Chapter 205

“Big Big Brother! Who are the Big Sister sister and the little Little Brother just now? Why didn’t the little be touched on them? It feels so kind.” The little bit scratched his tear-soaked face, and then raised his head to Qin next to him. Xuan asked.

“You should keep watching!

Hearing this, Qin Xuan shrugged helplessly.

I saw, Qin Xuan waved his hand, everything in front of him became blurred.After a while, Xiao Budian realized that he was no longer above the altar, but came to a mountain range, surrounded by towering clouds. , Trees that cover the sky and the sun.

And not far in front of Xiaobudian, there is a huge lake. The lake is blue, clear and beautiful. The rich Spiritual Qi on the lake cannot be removed. It is very suitable for people to practice. Anyway, Xiaobudian has never seen such a rich Spiritual Qi.

“Haha! My dear grandson is coming! Come, grandpa will give you a taste of the blood of this ancient heritage. See if you like it or not!

At this moment, Xiao Budian heard a majestic laughter.

“Big Brother! There is someone in front, let’s go and take a look!” Little Budian said curiously.


Qin Xuan nodded.

After speaking, Qin Xuan and Xiao Budian disappeared where they were.

When it reappeared, it was a little inconvenient to see a group of people in front of them, including men, women and children.

| Xiao Budian sees the three people in the crowd who are talking 187, his eyes can no longer be removed, the whole person is like a demon, where are they.

Among the three people, an old man and the other two are a young couple. The man is stalwart, the woman is beautiful and moon-like, and he is holding a baby in his arms.

The three of them seemed to be talking about something suddenly, the old man laughed, and the young couple looked helpless.

The little baby in their arms laughed happily, waving his white tender little hands and blinking, as if they had eaten something delicious.

At this time, Qin Xuan waved his hand again, and everything around him instantly became blurred.

When he appeared again, Xiao Dudian found it in a house.

There are two people in the room talking. These two people are the young couple.

I saw the man let out a loud noise, stood up from the chair, and said: “Father is now unknown whether he is alive or dead. This time I will look for him anyway!”

“Now a large number of masters have been created in the clan, and the emperor has also passed down the will to let the princes of all walks of life search and rescue. How useful is it for you to go there?” The young woman was afraid that her husband would be in danger, so she came to ( agai) Next to the man, he patted his shoulder and comforted.

“Even so, I will try my best to find it!” the man said firmly.

The beautiful woman knows her husband’s temper, and the things she decides won’t change anymore, so she said, “I’ll go with you. There are two treasures that need our husband and wife to work together to achieve the ultimate. The power is absolutely unmatched. .”

“No, you still have to take care of Wu Er!” The man refused.

“How can I rest assured you?” The woman shook her head, with a gentle expression, and said: “There are so many people in the clan, can’t you take care of Xiao Wu well, unless the ancient beasts break through the imperial capital, or who dare to come to my prince’s mansion to cause chaos? ”

The man thought for a while and found it reasonable.

At this time, the surroundings became blurred.

The surrounding scenery became clear again. This time it was in a sealed room. It seemed to be a secret room. There were four people in the secret room, two adults and two children.

One of the children looked exactly like Xiaodian, but was a little smaller than Xiaodian, like a reduced version of Xiaodian.

In the secret room, I saw a ray of rune lit up from the fingertips of the young woman, pressing it on the small child who looked like a small child, and the child fell on the bed at once! It just didn’t pass out.

“It deserves to be the supreme bone!” Seeing the child fall, the young woman’s eyes became hot involuntarily.

At this moment, a figure appeared next to the child, staring at the child with cold eyes.

“Hey! Who are you? How come I haven’t seen you?” The child who looked like a small child, looked at the sudden appearance of the figure, and became a little curious. After all, this child is only a few months old. , Now when I am still ignorant of nothing, innocent and kind, so I looked at the figure and asked.

At this time, the figure suddenly shot, and saw a gorgeous silver knife flashed by, flowing with an intoxicating luster, and cut open the child’s chest, and blood poured out in an instant. At the same time, there was a hazy spirit, flowing endlessly. Mystery, flashing non-stop there.


The child screamed loudly, his eyes full of panic, how could he never expect to be treated like this, he is still an eight or nine-month-old child, what can he know?

And watching all these little things from the side, the pupils couldn’t help but shrank, the hands were tightly clenched, the teeth shook, and the whole body trembled violently, as if remembering some unforgettable memory.

Qin Xuan looked at all this with a plain face, without a trace of waves in his eyes.

The blood was still flowing, the child was pale, with big eyes and blank eyes, constantly crying pain and weeping blood.

The child raised his small face and looked at the young woman next to him. With tears in his eyes, he stretched out a pair of small hands with pleading eyes. I hope this young woman who treats him well can help him.

However, the young woman’s complexion did not change a bit, her eyes were still full of enthusiasm, and she told the figure next to her: “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it for me, lest there will be more nights and dreams.” The update is the fastest,


Upon hearing this, the figure responded.

When the figure finished speaking, the light of the knife flashed across the child’s chest, and looking along the knife edge, I saw a white light source emitting from it.

Seeing this, the figure stretched out his hand to suck in the child’s chest, and saw that the light source was slowly pulled out.This light source had an indescribable magic power. It just started to grow, and it made the soul tremble and exudes endless divinity. The brilliance illuminates the entire secret room.

The young woman looked at the light source in the hands of the figure with excitement, and even the child who hadn’t changed color from the beginning to the present was also looking at the light source with emotion.

“Yi’er! To yours!”

At this time, the young woman said to the child next to her.

Hearing this, the child nodded, then lay down on another bed and closed his eyes.

“let’s start!

The young woman ordered the figure next to her.

The young woman in the shadow nodded, then flashed herself to the side of the child, hitting his chest with a stab, and then implanted the light source in her hand into the child named Yi’er.

On the other icy bed, the child whose light source was taken out was very haggard and painful. His big eyes were filled with tears, and every time his long eyelashes blinked, there would be crystal clear tears rolling down, and he was struggling. With her little hand, she seemed to want to catch a trace of warmth and begged to the young woman next to her, but she didn’t know how to speak.

The little child who had lost his supreme bone was lying alone on the cold bed, with tears on his snow-white face, and slowly fell into a coma, still muttering in his mouth: “Mother…

At the most painful time, he was calling his true relatives, which was really distressing.

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