Chapter 239 Chaos Demon God Raises Eyebrows?

Looking at the chaotic space that enveloped the entire boundary sea and continued to spread outside, Qin Xuan also frowned. Then, with a wave of his hand, he stopped the chaotic space that still wanted to spread directly outside the boundary. Let him continue to spread outward.

The dozen or so immortal kings closest to Liu Shen, after the appearance of this figure, did not even have time to react, so they were directly gasified.

Seeing all this happened, Liu Shen opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of weirdness.

“What happened? What the hell is going on?” I kept chanting these two sentences back and forth.

“Hey! This is another world? At this moment, the figure composed of the unknown text symbol suddenly came to life, and he looked around and said.

“It’s a fragile space, just an aura of consciousness inadvertently radiating, and it can mess up the surrounding space!” Seeing the space that is continuously melting away with repairs, this figure frowned unconsciously.

After speaking, he took back his own aura. After the figure took back the aura of his body, the space gradually recovered. At the same time, the chaotic space that enveloped the entire boundary sea gradually shrank until it disappeared.

Seeing that the chaotic space has disappeared, the people who were still watching the game couldn’t help but glance at each other, and then quickly fled outside the boundary sea, fearing that if they slowed down, they would be melted by the chaotic space. .

“Hey! In this world, there are still people who have my blood. I think she summoned my consciousness!” At this time, this figure also noticed the Liu Shen who was stupidly there next to him. At the same time, feeling the familiar breath of blood coming from Shen Liu’s body, I couldn’t help but think of it.

“Little girl! But did you summon my consciousness? Also, how can you have my bloodline on your body?” The figure looked at the willow god, and then asked.

“Ah! Who are you? Why are you here?” The God of Liu who came back to his senses seemed to be a little stupid looking at this figure and said.

“Little girl! Who am I will tell you later, you haven’t answered me, how can you have my blood”?” Hearing this, this figure also raised his brows and asked again.

“Ah! La! senior! I don’t know how you have your blood in me! But I think the reason why you are here should have something to do with it!” This time, God of Liu, who was completely awake, pointed to himself In front of him, the willow branches still radiating light continuously, and then explained to the figure.

“Hey! It’s actually a willow branch of my body! No wonder this little girl can summon a ray of my consciousness across the world.” Hearing this, the figure noticed that the willow branch was emitting light, Reaching out his hand, the willow branch flew into his hand, and then after taking a closer look, he said suddenly.

Is this willow branch that came here from the Great Chaos War? And after all these years, it has transformed into this little girl? After looking at the willow branch, the figure turned its gaze to the willow god and looked suspiciously. With Liu Shen, he kept guessing in his heart.

“Ah! Little girl! Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you. Also, your body should be a willow tree, right?” Seeing Liu Shen looking at himself warily, this figure couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile. Said.

“Yeah! Senior how did you know?” Liu Shen looked at the figure in horror, and then asked.

You must know that as long as she does not show her ontology, no one except Mr. Tang can see through own ontology, and now there is another person who can see through own ontology directly, how can this not shock her!

“Hehe! How could I not know! Because you still contain my blood.” Hearing this, the figure looked at Liu Shen with a soft gaze, and then explained with a smile.

“Contains your blood? The former senior doesn’t know who you are?” Listening to this figure, Liu Shen also felt that he felt close to this figure, so he asked cautiously.

Haha, “I am the hollow willow of the Chaos Demon God!” Hearing this, the figure couldn’t help laughing and saying, and then a powerful and unspeakable aura radiated from him, sweeping the entire perfect world at once, but this aura It just disappeared again in an instant.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land, bursts of black mist rose up, like a dark cloud covering Cangyu, and at the same time, there were unparalleled terrifying fluctuations.

The source of these black mists actually spread from a rotten wooden box. The rotten wooden box suddenly flickered with black light and then turned into a temple. From the temple, an incredible voice came out: “Who is it?” Who is it that exudes such a strong aura! Is it above the heavens?”

After saying these words, the temple changed back into a rotten box again, and the black mist that had risen gradually sank into the rotten box.

And in the lonely Universe, cold and dark, there has been no sound for hundreds of millions of years, but it has changed today.

Suddenly, a corpse was floating in this silent and dark Universe. When the momentum swept past, the corpse opened its eyes stubbornly, and the brilliance shot out seemed to penetrate the universe, and the two beams of light were better than the fairy sword. It’s shocking, too sharp.

Looking from a distance, it was like two lightning bursts in the darkness, breaking the tranquility.

After a while, the corpse slowly got up, staring in a direction indifferently, and the whole withered body gradually came to life with vital signs.

He has only one leg, the other leg is missing the sole of the foot, and it is a one-arm. He is very mutilated, and the hair on his head is withered like weeds. The whole person has a very ancient feeling, which has gone through the years.

He raised his only arm, shook the universe, and then pointed it in one direction.

I saw a buzzing sound.

Suddenly broken in the Universe space in the distance, only an arm flew out of the broken space and flew to the corpse’s body. With a bang, the arm was suddenly connected to the corpse’s body.

How long hadn’t it been (Wang Zhao) that arm flew, a broken leg with blood, also flew out of the broken space, linked to the body of the corpse, and the body of the corpse finally became complete. install.

I saw the corpse raised his head. It was indeed a wrinkled old man. I saw that the old man’s eyes looked deep in the direction of the sea, as if penetrating time and space, and he muttered to himself: “Who is it? Cultivation Base is actually like that. It’s so strong that it can wake me up only with aura, it’s been a long time since I feel this kind of powerlessness!”

After speaking, the figure gradually disappeared in this silent and dark Universe.

It’s not just the corpses floating in the rotten box and Universe, as long as people can feel this momentum, they all look in the direction of the sea, and their hearts are overwhelming! They all hope to see who the owner of this momentum is, Why should it exude such a powerful momentum.

However, no matter how everyone investigates, they are blocked by an invisible force outside the sea, and they can’t get in!

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