Chapter 232

Looking at the huge old willow tree not far ahead, Shi Hao’s eyes were slightly red.

“It’s been more than ten years, and it’s been more than ten years since I’ve been away! Now I’m finally back!” Shi Hao muttered to himself with slightly trembling lips.

“Shi Hao! Is this the Shicun you often mention!” Huo Ling’er asked curiously.

Looking at the small village in front, and at a glance, only the huge old willow tree is the only one that can be remembered. As for the others, it seems very ordinary.

But in this ordinary village, since Shi Wu such a peerless arrogant has appeared, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

If Zishanhou, the elderly of the Golden Wolf tribe, and Dao Huo Ling’er, the patriarch of the Lei clan, felt emotional, they would definitely curse, this village is ordinary?

Will there be so many array-level powerhouses in ordinary villages? And they are all those who are in their teens and 20s. Moreover, there are three Cultivation Base unfathomable “Four Five Zeros” in the village. “People, is this what an ordinary village should have?

Shi Hao nodded, and then continued: “Go! Let’s go in!”

After speaking, he ran in like a village.

“Haha! Everyone! I’m back!”

After running into the village, Shi Hao couldn’t help but shouted with a loud laugh.

Seeing Shi Hao so happy, Huo Ling’er couldn’t help but smile, and then chased Shi Wu up.

“Hey! Who are you? What are you doing in Shicun?” A middle-aged uncle saw Shi Wu and Huo Ling’er running into the village, so he watched them and asked vigilantly.

Although it has been more than ten years since the village was invaded last time, the villagers in Shicun still have a sense of vigilance against outsiders in their hearts.

“Uncle Shi Jian? Are you Uncle Shi Jian?” Shi Hao looked at the familiar middle-aged uncle in front of him, and asked a little uncertainly.

“Hey! Who are you and how do you know my name?” The uncle named Shi Jian asked inexplicably while looking at Shi Wu.

After all, Shi Wu has been away from Shicun for more than ten years, and it is normal for the uncle in front of him not to know him.

“Haha! It’s really you, Uncle Shi Jian! I’m Shi Hao, oh no, I’m a little kid! Can’t you remember!” Seeing this uncle confessed, Shi Hao couldn’t help but laughed happily, and then said .

“Small?” Uncle Shi Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said: “You are a little, that’s the one who stole my animal’s milk back then? Oh, I didn’t expect that when you grew up, you would even connect you to Shi Jian. I don’t even know the uncle!”

“Puff! Little? Stealing beast milk? Haha! Shi Hao, I didn’t expect you to like to drink beast milk when you were young! And there is such a nice name!” Hearing this, the Linger next to him burst into laughter. , And then pointed to Shi Wu and said playfully.


Seeing this, Shi Hao’s face was a little red, and his heart was even more embarrassed.

“Haha! Uncle Shi Jian, you still remember what happened for such a long time! Well, I just returned to the village, and now I am going to see Mr. Tang, we will talk next time.” Shi Wu scratched his head, then embarrassed Said with a smile.

After speaking, he pulled Huo Ling’er next to him and ran forward as if fleeing.

Seeing Shi Hao who was running away, Uncle Shi Jian scratched his head, and then said to himself: “No! I’ll go home and notify the mother-in-law, so that she can hide the animal milk, so that she won’t be taken aback. The brat stole it.”

After speaking, Uncle Shi Jian hurried towards his home.

In front of the wooden house.

“Big Big Brother! Big Sister, and Liu Shen Big sis! I’m back!” Shi Hao brought Huo Ling’er to Qin Xuan’s wooden house, and then yelled at the wooden house happily.

“Smelly boy! Just come back, do you need to shout so loudly?” At this moment, a voice came from the wooden house. Recommended reading…

Needless to say, Shi Hao also knew that this must be Qin Xuan’s voice.

Hehe “! Go. Ling’er! Let’s go in.” Hearing this, Shi Hao didn’t care at all, just said to Huo Ling’er next to him.

“Is it really okay to go in like this?” Huo Linger said hesitantly.

“It’s okay! Don’t be afraid, Big Brother usually talks like this!” Shi Hao explained to the somewhat hesitant Huo Ling’er.

After speaking, he took Lingerhuo and walked into the wooden house.

Walking into the wooden house, Shi Wu saw that there was only Qin Xuan lying on the couch, and couldn’t help asking strangely: “Big Brother! Why didn’t you see Big Sister and Liu Shen, Big sis, wondering about the two?”

“Late! Two of them, you are coming back today, so have you prepared something to eat?” Qin Xuan glared at him before saying.

“Late! This is your little girlfriend!” At this moment, Qin Xuan took a look at Huo Ling’er next to him, and then said playfully.

Hearing this, Shi Hao and Huo Linger’s faces turned red involuntarily.

“Smelly boy, why don’t you give your little girlfriend a chair and let someone sit down.” Seeing Shi Hao still standing there stupefied, Qin Xuan couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and then said angrily 0… ….

“No, no! I…I just stand!” Huo Ling’er quickly waved his hand and said.

“Standing? Haha, if you come to me, if I let you stand, I’m afraid someone will say bad things secretly!” Qin Xuan squinted Shi Hao, then smiled at Huo Ling’er.

“Small! You are back! At this moment,” a voice came over.

Huo Ling’er followed the prestige, and saw two women with misty temperament and too beautiful to express with words, walking towards her.

These two women are Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen.

“Tiaka! Big Sister, Liu Shen Big sis! Hmm. I’m back.” Shi Hao Chong’s Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen nodded, and then replied grinningly.

“Sister Big Sister! What delicious food did you prepare for me?” Thinking of Qin Xuan’s words just now, Shi Wu couldn’t help but look at the two women and continue to ask!

“Aha! You are still greedy when you grow up! Don’t worry, your Willow God Big sis and I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you! I promise to let you eat enough.” Ye Qingxian smiled, and then replied .

“Haha! That’s good! That’s good!” Hearing this, Shi Hao laughed loudly, and then said.

“Ah! Don’t be a little bit, you come with me, let’s get the food out.” At this moment, Liu Shen said with a smile to Shi Wu.


Hearing this, Shi Hao’s eyes lit up, then nodded and said.

“Um! Big Sister, Liu Shen Big sis, in the future, can you stop calling me young, I have grown up, if I still call me young, it feels a bit like that…” Shi Hao scratched his head, and then said embarrassingly to the two girls of Ye Qingxian.

“Woo! Our little one has grown up!” At this time, Qin Xuan looked at Shi Hao and said playfully.

“Just talk about you!

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian gave Qin Xuan a white look, and then said to the embarrassed Shi Hao: “Don’t care about your Big Brother! Shi Wu is it! I remembered your Big Sis with your Liu Shen!”

After speaking, he walked to the kitchen, and Liu Shen also followed.

The dinner table.

“It’s delicious! The food cooked by Big Sister and Liu Shen Big sis is still as good as before!” Shi Hao smashed the food on the table frantically, complimenting the two women while eating.

“Ah! You can eat something if it is delicious!” Liu Shen said with a smile.

“Haha! It seems that I came at the right time. I heard that Xiaobudian is back, right?” At this moment, a voice came in from outside.

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