Chapter 206

Big Brother! Can you help him?” Looking at all of this, Xiaodudian’s face was full of tears, and then asked Qin Xuan next to him pleadingly.

After seeing what happened, the little one knew that even if he was stupid, the kid who looked a lot like him was basically himself, except that he was when he was a kid.

Little did not expect that his life experience would be so bumpy and so miserable.

If it’s “I’ve taken the shot, are you still the same you are? Are you still the beast milk drinker in Shicun? Also, it’s your business, don’t you want to get it back yourself?” Qin Xuan shook his head, and then Said somewhat playfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Budian couldn’t help but became silent. Since knowing that the child was him, Xiao Budian was always a little awkward, but thinking that he was so miserable before, he was more angry about things.

“Big Brother! I want to keep watching, what happened later?” Xiao Budian raised his head, eyes full of determination, and said to Qin Xuan.


Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, then nodded.

The surrounding pictures blurred again.

When he reappeared, he was already lying on a bed, with an old man sitting beside him, and several maids standing underneath.

The child lying on the bed is now very weak, and his eyes are not as bright as before. At this moment, the child looked at the ceiling without a sense of mind, and muttered to himself: “Father, mother, what are you guys? When I come back, Wu’er hurts so much, Wu’er looks like you guys.”

The old man and the maid next to each other said that tears were also involuntarily falling.

The old man clenched these hands tightly, his eyes were even more angry, but, as if thinking of something, his face was full of helplessness in the end.

And those maids were crying silently with their heads down, and from time to time they also stretched out their hands to wipe the tears from their eyes.

Time passed bit by bit. In these days, the other children in the clan gradually disappeared until they did not show up. And the former clan uncles and aunts can hardly see him anymore and no longer come to look after him.

The child is also getting weaker and weaker. It is no longer the intelligent, dazzling, and destined child to rise to become a peak powerhouse.

No one in the family said anything, not so superficial, but they moved less and seemed more indifferent, but such a small child did not understand this.

Seeing all this, Xiao Budian was also secretly anxious, although he knew that this kid was his former self and nothing would happen to him. If something happened to him, he would not have his current self.

Having said that, Xiao Bu was still very worried as he watched the child lose weight.

That day, the young couple finally came back. They saw the child lying on the bed, emaciated and trembling all over, with an unbelievable look on their faces.

They couldn’t believe that the two of them had only been out for more than a month. Why is their own child so weak and so small? There is no brilliance in their eyes, but the agility and kindness they used to be? First time…

When Xiao Budian saw the young couple, he knew that the two of them were their own parents, and their faces were full of joy, and their eyes were full of longing.

When the weak child saw the husband and wife, he unconsciously opened his hands and smiled heartlessly, as if he felt a kind of affection and warmth, and wanted them to hold him.

The young woman ran over and put the child in her arms, her face was full of tears.

The child was held in his arms by his mother, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

The young man roared, and then rushed out of the house.

The picture turns.

The old man who had been guarding the child these days looked at the young man with a guilty face, and didn’t know what he said to the young man.

I saw the young man, his eyes seemed to burst out with fire, and an angry shout in his mouth, a golden spear appeared in his hand, and then he lifted the golden war spear, surrounded the rune, and his fighting spirit was boiling and booming. With a sound, a spear flew a piece of palace, and then rushed out.

When the old man saw the man rushing out, his face was full of worry, so he also chased the young man out.


Not long after the young man rushed out, there was a roar of fighting outside.

Qin Xuan followed with Xiao Bian, and saw that no matter who it was, as long as he stood in front of the young man, they were all knocked down by the golden spear in the young man’s hand.

Along the way, many strong men came out to stop the young man, but after the war, he couldn’t resist it in the end, and even the surrounding palaces collapsed.

At this time, a group of old men flew over, and the young man stopped seeing this.

The old men didn’t know what they said to the man, while the young man was snarling frantically. Then, he raised the golden spear in his hand and pointed at the group of old men, which seemed to suddenly tell them to leave.

0……Look for flowers………

The old men seemed to want to continue talking, but the young man seemed to be impatient. He shouted, his head full of black hair danced wildly, and with a wave of his spear in his hand, the golden light was overwhelming, and everything around him was shining golden.

The young man picked up the golden spear in his hand, and the original rune became a piece, rushing forward, and the golden light flooded the front.

Seeing this, the faces of the old men in front changed slightly, and they offered their own weapons. Those weapons also lit up, trying to resist the golden light.


The aftermath of the collision of two powerful forces knocked down the surrounding palaces.

After the dust passed, they saw the old men in front of them with gray heads and muddy faces and blood stains on their bodies. At this time, they looked at the young man with a little anger on their faces, but they were more shocked.


At this moment, one holding a feather fan, surrounded by wind and thunder, walked out and pointed at the young man, as if cursing the young man.

When the young man saw the old man, his eyes were full of anger. The spear rune in his hand appeared, and the invisible aura on his body came together. He shouted, and then moved the golden spear in his hand toward the old man.

Seeing this, the old man’s face changed wildly. After all, from the collision just now, he already knew that this young man was terrible and didn’t dare to take it hard. He hurriedly said something to the old man behind him.

Hearing that, the weapons in the hands of those old men also light up.


After a collision, the golden spear flew back to the man’s hand. The man held the golden spear, exuding the radiance of rune, and rushed towards the group of elders.

Suddenly, rune overflowed, divine light filled the sky, roaring sound constantly, the earth constantly cracking, one after another house collapsed in the aftermath of the war.

There were guards and maids who were fleeing in terror everywhere.

In the end, the group of old men all fell to the ground, blood staining the surroundings.

Although the young man didn’t fall down, he was still panting, and obviously consumed a lot of energy in his body.

The young man raised his head and looked forward. His eyes were filled with monstrous anger and determination. A breath of determination emanated from him, as if he would not stop until his goal was reached.

There was a “boom”.

The surrounding ground split for a while, but the young man had disappeared, leaving only the group of old men who fell on the ground. Eight,

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