colored willow branches in her hand.The misty blue light emitted by this section of willow branches was softly engraved with unknown words and symbols. After being broken, countless alien races were taken away every time.

Moreover, her figure is agile and ethereal, and the fellow daoist is very ghostly, so as long as she takes a shot, her figure will appear in almost every corner of the battlefield, thus getting the title of an ethereal fairy king.

But every time the two women repelled the alien race, they disappeared again, so no one knew where they lived and how they looked like. It is precisely because the two women are so mysterious that they have a large number of followers behind them.

And our Qin Xuan is basically at home, and sometimes visits the Imperial Pass or the surrounding towns.

It’s not that Qin Xuan doesn’t want to take action, but that this kind of war, in his opinion, is just that the children play house and fight, which makes him uninterested at all.

On this day, Qin Xuan was wandering in the Imperial Pass as always. Suddenly he felt something, then raised his head and looked in one direction. His eyes were very calm, but they seemed to penetrate time and space.

“Yeah! That brat is here!” Qin Xuan’s mouth curled slightly, and then the whole person disappeared.

the other side.

The emperor city, which will last forever, dominate the border and wasteland!

Everyone can only look up, and deeply feel the insignificance of own. In front of it, oneself is like a little dust, and it is not as good as not seeing a little dust.

When everyone came to the front, the huge wall towered to the outside, even if Divine Sense was used, it was difficult to see the end.

Shi Wu also followed behind everyone. He looked at the Emperor Pass, his eyes were full of shock. This is definitely the largest imperial city he has ever seen. The big cities he has seen before, compared with the Emperor Pass, it is simply A drop of water in the sea is not comparable at all.

“This emperor gate is too big! How long does it take to build it! But why is it so big?” One of the group of people followed by Shi Hao asked in amazement.

“Suppressing a realm is not big enough, and there are the symbols of the Supreme Immortal Dao engraved, and the magic circle is formed into pieces, dense and boundless. This is the painstaking effort of countless generations of creatures.” An old man who brought them over explained.

The city was really too big, beyond the scope of the city. When I stepped closer, what I saw was a scene like a world wide open, with chaos and mist encircling the giant city.

In addition, there are huge Star after another around the outside of the city, and even Galaxy Cluster.

This kind of scene is a bit unreasonable and beyond people’s imagination, how can it be so?

It is vast, majestic, borderless, and silent, like a dead city.

When approaching a certain distance, some of the low Cultivation Base’s body will suffer severe pain, and will be suppressed by a secret force, and the body will be cracked. This is the might of the imperial city that dominates the world.

The old man who led the team seemed to notice the strangeness of the people suddenly, and he waved his hand to make them stay away from the imperial city.

“The walls of this imperial city are covered with the pressure of various powerful men. With your current Cultivation Base, it is impossible to enter from the city gate, so you can only live in the towns surrounding the imperial city. But if you want to go in, , Wait for your elders to take the door in. Now I can only take you to nearby towns.” The old man explained to everyone.

“That’s it! I said that when I approach the imperial city, my body will feel a sharp pain, as if it will break at any time. It turns out that the imperial city is full of the pressure of the strong!”

“Yes! I feel that way too!”

“Oh! It seems that you can’t enter the imperial city, so you can see what’s inside!”

“Cut! Didn’t you look at that, did you just say it? I want to go in and let your elders take you! Later I will let my elders take me in to see and see!”

Everyone started to talk..

Shi Hao was watching all this, but he didn’t say anything with a calm expression on his face.

After a while, everyone followed the old man to a town.

Taking the center of the imperial city as the center, there are all kinds of cities and towns of different sizes. Caused by Wai Anju.

Some of them have become mortals. No longer a cultivator.

Not long after Shi Hao followed everyone to a town, he heard a bell ring.

The bell ringing, the sound of the gods is mighty, and I don’t know how many miles it spreads out. Recommended reading…

“This is?”

Regarding the sudden appearance of the bell, everyone looked at the old man and asked in a puzzled way.

“Ah! It’s okay! The bell is to inform your elders to come and pick you up!” The leader of the team explained with a smile.


Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

After a while, the people who came to Emperor Guan this time were picked up by the elders of the clan or Sect.

“Shi Hao! I’ll leave first! Remember to come to me! Don’t forget, you know?” A beautiful woman looked at Shi Wu and said.

This woman was one of the people Shi Wu had known in the lower realm. Later, when she came to the upper realm, she met her again, so the two cultivated together. After these thousands of years, the two finally separated.

“Qing! Don’t worry! I will visit you when I have time!” Shi Wu also quickly replied after hearing this.

After 0.8 thousand years of getting along, Shi Hao didn’t understand what the woman was thinking, but he already had Huo Ling’er, and now the most important thing was to find his master, so Shi Wu didn’t want to mention it.


At this time, a cold snort came into Shi Hao’s ears.

I saw a gorgeous and extraordinary woman standing next to Qingdi, this woman was staring at Shi Hao dissatisfied, that cold snort was obviously from her!

“Okay, Yuechan, why do you always get angry with Shi Wu!” Qing Yi said to the gorgeous woman next to her.

“Huh! Who breathes with him?” Yuemu snorted, then turned his head to the side.

“Shi Hao! Then I’ll leave first! You must remember to visit me!” Seeing this, Qing Yi also shook her head helplessly, then looked at Shi Wu and said again, her eyes full of resentment.

Shi Wu nodded affirmatively.

Seeing this, Qing Yi took the name Na Yuechan and left. .

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