Chapter 238

The dozen or so immortal kings on the blood sin side stared at Liu Shen solemnly, while Liu Shen looked at them indifferently.


Suddenly, Blood Sin yelled loudly, and then suddenly patted God Liu with a palm.

I saw the blood-red palm prints transformed from energy, rushing towards the willow god, wherever the palm prints passed, the space was shattered, and the originally peaceful sea below suddenly turned up a huge wave with a radius of a million. All are printed in blood red.

And the dozen or so immortal kings beside the blood sin disappeared. When they reappeared, they were in all directions of the willow god, surrounded by the willow god.

“Poke the world!”

“Purgatory Samsara!”

“Chasing the gods and setting sun!”

While surrounding the willow god, more than a dozen immortal kings also suddenly attacked the willow god.

And Ye Qingxian, who was standing outside the circle, also frowned slightly, and then asked Qin Xuan a little worried next to him: “Tang Dage! Little Sister, Liu Shen, won’t have any problems, right!”

Although Liu Shen’s injury has completely recovered from his injury in the past few hundred years, and Qin Xuan’s guidance has been obtained, Cultivation Base is completely different from anxiety. I don’t know how many times Ascension has been.

But facing her, there were more than a dozen other fairy kings at the same first-level. Although the fairy kings were also divided into levels, Ye Qingxian was still worried for God Liu when so many fairy kings were besieged in 06.

“It’s okay! It’s not so easy for these people to defeat the Willow God, and there is still me!” Qin Xuan gave Ye Qingxian a relieved look, and then said.

“If Liu Shen can awaken in this battle, these people are just a matter of flipping hands to her.” Qin Xuan continued.

“Awakening? You mean awakening blood?” Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Well! If he can awaken the blood of the hollow willow, then her spatial ability Ascension will be more than one grade, and it is not enough to deal with these dozen immortal kings.” Qin Xuan nodded and replied.

Now when he heard Tang Dage mention it, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but think of the Daoist with raised eyebrows, a supernatural personality that was universal in space, even if the Cultivation Base was one or two levels higher than him, as long as he wanted to escape, he would not be able to catch him at all.

Facing the attack of a dozen immortal kings, Liu Shen stood there with a calm expression, but if someone looked carefully, she would definitely find that her eyes were full of solemnity.

Although she is now a giant of the Supreme Immortal King, the opposite side is the Cultivation Base above the Supreme Immortal King. Among them, the four people of Liaojia, Prison Road, Sunset, and Blood Sin are even the same level as her.

Although her combat power is not in contrast with Realm, she is still unable to support so many immortal kings alone.

“The Willow God Change!

Seeing the attack close in front of him, God Liu suddenly shouted.

With the big shout of Willow God, her figure gradually disappeared, and then a giant willow tree, poplar and willow, appeared, and the willow branch of this ten thousand-foot willow tree was swayed, and the surrounding space gradually gradually widened, obviously. It was just right in front of her, but the attack of the dozen or so immortal kings could not attack her unexpectedly.

Seeing this, Blood Sin and the others couldn’t help but frowned. At this time, one of the super immortal kings said: “She has stretched the space! At this time, it is similar to the magical powers at the end of the world.

“Unexpectedly, over the past few years, she was so strong! We must know that although we had sneak attacks back then, if we faced a dozen of us, she could only dodge, and there was no way to fight back at all.” Wang said.

“It doesn’t matter what space magical power she has! We directly crossed the space barrier and directly attacked her real body!” Hearing this, the setting sun’s eyes were filled with fierce light, and then said disdainfully.

“Follow God with one arrow!

“Kill to extinction!”

Seeing the sunset shot again, all the fairy kings followed suit.

The dozen or so immortal kings directly crossed the space barrier under the Willow God cloth, preparing to hit her directly.

Seeing this, the huge willow tree also turned back to its true body, facing the attack of the immortal kings, the face of Liu Shen couldn’t help but become solemn.

“I’m still too entrusted! It seems that I am a little proud of being advised by Mr. Tang during this period of time!” Seeing the sky full of magical powers blasting towards him, Liu Shen couldn’t help but secretly said.

But now is not the time to think about it, so I can only deal with it with all my strength.

I saw God Liu waved her hand, and a willow branch appeared in her hand. Like containing a big world, the whole body of willow branches still exudes a bright green light.

This willow branch is still the willow god. I only discovered it in the own consciousness recently.It seems to have always existed in the deepest part of one’s consciousness. Nothing can hurt this willow branch.

After taking out this willow branch, God Liu put it up in front of him, and then looked at Spiritual Qi in and out of it, and shouted: “Although I don’t know what you are good for, I still hope you can protect me!”

I saw those unknown text symbols on the jasper-colored willow branch, suddenly emitting a dazzling light, and emerged from the jasper-colored willow branch, floating in the air.

Those unknown characters and symbols floating in the air gradually merged together. Suddenly, the space was turbulent, and the merged unknown characters and symbols gradually gradually became a figure.

The moment the figure appeared, the space actually began to melt, and then it began to recover. The surrounding space became chaotic, and the space suddenly turned upside down and upside down.

Even the magical powers that the dozen or so immortal kings had attacked were turned upside down and attacked in the opposite direction.

This spatial chaos began to spread to the outside, and the speed was very fast. Before the dozen or so immortal kings could react, they were enveloped.

At the moment this figure appeared, Qin Xuan was also a little confused, and then the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, and his eyes were full of jokes.

“What’s going on? The space 467-below is confused!”

The people watching the battle around were also puzzled.

“Run! This chaotic space can melt everything!”

I saw an immortal king watching the battle curiously stretched out his hand and touched the space visible to the naked eye, but in an instant, his hand actually began to melt, and then he suddenly drank.

Hearing that, everyone followed the prestige, only to see that the fairy king had melted half of his body, and the other half had begun to melt.

In this situation, everyone who watched the game could not help being frightened. A chill suddenly rushed to the forehead, and then fled out like the most terrifying thing.

But their speed, how could it be possible that the chaotic space was spreading fast, but for a moment, the chaotic space had enveloped the entire boundary sea, and began to spread beyond the boundary.

And the people who were running away accidentally ran into the space visible to the naked eye, and were instantly evaporated.

Seeing this, the people who were escaping were even more frightened and scurrying, but the more they were like this, the easier it was to hit the visible space of the naked eye.

“Stop, stop all for me, as long as we don’t touch the space that is visible to the naked eye, we will be fine!” Some of the more sensible people suddenly noticed something, so they shouted.

Hearing that, everyone who was scurrying also stopped, and looked around the area nervously, fearing that if they were not careful, they would encounter the space that suddenly appeared visible to the naked eye.

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