Chapter 236

In Qin Xuan, not long after Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen left, Tieshan broke through the formation realm and entered the Venerable realm.

After Tieshan broke through the Venerable realm, Shi Hao stayed in Shicun for a while, then bid farewell to everyone in Shicun and left.

He Shi Wu has Qin Xuan’s test now, and Shi Hao attaches great importance to being able to worship Qin Xuan as a teacher.

After that, Shi Hao left Shicun with Huo Ling’er, and after returning Huo Ling’er to Huo, he began to find the strong to challenge in the eight domains.

Nearly a hundred years have passed. After a hundred years, Shi Hao has continuously challenged the powerhouses of the Eight Realms. Cultivation Base has also gone from the formation realm to the Venerable realm, and the combat power can even sweep the false gods of the gods and fire realms. He is a real powerhouse, and he is worthy.

After Shi Wu broke through the Venerable realm, he went back to Shi Kingdom to see if Qin Xuan said that Shi Yi, who was rescued by someone, had returned, and by the way, took over from Shi Kingdom’s emperor.

Speaking of the human emperor’s reign, Shi Hao strayed into the stone emperor’s Minor World more than ten years ago, and in that Minor World, he got the human emperor’s seal, and thus inherited the throne of the stone emperor’s emperor.

But now the emperor of Shiguo is just self-proclaimed, he can’t suppress Shiguo’s luck and enjoy it.

The real Emperor of Humanity requires the recognition of the Seal of Human Emperor and the previous generation of Human Emperor to become a new Emperor of Humanity, but I don’t know how the former Emperor of Humanity fell, and he did not pass down the throne, which led to the self-appointment of the current Stone Kingdom. The emperor can take advantage of it.

And what Shi Wu said, he also had the blood of the Shi Kingdom imperial clan, so after learning about this, he would also go back to inherit the position of the emperor.

After returning to the stone country, it was discovered that Shi Yi hadn’t come back, so he went to the stone country palace to explain to the self-proclaimed emperor. Starting:

But I didn’t expect that the self-proclaimed Emperor actually didn’t know what was good or bad, and he wanted to kill Shi Hao so as to hide it, so that he could continue to be his Emperor.

Therefore, the two of them fought together, but the self-proclaimed Emperor did not expect that this Shi Wu would actually be strong. Although Cultivation Base is the same as him, it is Venerable, but the combat power is not the mortal Venerable. What he had, he was easily held by Shi Wu Qin before a round.

After the heir to the throne, Shi Wu began to lead Shi Kingdom and calm the war in the Eight Regions. Of course, the various forces in the Eight Regions refused. Therefore, Shi Hao fought against the major forces in the Eight Regions. Up.

With Shi Wuzhen’s combat power, how the forces in the eight domains are his opponents, in the end, the major forces have no choice but to use secret methods to contact the upper realm, in order to let the upper realm send people down.

Sure enough, seven people came down from the upper realm to the lower realm. Among them, there were five powerhouses from the Divine Fire Realm Cultivation Base, and two True One Realm peak powerhouses. Without a word, Shi Hao fought with them, relying on the improved version of Nine Cycles mystery. Characteristics, Shi Hao became more brave as he fought, and finally broke through the Divine Fire Realm before he killed them all.

In this war, I don’t know how many towns and villages were destroyed. Some of the large mountains were also destroyed, and countless small mountains were all destroyed in this war.

After Shi Hao was with the Eight Domains, time slowly passed for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, it can be said that Shi Hao’s reputation is as high as the sky. His legend.

“Oh! Hundreds of years have passed before you know it, Master, Niang and Liushen Big Si still have no news?” Shi Hao asked a young man behind him.

Wearing this dragon robe, this young man exudes a noble aura, and looks a bit similar to Shi Wu.

“Father! I have sent all the people who can be sent out, and there is news, but there is still no news from my ancestors! This young man actually called Shi Wu his father, I saw him respectfully say to Shi Hao.

“It doesn’t make sense! If the masters are still in the eight realms, it is impossible to have no news at all because my stone country is all over the eight realms! Is it possible that the masters and mothers left the eight realms and went to the upper realm?” Wen Yan Shi Hao also frowned involuntarily, and he wondered even more in his heart.

“Father! Do you think there will be any accidents between Patriarch and Patriarch?” The young man named Shi Wu as his father suddenly guessed.

“Asshole! You are your father, what accidents do I have, your ancestors will not have any accidents! Up to now, I can’t predict your ancestor’s Cultivation Base! With your ancestor’s unpredictable Cultivation Base, here Who else in the eight domains can threaten him?” Shi Hao youth shouted at the man, then glared at him and cursed.

“Um! Father, don’t be angry, too! Isn’t this a guess, boy!” Seeing this, the young man suddenly became conscientious, and then carefully looked at Shi Hao and explained.

0……Look for flowers……

“Humph! If you dare to guess randomly next time, see if I don’t abolish you!” Hearing this, Shi Hao gave a cold snort, and then said.

After speaking, Shi Wu stopped talking, but lowered his head to wonder what he was thinking. When the young man behind Shi Wu saw this, he did not dare to disturb Shi Hao, so he waited there quietly.

“Shi Huang! It has been hundreds of years since I have been in the Shi Kingdom for my father! You can take care of some things on your own. Therefore, I want to fly to the upper realm for a while for my father to see! Everything about the Shi Kingdom is left to you!” After being silent for a while, Shi Hao suddenly raised his head, staring at the young man behind him with serious eyes, and then said solemnly.

“What? Father, are you going to the upper realm? But…but!” Shi Huang’s face couldn’t help being shocked when he heard this, and then said hurriedly.

Although he knew that this day would come, Shi Huang didn’t expect it would come so soon, so suddenly, he couldn’t help but worry.

You must know that your father has always been Shi Kingdom’s Dinghai God Needle. Only when he has been sitting for hundreds of years will Shi Kingdom be so stable. If he leaves, can Shi Kingdom be so stable?

We must know that although the major forces of the Eight Regions were destroyed hundreds of years ago, some of them have survived and are hiding in secret. If their father is no longer, it is hard not to guarantee that they will jump out and cause chaos again.

“It’s nothing! You’ve grown up too! Don’t always hide under the wings of yours, you should be a little bit more responsible, and bear the position of Emperor Human. Okay! You don’t need to say any more, this is the matter. !” Seeing this, Shi Hao waved his hand and interrupted directly.

It’s not that Shi Wu is unfeeling, but he knows. If they stay here, Shi Guo and own children will never grow up.

Moreover, his own Cultivation Base has been in the Realm of Shenhuo for hundreds of years, and there is no even the slightest Ascension. His cultivation Cultivation Technique is only for the Ascension Cultivation Base, but in these eight domains, he can’t find a comparable opponent at all, so His Cultivation Base has been halting in the Divine Fire Realm.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the upper realm to see, and then look for those strong in the upper realm to fight, so that the Cultivation Base would make progress.

He had this idea a few hundred years ago, but it was the eight domains that were just unified. He couldn’t worry about it, so he kept pressing it in his heart. Now the eight domains have basically stabilized, although there are still one or two mice hiding. In secret, but she believes that the own child can solve it. Eight,

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