Chapter 241 There Is No Heavenly Dao Rule In This World!

“What? Couldn’t we be here?” Qin Xuan raised his eyebrows, then glanced at it and raised his eyebrows before asking.

“Uh! Aha! Tang senior can appear there anyway. I was not surprised just now! Don’t be surprised like Tang senior, don’t be surprised!” Seeing Qin Xuan glanced at himself with that deep gaze, he raised his eyebrows involuntarily There was a shiver, and then said with a smile.

Although I don’t know what kind of Cultivation Base this Tang senior is, but it is definitely much higher than myself, and I can break through to the Heavenly Dao realm, or it was bestowed by this Tang senior, otherwise I don’t know how young my breakthrough is. Month!

“Hey! Mr. Tang, Ye Big sis! Do you know the old ancestor?” Seeing the conversation between the three, the god Liu next to him couldn’t help but ask strangely.

“Yes! How come I don’t know each other! You and I are Big sis, but you are from the same place as your ancestor!” Qin Xuan nodded-nodded, and then replied.

“Shen Liu! Do you also know Tang senior and Ye fellow daoist?” This time, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then looked at Liu Shen- and asked.

With Liushen’s Cultivation Base, he was able to know Tang Senior. How could this not be a surprise to raise his eyebrows. You know, he strayed into the formation arranged by Tang Senior at the time to get to know them.

But now that I see own this Junior, I can actually know Tang Senior, and from the tone of their speech, the relationship is not normal, which makes Yangmei unhappy.

“Yeah! Know! Me and Mr. Tang, Ye Big sis have known ourselves for hundreds of years!” Hearing this, Liu Shen answered honestly.


Raising eyebrows Daoist nodded to God Liu, and then said to Qin Xuan next to him: “Tang senior! Do you know why this world does not exist without the Heavenly Dao law?”

Yang Mei asked this because he knew that Heavenly Dao once existed in this world, but he didn’t know why Heavenly Dao disappeared.

In the heavens and all realms, no matter any world, there will be the Heavenly Dao law, but it is powerful, and even some individual aspects will give birth to the Heavenly Dao law, thus forming those relatively weak Heavenly Dao, and even Some Heavenly Dao are not as good as the people at Earth Immortals Cultivation Base.

“You can’t count it yourself! Although this is just a ray of your consciousness, your body is in the Heavenly Dao realm. You can’t even count this!” Qin Xuan couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and then nothing. Daoist looked at the raised eyebrow angrily and said.


Raising his eyebrows Daoist couldn’t help but embarrassed, then closed his eyes and counted.


After a while, he opened his eyes, and his eyes turned into chaos in an instant, but his brows wrinkled involuntarily, and then raised his head to look at the sky, and those chaotic eyes became deeper and deeper. It seems to have penetrated the long river of time and space, and crossed the long river of time and space, seeing all the things going through!

“Huh! That’s it!”

After a while, raised his eyebrows and retracted his gaze, his eyes also changed back to their normal colors, and then he exhaled and said.

After finishing speaking, I saw that the consciousness that raised the eyebrows became illusory, as if it would disappear at any time.

“Ah! It seems that I am still a little reluctant with this ray of consciousness.” Feeling that the consciousness of own will dissipate a little, Daoist raised his eyebrows and smiled helplessly.

If his body is here, looking at the long river of time and space is not a simple matter.

“Ancestor! What did you see!” Seeing this, Liu Shen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows and asked Daoist curiously.

Seeing Liu Shen, the only Junior of his own, asked himself, raising his eyebrows, he wanted to say it, but he thought of the Tang senior next to him. He could count it. There is no reason why Tang senior can’t count it. The reason why he told Liu Shen must be There is his reason.

So he changed his words and said: “Hey! Nothing! Since your current Cultivation Base is not suitable for knowing, so try Ascension own Cultivation Base!”


Hearing this, Liu Shen pouted his lips in dissatisfaction.

“Ah! Alright! My spiritual power is almost exhausted! Now I will return to my body! You know Tang senior is the greatest opportunity in your life, so you must follow Tang senior and Ye Fellow daoist, know Is it?” Seeing Liu Shen’s expression of dissatisfaction, Daoist raised his eyebrows and was still not angry, but he smiled and told her.

“Tang senior, Ye Fellow daoist! I will return to the old way first! Willow God will see you! If you can, by the way, take her to the wild world to see and see!” raised his eyebrows and bowed to the next Qin Xuan, and then Said to the two of them.


Qin Xuan raised an eyebrow and waved his hand, then replied impatiently.

“Fellow daoist, don’t worry! Liu Shen is the Little Sister I recognize. With this relationship, I won’t let her have an accident. When we go back, we will take her to see you!” And Ye Qingxian Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and nodded, and then said.

“I don’t worry about being so sophisticated! Take care, everyone! We’ll see you in the middle of nowhere! I’ll go!” After receiving Ye Qingxian’s assurance, raised his eyebrows and gave a sigh of relief, then nodded to the three of them.

After speaking, the figure slowly dissipated until it disappeared.

0……Look for flowers………

Seeing the raised eyebrows disappeared, Shen Liu’s eyes also flashed a trace of reluctance.After all, he was a willow-like form of his body, and his body inherited the magical powers of his blood.In this way, he is also his daughter. Therefore, Liu Shen felt unwilling to give up.

“Little Sister, the willow god! Don’t give up! When you come back to the prehistoric world with us, you will naturally see the fellow daoist raised eyebrows!” Seeing this, Ye Qing walked to the side of the fairy daoist and patted it. Her shoulders, then comforted.

Hearing that, Liu Shen felt better, and then solemnly nodded to Ye Qingxian.

“Ah! This is right!”

“By the way! Tang Dage! Where are we going to the next stop?” Ye Qingxian smiled after seeing Liu Shen’s better, then turned to Qin Xuan next to him and asked.

“Hey! Is there any place you want to go?” Qin Xuan looked at the two women and asked.


The two women thought for a while and shook their heads. Recommended reading…

After Liu Shen got the revenge, he didn’t know where to go, but Ye Qingxian didn’t know where to go because she didn’t know the way at all.

“In that case! Then let’s go back to the Imperial Pass! I think Shi Hao, that stinky boy, should come to the Imperial Pass! Let’s go to the Imperial Pass and wait for him!” Qin Xuan thought for a while, and then right. Said to Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen.

“Okay! Then let’s go back to the Emperor Pass!”

The two women also nodded in agreement.

After speaking, the three of them disappeared into the sea.

Not long after Qin Zhan’s three people left, another group of people rushed here!

“That’s it! This place should be the source of that momentum!” After the group of people arrived here and looked around, one of them said.

“Yeah! Not bad! The space here is still very unstable, it seems that it should be right here!” The other person also nodded in agreement and said.

“What happened in this Jiehai just now? We came all the way and found that the Minor World and Otherworld in the Jiehai were actually destroyed more than half! Moreover, it seemed that the space of the entire Jiehai was messed up just now.” One person stepped forward. Come, said solemnly.

“No matter what happens in the Boundary Sea! Anyway, we can’t stay in the Boundary Sea! I will leave first, everyone, take care!” One of them said, and after speaking, he turned and flew away!

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other, and then they flew away too! Eight.

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