The prehistoric times do not remember years.

In the blink of an eye, 10,000 yuan has passed.

On this day, Huaxu, the daughter of the leader of the Fenggun tribe, went out.

Wandering in the Land of Thunder on the edge of the Horde.

There were rumors among the tribe today that there were giants in the land of Leize. The Huaxu family was curious and came to look for them without telling the tribe.

The land of Lei Ze is full of thunder and lightning, and it is a violent land.

There is no life inside, and there is no vitality, but it is the place where the ancient thunder god resides.

Only the outer edges were open to human exploration.

Hua Xu walked into Lei Ze alone, with curiosity in Gui Xuan's eyes.

Gui Xuan sighed in his heart, "The saint only cares about himself when planning, but never thinks about others."

"A good little girl, she gave birth to a child before she was married, she got pregnant but never gave birth, she wandered around, and finally she gave birth to the Emperor of the Human Race, and she was never heard from again."

"The world only knows Emperor Fuxi, but never mentions his mother Hua Xu. It's really sad."

in his gaze.

Huaxu walked step by step towards Leize, towards the only place of life, and finally stopped at the edge of the huge footprints.

Curiously, he stepped into the footprints and showed the size of the footprints.

But he didn't notice at all, a stream of light entered Huaxu's belly and disappeared.

After returning to the tribe, Hua Xu had a dream that night.

A golden light brought a human baby into his belly, with colorful brilliance flowing and fairy sounds curling up.

Hua Xu was panicked early in the morning and quickly went to her mother to inform her of the incident.

After much thought, his mother already had a guess in her mind and quickly asked the third ancestor of the human race for instructions.

But he was stopped by a person.

Guixuan looked at the mother of the Huaxu family in front of him and said slowly, "I, Taixuan, feel in my heart that a disciple of yours from the Fenggun tribe is about to be born. I never thought that I would be so destined to meet you here."

When Huaxu's mother heard this, she looked shocked and said, "Huayang pays homage to Taixuan Taoist!"

Before the Ten Thousand Yuan Meeting, the third ancestor of the human race informed the human race in the ancestral temple that Taixuan, a Taoist from the human race realm, had taught the human race for countless years, helped the human race solve countless difficulties, and made great contributions to the human race. He was listed as the Taoist ancestor of the human race and enjoyed the incense of the human race.

Unexpectedly, Taixuan Taoist Ancestor would appear here today.

"I wonder if what my ancestor said is the person in my son's womb?"

Although Huayang had some ideas in her mind, she still wanted to confirm it.

Gui Xuan nodded and said, "The fate of the human race will be suppressed by the three emperors in the future. The fetus in the Huaxu family's belly is the future emperor of the human race. I have a master-disciple relationship with you. I am here today to take the Huaxu family away."

Huayang was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the emperor, one of the three emperors of the human race, was born in their Fenggun tribe.

And he also had to be accepted as a disciple by Taixuan Taoist Ancestor. This opportunity was simply indescribable.

Gui Xuan said again, "The emperor is pregnant and visions continue. The Hua Xu family will inevitably cause turmoil in your tribe. I want to take the Hua Xu family away."

"Wait until the human emperor comes, and then bring him back to the tribe to teach."

"Everything is subject to Taixuan Daozu's arrangements!" Huayang clan responded respectfully.

The human race has great trust in Taixuan Daozu.

From then on, the news spread throughout the human race that the Emperor, one of the three emperors of the human race, was about to be born and was accepted as a disciple by Taixuan Taozu.

The human race was excited, and the three ancestors of the human race even offered sacrifices to Taixuan Taoist Ancestor.

at this time.

In the Kunlun Mountains, in the Taiqing Palace.

Taiqing Sage felt something in his heart and summoned his eldest disciple Xuandu to his side.

"The Emperor, one of the three emperors of the human race, has been reincarnated. When I founded the Human Sect, I owed my karma to Junior Sister Nuwa."

"The position of emperor should be held by his elder brother Fuxi."

"But the Human Emperor wants to teach, but you will be the teacher of the Human Emperor."

Xuandu's expression remained as usual and he said respectfully, "Disciple will definitely live up to the teacher's trust."

Saint Taiqing nodded, "I have discussed with your two master uncles that the disciples of the three emperors of the human race will be disciples of Renjiao, Chanjiao and Jiejiao."

"The merits of this matter are immeasurable. You can take this opportunity to enter the realm of quasi-sage."

"The Human Emperor has been gestated for 120,000 years, and it takes 9,600 years to grow, which is the number of one yuan."

"You go down and prepare. When Human Emperor Fuxi is born, you can teach him to grow."

After saying that, the Tai Chi diagram appeared and fell into Xuan Du's hands.

Xuandu bowed and turned to leave.

After Xuandu left, Saint Taiqing frowned.

"The secret of heaven has been confused. I can't calculate the location of the Human Emperor now. I hope nothing will happen."

Although I think so, I feel very helpless.

Ever since Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe became saints one after another and suppressed Heaven together with Houtu of the Underworld, the secret of the prehistoric world has long ceased to be clear.

Becoming more and more turbid.

"Teacher, why are you indifferent to these changes?"

Saint Taiqing looked at Chaos, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

It seems that some great terror is brewing secretly, but the source cannot be found and there is no warning.

In the end, Saint Taiqing chose to wait and see for the time being, silently waiting for Zixiao Palace to come forward.

With Dao Ancestor suppressing the prehistoric way of heaven, everything is no problem.


During the long wait of the human race, 120,000 years passed by in an instant.

In an unknown valley, Hua Xu, who had already reached the level of Daluo Jinxian, was holding his belly in a thatched house.

Gui Xuan was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, three thousand miles away from here.

