Chapter 208 Battle Array!

Shiziling rushed towards the old man, his breath of holding the child followed behind.

The breath of the two seemed to be connected together, regardless of you and me, the silent breath of the two, like a ghost, suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and then, at the same time, stretched out his hand, with a dark breath, and patted the old man. past.

Seeing this, a golden light flashed in the old man’s eyes, and he also stretched out his hands, clenched fists, and struck forward.


There was a muffled sound, the whole earth began to shatter, and the terrible air force began to spread outward.

Seeing this, the expressions of those who had been hit by the aftermath of the vigorous air just now changed wildly, and their eyes were full of fear.

When the other three old men saw this, their expressions changed slightly. They didn’t expect that just the aftermath of the battle would destroy everything around them.

If they don’t make a move anymore, the group of people behind may all fall for it.

I saw that one of the old men waved his hand and took the two of them away from the palace that was about to collapse.

When they arrived at the palace, everyone couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked up, only to see the dazzling brilliance, all kinds of holy lights danced together to obscure the sky, and the entire palace was covered, without seeing anything.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

There was a continuous crash, and the palace 06 seemed to be unbearable suddenly, and it exploded all of a sudden.

Everyone saw three Daoist shadows flying out of the exploded palace, floating in the air.

The three of them were obviously embarrassed. Among them, the old man was the most obvious. His hair bun had been knocked off at some point, and it was a little messy when he was blown by the wind, and the corners of his eyes were a little bruised.

Shiziling was also a little messy, but it was obviously better than the old man, and the young woman standing next to Shiziling with her child in her arms was much better than the two.

“Smelly boy, although I’m sorry for doing this, you don’t need to be cruel!” The old man looked at Shizi Ling, blowing his beard and staring.

At the beginning, I looked at the couple of Shiziling and obviously kept their hands. After all, this matter was done by the Shi family too much, and I am sorry for their family. Moreover, this Shiziling was also a big one since I was young.

But I didn’t expect that if he kept his hand, this kid actually beat himself cruelly, and greeted him with punches and punches, making his face stunned and received a few punches.

However, to the old man’s relief, Shi Ziling, the kid, although he was not angry with him, did not make a full shot. The scar on his face, although it looked serious, was actually just a skin trauma.

Otherwise, with a few punches of that kid, he would have to peel off his skin without dying.

Seeing this, the other three ancestors also flew into the air, came to the side of the old man, and stared at Shiziling.

Stinky boy “! I’ll give you another chance, can I let it go?” The old man who fought against Shiziling just now asked without giving up looking at your family.

Shi Ziling and his wife looked at each other, and then both shook their heads at the same time.

Seeing this, the four ancestors also nodded at the same time, it seems that they are ready to take action to suppress them.

The Shiziling couple, who stood opposite the four ancestors, also found that the four of them were about to make a move. Therefore, their faces were also solemn. But also has the upper hand.

However, both of them knew that this fusion-type treasure technique would not last long.

Moreover, it is the four ancestors who are now shooting together. I am afraid that the two of them are even more struggling.

“Arrange the battle formation!”

The four ancestors glanced at each other, and then shouted.

After speaking, the four people appeared in four directions and surrounded Shi Ziling and his wife.

Although they can be won by two or two without setting up the battlefield, they may be injured in this way. The four are just trying to suppress them, not to injure them.

When the four ancestors stood in four directions at the same time, they saw dense runes suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and they all shone with light.

When the dense clusters of runes appeared, Shi Ziling and his wife only felt a strong pressure coming, as if they were carrying a large mountain on their backs, and their actions were unusually slow.


Seeing that the Shiziling couple had been trapped in the battlefield, the four ancestors shouted loudly.

A terrible gravitational force pressed Shiziling and his wife from top to bottom.

The Shiziling couple was also flushed under the pressure of this terrible gravity, but the child in their arms did not seem to feel any pressure, otherwise, such a heavy pressure, the child would have been crushed into fleshy mud. NS.

“seal up!”

The four ancestors waved their hands at the same time, and then shouted to the Shiziling couple in the battlefield.

Suddenly, the surrounding space gradually closed, and it seemed that they were preparing to seal the two of them.

The Shiziling couple desperately resisted, but the space was still slowly closing up. When they saw that they were about to be unable to hold on, Shiziling’s wife shouted to Shiziling: “Husband! We are sure to be sealed if this continues. At that time, let’s not say that it is revenge, I am afraid that even Wu Er can’t take care of it!

“With the last resort, let’s escape first and discuss the long-term plan later!” After hearing this, Shi Ziling gritted his teeth and said.

Although they knew that even if they were suppressed by the four ancestors, the two would not be in any danger, but they would be restricted in their actions.However, Wu Er’s current situation does not tolerate them under house arrest, so, no matter what Both of them must find a way to escape.


Shi Ziling’s wife nodded in agreement.

After speaking, the rune on the two of them lighted up again, and the quiet breath appeared on the two of them again.

“Life and death go against you!”

During the battle, a Henggu voice sounded, and I saw that the rune that was still shining just now on the bodies of the Shiziling couple suddenly radiated dazzling light, and then flew away from their bodies and spun outward, as if It seemed like some terrible power was brewing. Starting…

As time passed 217 bit by bit, the rotating rune began to spread outward.


I saw that the rotating rune collided with the rune of the battle formation, and the surrounding space became unstable. As each rune collided, there would be terrible energy aftermath.

“More power!

Seeing this, Shi Ziling shouted at the own breath, and at the same time, the silent breath of the two of them became stronger and stronger. The rotating rune suddenly increased its speed and began to expand outward.


I saw that the battle formation began to appear cracks, and as the cracks became more and more, and bigger and bigger, finally, a gap appeared in the battle formation laid down by the four ancestors.

let’s go!

Seeing this, Shi Ziling took his wife’s hand at once, and then flew out quickly toward the gap.

-In the battle, the two rushed out without looking back until they disappeared into the air.

“Huh! Why don’t you chase after it?” One of the ancestors asked suspiciously.

The ancestor who had just started fighting with the Shiziling couple rolled his eyes at him, and then said: “What are you chasing after! Do you want to kill them? If they leave, let them go! This is my Shi family. I’m sorry for them. of!”

Hearing that, the other two ancestors also sighed, and then looked at the young woman below with a little ugly expression.


The four ancestors disappeared in place without saying a word.

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