Chapter 243 Swallow Celestial Immortals King, Misty Immortals?

Seeing the people walking away, Shi Wu’s face was a little dark, and he sighed helplessly in his heart.

“Okay! People have gone far! But Shi Hao, your kid is really amazing! You actually let such a beautiful woman fall in love with you! Not bad!” Just when Shi Wu was secretly hurting himself, suddenly a hand stretched out , Took his shoulders upstairs, and said gently.

Cao Yusheng “What are you talking nonsense! Qingyi and I are innocent!” Upon hearing this, Shi Wu said that I was the young man next to Bai Bai.

This young man named Cao Yusheng was met by Shi Hao on the road, and the two of them were able to talk relatively well, so they became better friends when they worked hard along the way.

“Ah! Innocent? Shi Wu, are you deceiving yourself, or looking at me stupid! In the eyes of the woman just now, I saw the strong affection in it, and the one next to it is not bad, or you will take them both Right!” Upon hearing this, Cao Yuyusheng stared at Shi Hao with a disdainful expression, and then said.

“Okay! Okay. I can’t tell you! By the way, your elders! Why don’t you come to lend you?” Shi Hao waved his hand at Cao Yusheng, and then asked strangely.

“Oh 06! If I were like them, it would be nice if I had an elder here! My master is not dead and I still sleep there now! What about you?” Hearing this, Cao Yusheng sighed and said helplessly. .

“Um! I’m the same as you. I don’t know where the masters are now! I came here to find the master!” Shi Hao also scratched his head in embarrassment, and then replied.

“It’s so! Then let’s be together!” Seeing that Shi Wu is the same as himself, Cao Yusheng’s eyes lit up, and he said, looking at him with a belt on his face.

“Yeah! Yes!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao thought for a while, and found that he was unfamiliar in this life, and it would be nice to have someone next to him.Although Cao Yusheng was a little uncomfortable, he was pretty good, so Shi Wu nodded and agreed. Come down.

“Then where are we going now!”

Seeing this, Cao Yusheng also became happy, then he looked around and asked Shi Hao.

“Yeah! Let’s find a storehouse first, eat this thing and rest, and see if we can find out about the next emperor pass?” Shi Hao thought for a while, and then proposed.


Upon hearing this, Cao Yusheng also nodded in agreement.

After a while, the two of them found a good store, and when they walked into the store, they found that it was very lively and it was almost like a vegetable market. Starting:

Just find a place to sit down, Shi Hao began to look around, and found that there were ordinary people and cultivators, but those cultivator Cultivation Bases were not very high.

“Hey! Tell me, are the aliens afraid to invade the Emperor Pass recently?” Someone suddenly said on a table not far from Shi Wu.

“I don’t know! But in recent years, the alien race is indeed not attacking the Emperor Pass!” the person next to him continued.

“Haha! Of course! You know our Emperor Pass, but now there are two immortal kings, Celestial Immortals King and Misty Immortals, sitting here, how can those alien races dare to attack the Emperor Pass! I am afraid I dare not come out anymore. Come on!” the other person laughed, and then explained.

After hearing the conversation between the three people, Shi Wu Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but his eyes lit up, then looked at each other, stood up, and walked towards the three.

“Three! Can we share a table with you? Worried, this meal counts me two!” When he came to the table, Shi Hao cupped hands to the three of them, and then said.

“Uh! Are you?”

Seeing this, the three could not help but look at Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng, and then asked curiously.

Under the next “Shi Hao, this is Cao Yusheng who is walking with me. I just heard three people talking about the two fairy kings, so I was curious, so I couldn’t help but come over! If there is something wrong, please forgive me!” Shi Wu explained to the three cupped hands again.

“Hey! That’s the case! You want to know the two Immortal King adults! Come and sit down soon!” Hearing this, the three of them also stood up one after another, and then said.

Seeing this, Shi Hao and Cao Yusheng couldn’t help smiling, and then sat down according to the words of the three.

“Ah! Three brothers! I wonder if the two fairy kings you just mentioned are still in the chain of the emperor gate?” Shi Wu asked with a smile after sitting down.

“Haha! You can ask the right person about this two of you. If it’s something else, I might not know, but I know the news about these two immortal kings!” One of the young people suddenly laughed. Get up, and say proudly.


Seeing this, Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but glance at each other, and became curious. At the same time, they couldn’t help wondering if this young man was bragging.

What is the immortal king, what kind of existence it is, this emperor pass is great! But if the immortal king makes a move, he can easily destroy this emperor pass just by raising his hand.

But for this kind of existence, this young man actually said the news about them, and he still knew it clearly. Isn’t this bragging?

“Haha! You two must have thought they are bragging!” Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng looked disbelief on the young man’s faces. Although they covered up well, the young man could still see it, so he said with a smile.


Someone guessed what they were thinking. It was Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng who had thick-skinned faces, and their faces were unconsciously embarrassed. After all, the two of them first came to ask people, but now they don’t believe others, so they will inevitably feel a little embarrassed.

“Haha! Two of you don’t have to be like this! I personally won’t believe what is said next.” Seeing this, the young man couldn’t help but laughed, and then waved his hand to indicate that they don’t have to.

“If other immortal kings, they will never tolerate others to check his information, but these two immortal kings are different. They basically don’t care about these, and they don’t care if you check their information, and there is no immortal. The Wang’s frame will disappear only after repelling the alien race. No one knows where they have gone!” The young man explained with a smile 513.

“Yeah! It’s true!”

The other two nodded in acknowledgment.

“These two female fairy kings, they…

The young man wanted to continue speaking.

But Shi Hao suddenly interrupted and said, “Wait! You said these two fairy kings are both female?

“Hmm! Is there anything wrong?”

The young man was not angry when Shi Hao interrupted him, but looked at him strangely and asked.

“Oh! Nothing, nothing! You continue to say:” Shi Wu quickly shook his head and replied.

“They first appeared thousands of years ago, and that time was also the most violent attack by the alien race in thousands of years. If it hadn’t been for the two immortal kings, the Diguan might have been breached by the alien race!”

“In the next few thousand years, they also shot a few times, but they only shot at the most critical time! The last shot was three hundred years ago! That is, in the past three hundred years, the alien race seems to have stopped. He didn’t dare to attack the Imperial Pass on a large scale.” The young man said.

“If I say it! Those alien races must be scared! So they dare not attack Ditian in recent years!” At this moment, another on the table interrupted.


The other two also nodded in agreement.

“That’s right! Do you think King Celestial Immortals is powerful, or King Misty Immortals is powerful!”

The one who had not spoken, suddenly asked everyone.

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