Chapter 204

At the same time, other forces have also received news from Shicun. Some forces want to enter Shicun to find out, and some oppose entering the investigation, fearing that there is a powerful cultivator in it, and some temporarily wait and see.

Stone village, in a wooden house.

After eating, Qin Xuan lay on a chair, looking at Xiao Fudian who was still drinking animal milk next to him, and couldn’t help but asked angrily: “You don’t want to be young! You just want to drink animal milk all day, if you grow up , It is impossible to drink animal milk every day!

“Big Brother! The beast milk is delicious! When I grow up, I will drink the beast milk every day.” Xiao Budian asked Qin Xuan with some doubts.

“Besides animal milk, what else do you want to do?” Qin Xuan looked at Xiao Wei with a black line, and then asked a little speechlessly.



Xiao Mei nodded and replied.

“Hey! Don’t you want to see Own’s parents, do you still know Own’s life experience?” Qin Xuan wrapped his forehead, and then asked somewhat uncomfortably.

“Parents? Life experience? Big Brother! Do you know where Xiao Budian’s parents are? And, Big Brother, do you know how Xiao Budian came to this village?” Hearing this, Xiao Budian was shocked, and then looked at Qin Xuan. , Asked excitedly.

Xiaodu knows that he is not a member of Shicun. Since I can remember, he has been in Shicun. There is no memory of those previous things. Therefore, now that Qin Xuan mentions it, how can Xiaoxiao not be excited!

“I know!

Qin Xuan glanced at him, then said.

“Big Brother! Where are my parents now? And where do I come from?” Xiao Budian asked hurriedly after hearing this.

“Want to know?”

Qin Xuan asked playfully.

Xiaodu looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, waiting for his answer.

“Yes! I’ll take you to see if you want to know! The past that you didn’t want to remember when you were a kid.” Qin Xuan looked at Xiao Budian, his eyes full of playfulness.

“What? Take me to see?”

Xiao Budian scratched his head and looked at Qin Xuan, looking like he didn’t know why.

“Ah! You’ll know when you go, I hope you won’t regret it then!” Qin Xuan said.

After speaking, he transmitted to Ye Qingxian, “Qingxian! I’ll take Xiao Budian out for a while, and I will be back soon.”

“Yeah! Go! Come back early!”

The voice of Ye Qingxian’s instructions came from her ears.

“Hmm, got it! Update” is the fastest…

Qin Xuan replied.

“let’s go!”

After that, he said something to Xiao Budian.

After speaking, he took Xiaodudian’s hand, turned into a streamer, escaped into the space, and disappeared.

In the long river of time and space, a group of pictures suddenly appeared like a player, and then shattered and disappeared. There are also floating golden hourglasses everywhere.

Sudden. Two figures, one large and one small, appeared in the long river of time and space.

Although Qin Xuan was here for the second time, he still looked around with curiosity in his heart.

“Big Brother! Where is this?” Xiao Budian was standing inside the mask, looking at the group of pictures flowing through the long river of time and space, and couldn’t help but ask with some curiosity.

“The long river of time and space!”

Qin Xuan replied, and then took the little bit who was standing in the mask, facing the long river of time and space upstream.

After a while, Qin Xuan and Xiao Budian stopped.


Xiao Wei looked around curiously, saw Qin Xuan suddenly stopped, and asked.

“Yeah! Here it is! This is it.”

Qin Xuan nodded, then looked at the previous group of flowing pictures, and said.

“Hey! Big Brother! Who is the kid? Why does it look like Xiao Budian?” Xiao Budian followed Qin Xuan’s gaze, and saw that there was a child who looked almost like himself in the picture, so he asked curiously. .

“Aha! You’ll know at that time! Okay, let’s go in!” Qin Xuan did not answer, instead, smiled mysteriously at the little bit, and then said.

After speaking, he rushed forward with Xiaodian, and disappeared into the picture just now.

The picture turns.

The imperial capital of the wasteland stone country, a huge altar towering into the clouds, reveals a simple and vicissitudes of life, as if it has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and there are various ancient pictures engraved on it, including the sun and moon Galaxy Cluster, There are ancient fierce beasts, ancient ancestors, and gods, shocking people’s hearts.

The altar is magnificent, huge and boundless. It exceeds the mountains and is surrounded by clouds. On it are placed the corpses of the ancient relics. The blood drips and flows to those patterns. In addition, there are strange gods, rare treasures… Sacrifice!

A round of golden sun exudes a strong aura, and the stabbing person can’t open his eyes. A terrifying figure stands in the middle, illuminating the entire sky, like a Heavenly Emperor, pouring out of the sky and underground, and the golden Blood Qi is natural The external release caused such a vision.

This is the emperor of the ancient country, dominating hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Behind him are a group of royal powerhouses, one by one, intimidating, with open eyes like electric lights, and behind him are the great princes and endless courtiers.

There are tens of thousands of people in this group alone, coming from different fiefs, each of them is a terrifying powerhouse from the Megatron side, and the breath that exudes makes the world tremble.

In the rear, there is an endless army, really boundless, I don’t know how many people crowded this land, standing on the altar can’t see it.

Qin Xuan and Xiao Budian were hidden figures floating above the tall altar.

Looking at the densely packed figures standing below, Xiao Budian couldn’t help but ask in confusion: “Big Brother! Where is this place! Why are there so many people? What are they doing?”

“They are offering sacrifices to the sky, and here is where you were born! Don’t ask too much, you will understand when you look at it!” Qin Xuan looked at the dense crowd below, and said without looking back.

At this time, Xiao Dudian looked at the group of people closer to the altar. These people should be some of the more important royal families in the stone country. They also participated in this huge ceremony to bathe in the Sacred glory like a king.

Xiaodu kept his eyes on one of the young women. The young woman was holding a baby in her arms. The baby was smiling happily in the young woman’s arms, and she kept extending her little hand.

When he saw the young woman and the baby, Xiao Budian was stunned. He couldn’t help but was in a trance. Tears flowed from his eyes unconsciously. He felt that he was familiar with the young woman and the baby.

The young woman who was teasing the baby in her arms suddenly felt that someone was looking at her. She raised her head and followed the gaze of her gaze, but found that there was nothing, and she was very puzzled.

“Is it the own illusion?” the young woman murmured suspiciously.

The young woman seemed to perceive her scene suddenly, and couldn’t help asking: “What’s wrong? Isn’t it accustomed to this kind of atmosphere?”

“No! I just felt that there was a familiar feeling on the altar, watching me, but I didn’t see anyone.” The young woman shook her head and said.

“Aha! It should be your illusion! Today is the day of our Shiguo sacrifice to the sky, and the Emperor is also there. There is no one who dares to fly to the altar.” The person next to him said with a smile to the young woman.


The young woman replied absently.

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