Chapter 207 Terrible Fusion Art

After watching the young man disappear, Xiao Budian also looked anxious.

Since knowing that the young man is his father, Xiao Dadian is afraid of his danger.

“Big Brother! Let’s follow up!” Xiao Budian said anxiously while looking at Qin Xuan.


Seeing Xiao Budian in a hurry, Qin Xuan wanted to laugh, but couldn’t laugh, so he nodded and said.

After speaking, the two disappeared again.

When it appeared again, it was in front of a huge palace.

The young man raised his head, looked at the huge palace in front of him, and then resolutely walked in.

Just when Xiao Budian wanted to follow in, she saw the young woman, the mother of own, who was holding the former own, and flew towards the palace.

The young woman looked at the child in her arms lovingly, then raised her head, angrily glanced at the palace in front of her, and walked into “February 17”.

And the child in her arms had dim eyes and apathetic eyes, looking around in confusion, wondering what happened here and why it became like this.

“Go! Let’s go in too! See what the final result will be!” Qin Xuan looked at the little bit stupefied next to him, and then said.

“Ah!! Okay, let’s go in too!” After Xiaoping reacted, he nodded and said.

When the two entered the palace, they saw the young couple, holding the child, looking directly at the group of people in front of them.

Among the group of people, four old men sat with their eyes closed. These four old men were the four ancestors of the Shi family. There were some people standing behind them.

Among them was the young woman who ordered the man to take out the supreme bone, and beside the young woman was standing, the child named Yi’er who merged the supreme bone.

Seeing the young woman and the child named Na Yi’er in front of him, the young man’s eyes seemed to squirt out, and he raised the golden spear with rune in his hand, and with terrible strength, he suddenly stabbed the young woman and the child. past.

The walls in the palace were also cracked by the vigor, causing pieces of the walls to fall off.

When the young man stabbed over, the four ancestors also opened their eyes, looked at the stabbed golden spear, and couldn’t help frowning.

The four ancestors did not expect that this young man dared to act in front of them. If this spreads out, what majesty will they have, and how they will deter the younger generation in the future.

I saw that one of the old men raised his hand and grabbed the golden spear that the young man had stabbed in. The golden spear suddenly stopped as if it encountered some terrible resistance. Starting…

“Stone Mausoleum, you dare to act in front of us, it’s really rebellious. Don’t hurry up and stop!” The old man who grabbed the golden spear frowned and shouted to the young man.

This time I don’t know if it was Qin Xuan’s reason, but Xiao Budian could actually hear their conversation.

“Old ancestor! Today, no matter what, I will kill them both! Revenge for Wu Er! If it weren’t for them, Wu Er would not become what it is now. Faced with the question of the old man, the young man said firmly in his eyes .

Then, he took back the golden spear in the hands of the old man.

“Ziling! We know that you are very wronged. It is our Shi family who is sorry for Wu Er, but you can rest assured, we will definitely compensate you and Wu Er!” Hearing this, the old man’s face was a bit ugly, but his tone still softened. .

After all, the genius who gave birth to the supreme bone in the Shi family was actually in his own clan and was murdered by his own clan.

Not only are the young men angry, but they are also full of anger. You know, the four of them were also in the clan at the time, but they did not expect that they had been guarding outsiders, but the young woman took advantage of the loopholes, which led to the Shi family. Lose a Tianjiao.

They also wanted to execute the young woman, but the child named Yi’er was forced to die and couldn’t do it.

Now the young man wants to avenge his son, but it is excusable, but their stone clan has lost one arrogant, and in any case cannot lose the second one.

“Compensation? Aah! Can the Shi family’s compensation be exchanged for the old Wu’er? If so, I would stop here!” The young man named Shi Ziling looked at the old man in front of him and asked with a sneer.

“can not!

Hearing this, the old man’s complexion couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly and replied.

Let the supreme bone regenerate? Let alone him, even if the emperor of the stone country comes, there is no way.

“No? Then I don’t want any compensation, I just want to kill the two of them!” Hearing this, Shi Ziling shook his head at the old man in front of him, then pointed to the young woman and the child next to her, and said.

Seeing this, the old man’s eyebrows were all tangled together, and the other three old men, Shizi Ling, also frowned involuntarily 0…

“Ziling! Can’t you really stop it?” Seeing that Shi Ziling was still insisting, the old man’s face darkened instantly, but he still asked unwillingly.

“can not!

Shi Ziling looked at the old man firmly with both eyes, and then said.

And the little one who was watching all this next to him, his eyes were full of tears, and his lips had been bitten by him and bleeding.

The young woman saw that her husband was like this, and her eyes were firm. Only the child in her arms looked at all this with a confused expression, not knowing what had happened.

“Oh! If this is the case, then I can only suppress you! My Shi family has already lost a Tianjiao, and can no longer lose a second place!” The old tank breathed a sigh, and his face was a little dim and said to Shi Zi Ling.

“Haha! Since we are going to fight, let’s fight!” Hearing this, Shiziling couldn’t help laughing, and then raised the golden spear in his hand and shouted loudly.

After finishing speaking, a powerful aura, starting from the ascending of the stone mausoleum, the golden spear shining with rune also exudes divine light, illuminating the entire palace at once.


Shi Ziling talked about the golden spear, from top to bottom, with fierce energy, he smashed it down at the old man in front of him.

The old man raised his fist, and saw that there were dense and flickering runes everywhere on the old man’s fist, and then, he punched the golden spear that came down.

The collision of the fist and the spear formed a terrible energy, and the group of people behind him hit the wall to the wall. After falling, they vomited 0.8 blood.

Only the child named Yi’er and the other three elders could stand still under that terrible vigor.

After a confrontation, Shiziling also flew upside down suddenly, and a few turned over and came to his wife’s side.

The two looked at each other, and they understood each other’s meaning in an instant.They saw dense runes exuding from them at the same time.The runes of the two began to merge together.When they were fully integrated, the breath of the two changed upside down. .

If the breath of the two of them was like a raging fire and a violent thunder, then there is now a silence, like a universe, but this kind of silence, once it breaks out, it will definitely destroy the world.

Seeing this, the old man’s complexion changed slightly.He knew that Shiziling and his wife had a powerful treasure, but they needed two to perform it at the same time, but he didn’t expect this treasure to be so powerful. Woke up.

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