Chapter 230 Supreme Bone? What’s the Use of Keeping You!

Stone House.


Shi Yi knelt on one knee, resting one hand on the ground, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

“How is it possible? How could he be so strong!”

Shi Yi looked at the expressionless Shi Hao and couldn’t help but said in amazement.

Just now, when he fisted with Shi Hao, he found that there was no energy fluctuation in Shi Wu’s body, and he couldn’t help but secretly joy.

But when his fist touched Shi Wu’s fist, he felt a powerful force coming, his own body involuntarily flew out, and the terrible punch directly destroyed his internal organs, making him have to squirt a mouthful. Blood.

The people in Shifu who were watching this battle were also dumbfounded, and they didn’t expect it, but only one round, the owner of Shifu Tianjiao’s heavy pupil and supreme bone was actually knocked down and flew out, vomiting blood on the ground. .

Suddenly, Shi Yi saw that Shi Wu didn’t know when he came to him, and punched him with a fist. His heart was a crazy warning, and his face was shocked.

Instinctively, he folded his hands to protect the top of his head, hoping to reduce the damage he suffered.

Shi Hao literally hit Shi Yi’s hands with a punch, and instantly knocked Shi Yi away again.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Shi Yi, who was knocked into the air, did not know how many defenses were destroyed by the collision, and directly dragged a long trace.

Seeing Shi Yi flying upside down, Shi Hao’s figure disappeared again, and 450 was obviously chasing Shi Yi upside down.

Seeing this, the faces of the people in Shifu who were present could not help but lose their color, and then one of the ancestors anxiously shouted: “Hurry up and save people!”

After speaking, he rushed out too.

What happened just now was just a blink of an eye, and there was no time for them to react at all.

Seeing the ancestor himself rushed over now, everyone hurriedly followed.

At the end of the trace, watching Shi Yi lying on the ground dying, it was obvious that he was seriously injured and could not get up.

Shi Wu walked up to him, raised his fist, and was about to punch him, obviously to understand him.


Shi Yi was hit in the chest with a punch by Shi Hao, only hearing a boom, the earth couldn’t bear the punch, and it instantly cracked.

When the four ancestors arrived, they saw Shi Hao hit with a punch, so they panicked and shouted, “Stop!

After speaking, people rushed towards Shi Hao and Shi Yi, who was lying on the ground not knowing his life or death, hoping to have time.

However, it was too late. Looking at the cracks in the ground, the heart of the ancestor couldn’t help but sink.

Looking at the four ancestors who rushed over, Shi Hao turned around and slammed four punches directly at the four ancestors. The four phantom fist strengths rushed towards the four ancestors with terrible energy. Past.


Four voices sounded.

The four ancestors were also hit by the powerful punching force and withdrew, and long trails were drawn on their feet.

After the four stopped, although none of them suffered any injuries, they looked a little embarrassed.

“This is a battle between us. Don’t intervene, and the four of you are not my opponents, so don’t waste your time! You can’t save him!” Shi Hao stood beside Shi Yi who didn’t know his life or death. Then he looked at the four ancestors in front and said.

“Damn it!”

Looking at Shi Yi, who didn’t know his life or death, and the young man standing next to him, the four ancestors couldn’t help but gritted their teeth and cursed.

They also couldn’t think that the young Cultivation Base was so strong. The four of them were all strong at the array level. They were repelled when they knew they were facing each other. Moreover, the young man obviously had his hands behind.

Although they were anxious in their hearts, the four of them all knew that the boy was right. The four of them weren’t his enemies at all. Even if they were rushing over now, they would still be repelled back.

Seeing the four people standing on the spot, Shi Wu stretched out his hands, condensed into claws, and sucked at Shi Yi, and the terrible suction instantly spread from his palm.

I saw that Shi Yi was full of white light, especially his chest, the light was even more dazzling. Recommended reading…

“Don’t come out for me yet!”

Shi Wu shouted, and then the suction in his palm became stronger.

A light gradually emerged from Shi Yi’s chest (agai), and none of this light and shadow exuded the aura of self-respect, and the light and shadow slowly fell into Shi Wu’s hands.

Seeing the dazzling Bone Kuai in his hand, Shi Wu couldn’t help but feel a little complicated.

It is this fast bone that made myself so miserable in the past, and separated myself from own parents. Now the life and death of own parents are still unknown!

“Haha! Is this my supreme bone back then! What a supreme bone! Shi Wu believes that even without this supreme bone, he can reach the top, so what’s the point of keeping you!” Shi Wu laughed. Then he looked at the glowing bone in his hand and said to himself.

After finishing speaking, I saw an invincible breath ascending from his body.

One hand squeezed the supreme bone firmly, and as Shi Hao gradually applied force, the supreme bone also made a clicking sound.

“Break it to me!”

Shi Wu yelled, and then shook his hand suddenly.


I saw that the supreme bone in his hand was crushed by him, leaving only a puff of dust blown away by the wind.


Seeing this, the four ancestors were also dumbfounded. They did not expect that this young man would actually squeeze the supreme bone into dust. Fastest update…

“You die to me!!

Seeing this, the four ancestors widened their eyes with an incredible look on their faces, and their hearts were even more angry, and then rushed towards Shi Hao.

This young man ruined the future of Shi Mansion. I thought that the four of them finally saved Shi Yi from the hands of Shizi Mausoleum. However, he did not expect that the supreme bone was destroyed by someone in a few days, which was tantamount to ruining their Shi Mansion. The way back for them, how could this make them angry.

“I said that you are not my opponents, so I was lucky to rush over. I don’t know whether to live or die.” Shi Wu looked at the four of them and said disdainfully.

After speaking, he took a palm shot, and saw a huge palm formed by energy condensed in the sky above the four of them.

Looking at the huge palm prints captured, the four of them gritted their teeth and looked at each other, then slapped Fa Jue at the same time and shouted: “Zhanzhen, get up!”

I saw dense runes spread around them, and these runes finally gathered together, and then the four of them faced the gathered runes and suddenly pushed them, and the gathered runes turned into a huge fist print, facing the giant in the sky The palm banged over.

“Bang!” There was a muffled sound.


The energy formed by the collision of palm prints and fist prints suddenly changed through the mask and raged away from the stone mansion.

All of the people in the Stone Mansion who rushed over with the four ancestors all flew upside down, and all of them fell to the ground, obviously they have no fighting power!

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