Chapter 237

However, Shi Wu said to his child Shi Huang that he was leaving the Eight Realms and was going to the upper realm.

“Okay! Father, when are you going to leave?” Knowing that his father’s decision could not be changed, Shi Huang could only sigh in his heart, then looked at Shi Hao and asked.

“Well! In a few days!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao nodded in satisfaction.

“Then father, do you go by yourself, or bring your mother?” Shi Huang asked.

“I’ll go alone! Your mother will be in the eight domains! After all, I don’t know if there will be any danger in going to the upper realm this time, so let her be here!” Hearing this, Shi Hao thought After a while, he replied.

“Oh! That’s right! Only the two of us know about this, and it should not be spread out. Even your mother can’t tell you, you know?” Shi Hao continued after thinking of something.

If the rats hiding in the dark knew that he had left the eight domains “four six seven”, maybe they would come out again to bring disaster to the world. Starting…

And if Huo Ling’er knew that she was going to the upper realm, she would definitely follow her. What danger would be in that time, it would be difficult for her to take care of her.

Thinking of this, Shi Hao also felt a little headache.

Hearing this, Shi Huang also understood what his father meant, so he nodded in response.

“Okay! Since there is nothing wrong, then you go down first!” Shi Hao waved his hand to Shi Huang behind him.

“Father! That child will retire first!” Upon hearing this, Shi Huang bowed respectfully to Shi Wu, then turned and walked out of the room.

the other side.

In a sea area in the ultimate ancient land boundary sea.

I saw three men, two women, floating in the Jiehai Sea. These three persons were Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen.

The three of them played in the Eight Regions for several decades, then left the Eight Regions and went to the Emperor Pass of Nine Heavens Ten Regions, where they witnessed the fierce war.

The three of Qin Zhan are almost general, and they have visited all the famous places in Perfect World.

After the last three people proposed, they came to this ultimate ancient land boundary sea.

The reason why he came to Jiehai was because God Liu was besieged by more than a dozen immortal kings in Jiehai before he was seriously injured.

After hearing that Little Sister, the willow god, was besieged by more than a dozen people, and these people were still in Jiehai, Ye Qing was impatient, so he proposed to come to Jiehai to avenge his Little Sister, the willow god, so the three of them came to Jiehai.

“Liu Shen Little Sister! Is this this place?” Ye Qingxian looked at the vast ocean around him, so he frowned and asked.

“Well! I was besieged here. If I hadn’t used the space secret technique to escape desperately, maybe I would have fallen here, so how could I forget this place!” Liu Shen nodded , And then looked at Ye Qingxian and replied affirmatively.

“Tang Dage! Did you find anything?” Ye Qingxian nodded as well, then turned to Qin Xuan next to him and asked.

After all, in a place where you almost fell, as long as you are conscious, you will remember it fresh and hard to forget.

“Well! There are Minor Worlds and different spaces everywhere in this sea of ​​bounds, and there are dozens of Minor Worlds in the sea near here. However, these Minor Worlds are all covered by the formation!” Qin Xuan Chong Ye Qingxian The two daughters of God Liu nodded, and then said.

“Minor World? What do you do now? How about Little Sister, the God of Liu, call out to see if your enemies will come out!” After hearing Qin Xuan’s explanation, Ye Qingxian and God of Liu were also wrinkled Frowning, I saw Ye Qingxian suggesting to Liu Shen next to him.


God Liu nodded in response, then stepped forward, picked up the Spirit Power in his body, and then shouted: “Liujia, Prison Road, sunset, blood sin… My God Liu is back! You still have to get out! Die!”

Liu Shen called out the names of more than a dozen people in one breath, and their voices spread over thousands of miles.

In the sea area of ​​tens of millions of miles and in Minor World, everyone heard the voice of God Willow.

“God Willow? Who is God Willow? He even called these werewolves’ names and asked them to come out and die!”

“Shen Liu? Is it the female fairy king who was slaughtered, hell, and they besieged by the sunset?

“Hehe! If it were her, there would be a good show this time! You know, in order to besie this female fairy king, they also suffered serious injuries in Prison Road!”

After hearing the voice of the willow god, everyone in the sea couldn’t help but talk, but these people all hope that the prison road and the sunset can come out, so they will have a good show!

The three of Qin Xuan waited for a while, and frowned when no one responded.

Seeing this, Liu Shen took a deep breath again, and then shouted again: “Haha! It seems that these years have passed, you have all become turtles, even my old friend dare not come out to meet.”

Not long after the Liushen shouted, I saw a wave of ripples in the surrounding space, and a dozen people walked out of the ripple…

After these people came out, they stared at Qin Xuan three people fiercely with eyes reveal, to be precise, they were staring at Liu Shen.

“Liu Shen! I wanted to let you go, but since you want to die, you can’t keep you!” One of the dozen people looked at Liu Shen and said cruelly.

Originally, they didn’t want to come out, but when they came to the Realm of the Immortal King, they also value face. Now seeing the Liu Shen beating, they finally had to come out.

“Ah! Blood crime! I didn’t expect to see you in these years, you actually love to speak big words, if it wasn’t for a dozen of you to make a sneak attack when I was not paying attention, you could really hurt me seriously? Who is it this time? I don’t know if I’m looking for death!” Hearing this, Liu Shen sneered, then looked at the man who was talking and said with disdain.

“Haha! Sneak attack? God Liu really doesn’t know how you cultivated to the Realm of the Immortal King, you are so naive! This time your life is here!” After hearing what Liu God said, he couldn’t bear it. Haha laughed, and then said disdainfully.

“Mr. Tang, Ye Big sis! You help me sit down first, let me see what progress they have made over the years, they dare to be so rampant!” Liu Shen said to Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian next to him.

After speaking, he flew up and came to the opposite side of the dozens of people in Blood Sin, and then said to them: “Blood Sin, Hell Road, Sunset…. Don’t talk nonsense! Let’s get started. Even if you said it. No matter how much, you can’t conceal the fact of your sneak attack!”

0.8 Hearing this, a dozen people on the blood sin couldn’t help but jump up, their eyes staring at the willow god in front, a dozen auras radiated from them, and the surrounding space was in the aura of the dozens of people. Finally couldn’t bear it, and broke apart one after another! Even the sea area was crushed by a large part.

“Ah! It seems that you have grown a lot over the years!” Seeing this, Liu Shen chuckled lightly, and then said.

The Liushen Little Sister, who was shrouded in a dozen auras, had a relaxed look on his face, and there was no discomfort at all.

Hearing that, the blood sins and their faces became serious. You must know that even if they are the supreme fairy kings, they will be a little unbearable under the coercion of their dozens of forces. You must know that all of them are a dozen. The Cultivation Base above the Great Immortal King, but now this god actually looks relaxed, her Cultivation Base must at least have a Cultivation Base above the Immortal King Giant!

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