"The time is coming, the Human Emperor is born, and disputes arise again!"


Visions from heaven began to appear.

Rays of golden light fell from the sky and sank into Huaxu's belly.

First a unicorn appears, then a dragon and a phoenix fly together.

A huge black turtle was wandering in the sky.

In this vision, a ball of golden light appeared from Huaxu's belly. In Huaxu's surprised eyes, it turned into a fat baby, looking at the whole world with curiosity.

"When the Human Emperor is born, heaven and earth celebrate together!"

Guixuan appeared nearby, and with a little finger, countless innate spiritual energy gathered and poured into Fuxi's body, cleansing his foundation.

After doing all this, Gui Xuan looked at the Hua Xu family and said, "The Emperor of the human race is the reincarnation of Fuxi, Emperor Xi of the demon race, and is brother and sister to Nuwa, the holy mother of the human race."

"You only need to know this life experience in your heart. When the Human Emperor returns to the throne, everything will be arranged."

Mrs. Huaxu held Fuxi in her arms with loving eyes and said softly, "No matter what my identity is, this child is my child."

Gui Xuan nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the two of them disappeared into the valley.

The reappearance has already arrived in the Fenggon tribe.

Huayang family has been waiting here for a long time.

"Meet Taixuan Taoist Ancestor!"

The Huayang clan, along with all the Fenggun tribe members, quickly saluted.

Gui Xuan looked gentle and said, "No need to be polite, the Human Emperor has been born, and I have accepted him as a disciple."

"Although this son will be the future emperor, nothing is absolute."

"The Human Emperor is the co-leader of the human race. He needs to be recognized by all races before he can assume the position. The 19,600-yuan limit will be reached if this son has not been recognized by all races."

"The position of Emperor of the Human Race will fall to someone else."

Upon hearing this, tens of thousands of people from the Fenggun tribe shouted loudly, "I will obey the instructions of Taixuan Dao Ancestor!"

Soon, Huaxu and Fuxi began to live in the Fenggun tribe.

However, less than a thousand years later, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky above the Fenggon tribe.

A person wearing gray Taoist robes appeared above the Fenggun tribe and fell to the ground.

This person is none other than the Great Master Xuandu of Renjiao.

Speaking of which, Xuandu felt extremely aggrieved.

After his teacher said that he was the teacher of the Human Emperor, he had been waiting for the opportunity.

However, after waiting for 120,000 years, the Emperor was not born.

After searching for thousands of years in the human race, today I finally found traces of the human emperor.

What made him feel angry was that the emperor of the human race had been the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor of the human race, Taixuan Taoist, before he was born 120,000 years ago.

In other words, he was cut off!

Hua Yang felt something in his heart and hurriedly appeared at the door of the tribe, "I wonder what the reason for this person is?"

This Taoist had constant visions when he appeared. He seemed to be of high moral character. He did not know his identity and could not tolerate the Huayang family's neglect.

It's just that he has such high moral standards, but why does he look a little unhappy?

Master Xuandu suppressed the displeasure in his heart and said in a deep voice, "I am the leader of the Human Sect, a disciple of Saint Taiqing, Xuandu of the human race, and I came to the Fenggun tribe to accept Fuxi, the son of the Huaxu family, as my disciple."

Without too much nonsense, Xuandu got straight to the point.

If you continue to talk nonsense, your own disciples will be taught by others!

When Huayang heard this, his expression changed slightly.

This person is actually a disciple of the saint, the famous Xuandu Master.

Now things are in trouble.

Fuxi has been accepted as a disciple by Taixuan Taozu. This matter is related to the fate of the human race. It can be said to be a battle of fate.

Once things get serious, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

After thinking for a moment, Huayang said, "Fuxi is going out at this time, so Master Xuandu is asked to wait in the tribe."

Xuandu looked gloomy, "No need, just tell me where Fuxi is and I will go find it myself!"

The secret was covered up, and even though he was in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, he could not deduce Fuxi's specific location.

This is the reason why he appeared directly in the Fenggon tribe.

However, just when Xuandu finished speaking, an overwhelming pressure appeared, directly pressing Xuandu to the point where he bent down.

"Fellow Daoist He Fang, take action here!"

Xuandu's face turned red quickly, and he shouted loudly despite the pressure on his body.

The Huayang family on the side unconsciously took a few steps back and remained silent.

This kind of fate battle is not something she can participate in.

After Master Xuandu's voice fell, Gui Xuan's voice sounded, "Fuxi has been accepted as a disciple by me, please go back."

Xuandu's eyes narrowed, "Senior, I accepted Fu Xi as my disciple because I was appointed by the saint! You are going against heaven!"


The human sect's most precious treasure, the Tai Chi Diagram, appeared in the void to protect Xuandu from the pressure on him.

For a time, the pressure on Xuandu was greatly reduced.

"As one of the Taoist ancestors of the human race, you should follow nature. If you retreat now, I can deal with the matter as it is, and the teacher will not be involved in this matter!"

After he said these words, the overwhelming pressure quickly subsided.

Xuandu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

The incident involving the human race was planned by his teacher Taiqing Sage, who allowed him to use the merits of teaching the emperor to kill three corpses and enter the realm of quasi-sage.

Opportunities like this are rare to come across in countless years.

If anything is lost, it will definitely affect your own enlightenment.

Fortunately, this Taixuan Taoist is sensible, otherwise he would have to waste his words again.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, more powerful pressure came.

Countless spiritual energy condensed, transformed into a giant palm covering the sky in the void, and struck hard towards Xuandu.

The speed was so fast that Xuandu couldn't react at all, and he didn't even have time to perform the Tai Chi diagram.

They were all slapped away by the giant palm.

A cold voice followed.

"What I said was a notification! Not a discussion!"

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