Episode 202

Hearing that, the old village chief’s face also changed slightly. Of course he knew why Spiritual Qi rioted this time, and he also witnessed the reason for Spiritual Qi riot at the time.

Although he knew the cause of Spiritual Qi’s riot, he couldn’t tell it.

All the people present were people with Cultivation Base. Moreover, when raising this question, they always paid attention to the expression of the old village head. Seeing his face changed slightly, he knew that the village head of this village, Maybe know something. The fastest update,…

“Aha! I am an old man with a low Cultivation Base, how can I know the cause of the Spiritual Qi riot in the mountains.” The old village chief quickly calmed down, then looked at everyone and said with a smile.

Haha! “Since the head of Shi Village doesn’t know, then forget it!” Hearing this, the old man of the Zishan tribe also laughed and said.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Although everyone at the scene knew what was going on, they didn’t dare to force it until the old village chief of “Zero 13” didn’t say anything. At least they didn’t dare to force it too much before they found out about the village.

“In that case, I will first return to the clan leader to report to the clan leader. Goodbye!” Luofu Daze middle-aged man hugged cupped fist and said to the old village chief, and then nodded to everyone.

After speaking, they took Lei Peng and Luofu Daze and left without looking back. When passing by the old willow tree, the middle-aged man gave it a meaningful look.

Seeing the people in Luofu Daze left, the old man of the Zishan tribe and the old man in purple robes looked at each other, and both shook their heads and sighed.

“Mr. Shi, then we can’t be bothered! Goodbye.” The old man in the purple robe said to the old village chief.

After speaking, he took everyone and left.


After the old man of the Zishan clan said, he also left.

Looking at the back of those people leaving, the old village chief’s eyes were full of worry. Although Shicun was isolated from the world, he was not stupid.

He knew that these people’s departure was only temporary, and they would definitely come back as long as they were uncertain about the cause of this Spiritual Qi riot.

Thinking of this, the old village chief also shook his head helplessly, and finally turned into a long sigh.

“Grandpa village chief! What’s wrong with you?” Xiao Budian didn’t know when, when she came to the old village chief, he frowned and asked strangely.

“Oh! I don’t know if they can come to Shicun next time, it will be as quiet as before.” The old village chief touched Xiao Wu’s head and said.

“Forget it! I told you what to do, but you may not understand it after you say it!”

Looking at the four-year-old Xiaodian, the old village chief felt a little funny. He told him what was the use of a four-year-old kid.

“Village Chief Grandpa! Of course Xiaodudian knows!” Seeing this, Xiaodudian said with a dissatisfied expression looking at the old village chief with his head held up.

“Grandpa village chief! Are you worried that those outsiders will come back again, don’t you?” Without waiting for the old village chief to reply, he continued.


Hearing this, the old village chief couldn’t help but looked at Xiao Wudian in surprise.

“Little Dot is right!” The old village chief looked at Little Dot approvingly, and then said.

“Do you know that Xiaodian, why is the village chief’s grandfather worried that they will come back again?” The old village chief looked at Xiaodian and asked.

“Uh! I don’t know this little boy!” Hearing this, he scratched his head involuntarily, then shook his head and said.

“Hey! The village chief grandfather is worried that they will come back again and will destroy the peace that Shicun has finally obtained.” The old village chief sighed, and then muttered to himself.

Although the voice of the old village chief was small, it was still heard by the little one who was in Cultivation Base.

“They dare! If they dare to destroy Shicun, watch Xiaobudian not kill them!” Xiaobudian waved his little fist, and said.

“Ding Ding! It looks like you have grown up! Now that you know how to protect the village! But although you are good now, you can deal with some small guys. Once those old antiques take action, you can’t stop them!”

“So, the most important thing for you now is to cultivate hard, don’t think about sleeping and drinking animal milk all day.” Hearing this, the old village head couldn’t help but laughed happily, and then praised him.

“Um! Grandpa village chief, don’t worry, Xiaobudian will work hard to cultivation, but that animal milk is really delicious!” Xiaobudian solemnly promised, but when he thought of not drinking animal milk, Xiaobudian’s face couldn’t help it. collapse.

“Right! Grandpa the village chief, as soon as I don’t understand anything, I will ask the big sister Big Brother Big Sister, or the grandpa village you will also ask the big sister Big Brother Big Sister?” Suddenly, the little one thought What happened, his eyes lit up, and then he jumped his eyes and said to the old village chief.

“Big Brother, Big Sister? You mean Mr. Tang and Fairy Ye? Yes! Why didn’t I think about it! Ask Mr. Tang and Fairy Ye them, maybe they have a solution! “The old village head first had a look of confusion, and then he reacted, and instantly understood the meaning of the little bit, his eyes also brightened, and then he said happily 0…

“The little bit did a great job! If it weren’t for your reminder, I would have forgotten Mr. Tang and the two of them! When this matter is resolved, the village chief’s grandfather will reward you with a big bowl of delicious animal milk.” The old village chief’s face That little sadness disappeared without a trace, and then happily praised Xiaodian.


Seeing this, Xiao Budian also laughed happily.

“Sister! Go, let’s find your Big Brother Big Sister!” After speaking, he took Xiaodian and walked towards the Qin Xuan wooden house.

“Big Big Brother! Big Sister! Little is coming to see you!” After the two arrived at Qin Xuan’s wooden house, Little could not wait to shout loudly at the wooden house.

“Haha! It turned out to be Xiao Budian and the old village chief! Come in quickly!” It was Ye Qingxian who opened the door. After seeing the old village chief and Xiao Budian, he said with a smile.

“Hehe! Big Sister! Let me tell you. The village chief’s grandfather said that Xiaobudian has grown up! Therefore, Xiaobudian is now an adult!” When Xiaobudian saw Ye Qingxian, he smiled at her.


Ye Qingxian didn’t speak, but smiled at Xiaobudian. Of course she knew that it was nothing but the old village chief’s praise of Xiaobudian.

“Woo! Has Xiaodian grown up? Let me have a look.” At this time, Qin Xuan walked out of the wooden house, and suddenly heard Xiaodian’s words, so he said with a playful expression on his face.

“Yeah! Big Brother! You take a look! Isn’t the little bit grown up?” Hearing this, the little bit looked at Qin Xuan nervously, and then asked.

0.8 “Hey! He is still the same as before, not taller at all! The whole thing is still a kid! But it has changed a little!” Looking at herself with a nervous expression on her face, Qin Xuan flashed a joke in his eyes. , And then stroked his chin without a beard, pretending to be a serious expression, and looking at the little one.

Seeing Big Brother said that he hadn’t grown tall at all, Xiao Budian’s face couldn’t help but collapsed, but when Qin Xuan said that he had some changes, Xiao Budian’s originally broken face also appeared a little bit of joy, and then looked at Qin Xuan and asked. Said: “Big Brother! What’s the little change?

“Well… the clothes you are wearing are different from the clothes you wore yesterday. Is this a change?” Seeing the joyful and nervous expression on Xiao Budian’s face, Qin Xuan resisted smiling, and looked at him back and forth. After that, he pretended to be contemplative, and then said with a serious face.

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