Chapter 203


Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but laughed.

“Ha ha!

The old village chief next to me, seeing this, I laughed loudly.

“anything else?”

Seeing Qin Xuan stop, the old village chief who laughed and didn’t care about it, and Ye Qingxian asked again without giving up.


Qin Xuan took a look away from him, and then said.

“Nothing? Nothing? Big Brother! Didn’t you see clearly? Or you are taking a closer look!” Hearing this, Xiao Budian couldn’t accept it, and wanted Qin Xuan to see clearly again.

“Yeah! It’s really gone!”

Qin Xuan looked at him pretendingly for a while, then nodded and said affirmatively.

“How could this happen? Grandpa the village chief! Didn’t you say that Xiaobudian has grown up? How big is that Big Brother hasn’t noticed it!” Xiaodudian asked with a puzzled expression looking at the old village chief who was still smiling next to him.

“Haha! Cough cough! Don’t be a little bit! It may be that your Big Brother has a bad vision, so I didn’t see it!” Hearing this, the old village chief couldn’t help but laugh again and laughed for a while, the old village chief couldn’t help it. Shih coughed, and then said to Xiaobudian 06.

“Yeah! It must be the Big Brother’s bad eyesight that he couldn’t see the changes in Minor. That’s right! It must be so!” Minor nodded and muttered in agreement.

Qin Xuan couldn’t help but full of black lines when I heard the little bit of whispering, my eyesight is not good? Forget it, since you are a kid, I don’t care about you, lest I lose my identity.

“Okay! Old village chief, Xiao Budian. Don’t stand outside and talk inside the house!” Ye Qingxian stopped laughing, and then said to the old village chief and Xiao Budian.


Knowing that it was not the own problem, but the problem with the big Big Brother, so the little one in a good mood, Chongye Qingxian nodded, and then happily walked into the wooden house.

“Old village chief! I don’t know why you came this time?” After the old village chief sat down, Qin Xuan looked at him and asked.

And Xiao Budian followed Ye Qingxian to get some food!

Seeing Qin Xuan asked about it, the old village chief didn’t conceal it, and directly expressed his concerns.

Hehe “! What am I! Old village chief, don’t worry, if they dare to come to Shicun to make trouble, I promise to let them in but can’t get out.” Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, and then looked at the old village chief’s assurance road.

Even if Qin Xuan doesn’t make a move, the old willow tree you head of the village is joking? Although the old willow tree has not fully recovered to the period of victory, it is not something these little guys can provoke!

At that time, let alone those people entering the village to make trouble, as long as they show a little bit of hostility, they will definitely be fatally blown by the old willow tree.

“Mr. Tang! Is it really okay? You need to know those people, but they are all from the big tribe!” Although Qin Xuan’s assurance was obtained, the old village chief still asked a little worried.

“Old village chief! Just put a hundred hearts on it, it’s really okay!” Qin Xuan said affirmatively again.

“Huh! I’m relieved!” The old village chief heaved a sigh of relief, then nodded.

“In that case, Mr. Tang, then I will leave first!” The old village chief stood up and said to Qin Xuan.

“Old village chief! So anxious? Don’t leave it for a while to eat and then leave? I want to Qingxian, don’t you think they should have cooked food already!” Qin Xuan looked at the old village chief and asked.

“No! I’m still a little worried, so let’s go back and make some preparations! By the way! I’ll leave it to you if I don’t, the old village chief shook his head and refused.

“So! The old village chief, you go slowly!”

Seeing the resolute expression on the old village chief, Qin Xuan knew that if he didn’t go back and make some preparations, he would not be at ease, so he stood up and said.

The old village chief gave a hum, then turned and left.

“Where is the old village chief?”

At this moment, Ye Qingxian came out with the food, followed by Xiao Budian, the little follower. Only Qin Xuan was seen in the hall, but when the old village chief had disappeared, he asked Qin Xuan.

“Hey! He’s gone!” Qin Xuan replied.

“Why don’t you keep him for a good meal?” Ye Qingxian gave Qin Xuan a glance, and then said.

“Ah! I want to keep him too! But he doesn’t stay very much! I can’t help it!” Qin Xuan said with a wry smile.

“Sister Big Sister! When are we going to start eating!” Seeing Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian talking all the time, Xiao Dudian stared at the bowl full of animal milk on the table, swallowed his saliva, and could not help pulling Ye. Qinxian asked.

“Haha! After we bring out all the food in it, we can eat it!” Ye Qingxian touched the tiny head, then said with a smile.

On the other side, those who left Shicun also rushed to their own clan.

After returning to the Yuntian Palace, the old man in the purple robe said to the two little girls behind him: “You two go and play first! I will see your grandfather, and when the work is done, I will refine those things for you. Beast milk!”

“Yeah! Then we’re going to play! Second grandfather, you must remember! Don’t forget!” The two little girls nodded obediently, then looked at the old man and said again.

“Don’t worry! Grandpa II promised you something, when did you forget it!” said the old man in the purple robe with a sure face.

“Yeah! Hehe! Second grandpa, let’s go!” After speaking, the two little girls hopped to the outside.

After seeing the two little girls leave, the old man in the purple robe was also relieved, and then walked inside.

Look inside the room.

“Second brother! Is the village really as mysterious as you said?” An old man wearing a white robe with a childlike face, squinting his eyes, asked the old man in a purple long 077 robe next to him.

Dage “! Probably more mysterious than I said! Especially the sacrifice spirit of the village, where the villagers basically call it the willow god.” The purple-robed old man said solemnly.

“Famous for God?”

Hearing this, the old man with a childlike face, he couldn’t help frowning.

After all, the sacrificial spirits that are famous for themselves are basically those powerful beings, and the sacrificial spirits of this village, known as gods, will not be weak if they think about it!

Second brother! In this village, we can only make good friends, disharmony offends, if we can help, we will help. “White” the old man in the robe said with a serious face.

“Aha! Dage! You are almost what I thought! If the sacrifice spirit really deserves the title of God, then we will make a lot of money!” The purple robe old man also nodded, and then smiled back.

“If you can think of it, I’m relieved! You send someone to keep an eye on the village. If something happens, remember to notify me. If necessary, I will also run by myself!” The white-robed old man nodded at him. Then solemnly said.

“Okay! Then I will order first!” Hearing this, the old man in the purple robe was also a little surprised, but he nodded and turned back. Starting

You know, his Dage has always guarded the Yuntian Palace, but he rarely goes out. Unexpectedly, since this time he would make a trip in person for a small village.

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