Chapter 231: Ancient Heavy Pupils?

“Now there is only one person left! After solving her, I should go back too!” After looking around, Shi Hao couldn’t help but mutter to himself, seeing that no one could stand up.

After finishing speaking, looking at Shi Yi, who was unconscious on the ground, Shi Wu knew that he was basically a waste.As long as he didn’t have a great adventure in the future, even if he had the double pupil, the eternal obstacle, it would not be much. achieved.

As for why Shi Wu didn’t kill him, it was because Shi Hao also wanted him to experience his own experience back then. Even if he could be like himself, Shi Hao would not regret it.

Thinking of this, Shi Hao chuckled lightly, and then, regardless of everyone who fell on the ground, his figure had disappeared.

When he appeared again, Shi Hao had already come to a room.

“Are you coming out by yourself, or let me go in and hold you out?” Looking at the room in front of him, a cold light flashed in Shi Hao’s eyes, and then he stood in front of the room and said expressionlessly.

“Wow!” there was a sound.

The door of the room opened, and a middle-aged woman walked out from inside. This woman was Shi Yi’s mother and the mastermind of digging her own supreme bones.

“Here you are! I didn’t expect that the supreme bone was excavated back then, and you could survive it.” The middle-aged woman looked at Shi Hao and said blankly.

“Haha! Do you regret not killing me back then?” Shi Hao sneered, then said.

“Yeah! Indeed, if the fourth grandfather hadn’t come too in time, I would definitely kill you, so that there won’t be so much trouble! It’s really fateful.” Hearing this, the middle-aged woman nodded, and then The look was a little regrettable in reply.

“Hehe! God can’t see what you do, come out and help me! I won’t do more nonsense with you, see if you used to be my aunt, do you do it yourself or want me to do it? ?” Shi Hao chuckled lightly, then asked, staring at the middle-aged woman.

He knew that this woman was telling the truth. If the Fourth Great Master hadn’t arrived in time, he might have been killed by this vicious woman.

“It won’t work for you. I want to ask, how is Yi’er now? Is he still alive?” The middle-aged woman shook her head, and then asked Chong Shi Wu.

“He! I originally wanted to kill him, but after thinking about it, I didn’t kill him in the end. He is now just like me back then, all abandoned!” Shi Hao also shook his head, and then replied.

“Huh! Is it just a waste? As long as you don’t die! I did that, and I won’t regret it. For Yi’er, I didn’t feel that I did anything wrong.” Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. , And then looked at Shi Hao in front of him and said.

“Indeed, from your son’s point of view, you are indeed a good mother, and you dare to do such a vicious thing for him, but for the sentient beings in the world, you are a vicious woman!” Shi Hao looked at The middle-aged woman nodded, then shook her head and said.

“I don’t care what sentient beings in the world think. In this life, I am really sorry for your family. Now that Yi’er has been abolished by you, let him be a simple Young Master in Stone Mansion for the rest of his life! This life is my life. It should have been handed over to you as early as ten years ago. I owe you this, so I will give it back to you now!” The middle-aged woman smiled on her face as if she had let go of some worry, and then said.

After speaking, he raised his hand, patted his forehead with a palm, then closed his eyes and fell to the ground, silent.


Seeing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help sighing.Although he had avenged his revenge, Shi Hao didn’t have the kind of pleasure of a hand-blade enemy. Like them, they are all flowing the same blood.

But at this point, Shi Hao didn’t care about so much, shook his head and sighed, and then the person disappeared.

Not far from the Shi Mansion, Huo Ling’er was walking around anxiously with his head down, and from time to time he raised his head and looked in the direction of the Shi Mansion, still muttering quietly in his mouth, not knowing what to say.

“Lingerhuo, why are you walking around, don’t you feel dizzy?” When Lingerhuo was in a hurry, a voice came into her ears.

Huo Linger followed the reputation, but found that Shi Hao didn’t know when he was standing next to own, and was looking at him with a smile.

“Shi Hao!”

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help crying, and then rushed towards Shi Hao’s arms.

“Okay! Okay! You are not a kid anymore, and you still cry!” Shi Hao hugged Huo Ling’er, then patted her on the back, softly comforting.

“Isn’t people worried about you?”

0……Look for flowers)

Hearing this, Huo Ling’er buried her head in Shi Hao’s arms, and then whispered in a low voice.

“Ah! Alright! Let’s go! Comfort” Shi Wu said to Huo Ling’er in his arms after a while.

Shi Qu “! Has your matter been resolved?” Huo Ling’er asked curiously after hearing this.

“Well! It’s all solved!”

Shi Hao nodded, and then said.

“Hehe! Then let’s go!”

Huo Ling’er smiled happily, and then said.

On the other side, not long after Shi Hao left, a wave of ripples suddenly appeared next to Shi Yi, and a woman in grey clothes suddenly appeared there.

When she came to Shi Yi, her eyes were staring straight at Shi Yi. She stood on the green silk like a waterfall. She had a fairy charm, ethereal and ethereal, like a perfect work of art carved from white ivory.


As a “heavy handicapped person, even the highest profundity of the double pupil has not bloomed. No, it should be that the fur of the double pupil has not been used. It is really a waste of double pupils.” The gray-clothed woman stared at the ground like this. Shi Yi said softly.

When she said these words, her deep pupils glowed, incomparable. At this moment, it seemed that she had reopened the Universe and refined the heaven and earth Xuanhuang.

If someone is here, you will be very shocked, because the woman’s pupils are separated and changing, becoming a double pupil.The kind of energy is too terrible, it can be called the world!

Like Shi Yi, she is also a double pupil?

Her double pupils can actually be merged into one. How deep is this Realm, so that the double pupils can be refined and merged into one. They will only appear when they are needed again, revealing the power of heaven-defying.

Is this gray-clothed woman an ancient heavy pupil?

Since ancient times, there has been an undefeated person who has been rampant in the world and has lived since ancient times to this life?

Strong! This is a truly strong! Moreover, it is still a strong who has lived since ancient times!

“Huh! After the first battle in the ancient world, I was still too tired. But after only coming out for a while, I was already so tired?” The gray-clothed woman suddenly changed her face and sighed.

After speaking, he waved to Shi Yi who was lying on the ground, and the person had disappeared! Along with her disappearance, Shi Yi was unconscious. Eight,

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