Prehistoric: Reborn as a tortoise, with understanding that defies heaven

Chapter 112: Pressure on Kunlun, the rise of the human race

Kunlun Mountain.

Today is the day when the three saints preach to their disciples.

In Kunlun Mountain, except for the Human Sect disciple Xuandu Dafashi who was away, the disciples of the Orthodox Sect and the Jie Sect appeared in front of the Sanqing Hall, sitting in an orderly manner.

The twelve golden immortals of the Orthodox Sect looked at the outer disciples behind the four direct disciples of the Jie Sect with disdain.

Until today, countless years have passed.

With the increasing number of Jie Sect disciples, the entire Kunlun Mountain is no longer quiet and peaceful, and the noisy voices of Jie Sect disciples are everywhere.

It also makes the disciples of the Orthodox Sect, who are friendly to the Jie Sect disciples, more and more dissatisfied.

The contradiction between the two sects has also become larger.

It’s just that it didn’t make a big fuss because of the depth and face.

Today, they gathered in the Sanqing Hall again. Thousands of disciples of the Jie Sect were very noisy, which made the disciples of the Orthodox Sect dissatisfied again.

Guangchengzi wanted to attack several times, but was stopped by the Nanji Xianweng.

Yun Zhongzi, a true immortal of Fude not far from them, watched the two sects fighting with interest.


A light sound.

The Sanqing Hall opened wide, and three figures sat cross-legged on the auspicious cloud, with holy power and Taoism rising.

"Today is our once-in-a-millennium sermon, so please don't make a noise."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the noisy disciples of Jiejiao, a trace of displeasure appeared in his eyes, and said in a light voice.

Then he glanced at Tongtian Jiaozhu beside him silently.

Tongtian Jiaozhu was also very helpless, but it was not easy to scold his own disciples, so he had to let them do what they wanted.

This action made Yuanshi Tianzun even more unhappy.

Just as he was about to speak, his eyes changed and looked into the void.

Both Taiqing Saint and Tongtian Jiaozhu were like this.

Above Kunlun Mountain, the wind and clouds rolled back, and a dark figure broke through the endless space and was flying towards them at an incredible speed.

Then a cold word appeared in the entire Kunlun Mountain, "What I said is a notification! Not a discussion!"


As the black shadow approached quickly, Taiqing Saint's face changed wildly, and his momentum became extremely violent.

"How dare you, boy!"

With a roar of rage, he threw the Buddhist dust in his hand into the void, and his long white beard instantly grew longer, entwined around Xuandu, and pulled him to his side.

Looking at Xuandu's clothes torn and golden blood flying, the Taiqing Saint looked grimly, "Dare to attack the disciples of the Holy Church, die!"

How could the Taiqing Saint tolerate his own disciples being bullied!

He quickly took out a healing holy pill and passed it into Xuandu's body. When Xuandu's breath was stable, the Taiqing Saint disappeared on Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu both looked angry, said something to their own disciples, and then disappeared.

"You should comprehend the Taoism first, I will be back soon!"

"Duobao, take good care of your brother!"

When the saint was angry, the prehistoric world changed.

Countless creatures in the world felt as if the sky was falling, and hurriedly begged the saint to calm down his anger in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

What they got in return was a bigger collapse of the sky.

Above the void of Kunlun Mountain, the Saint Taiqing, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Jiaozhu stood side by side, looking at the man in Taoist robes in front of them, with murderous intent.

Without any nonsense, the Yin-Yang Law of the Saint Taiqing flowed through his body, and he attacked directly.

With the rage of destroying the heavens, he wanted to kill the person in front of him.

"Your pure and inaction Taoist skill is not that good."

Gui Xuan's voice was indifferent, and he pointed his finger.

In the incredible eyes of the Three Saints of Kunlun, he directly broke the angry attack of the Saint Taiqing.

The next second.

Without waiting for the reaction of the Three Saints.

A pressure beyond the saint appeared, suppressing the Three Saints and all the disciples of the three religions.

"I am the Taoist ancestor of the human race, Taixuan, and I came to inform you today."

"The common leader of the human race, Emperor Fuxi, is my disciple. If you interfere in my affairs again, this will be your fate!"


The voice fell.

Under the horrified gaze of millions of people in Kunlun Mountain, the Three Pure Ones did not even have a chance to resist. Their holy bodies exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist that dissipated into the void.




After a moment of daze, the disciples of Jiejiao and Chanjiao all sacrificed their magic weapons, flew in the void, and attacked Guixuan together.

Guixuan chuckled, "This makes me look like a villain."


Guixuan did not move, and his aura suddenly burst out.

All the bodies of the disciples of the two sects exploded and were seriously injured.

The spiritual treasures dimmed, and the entire Kunlun Mountain was silent.

The disciples of the two sects looked at Guixuan in the void with horror, not knowing what to say.

Who is the other party!

He did not even move, and directly made the three saints explode all over.

He also injured all the disciples of the two sects.

Just when they were confused, they heard a voice behind them, "Are you stupid?"

"You are going to fight against a being that even the teacher can't beat. What loyalty are you showing?"

"The saint is not dead. Don't let the teacher be fine, but all the disciples die. That would be interesting."

The faces of the disciples of the two sects froze, and they all glared at the man who spoke.

But when they saw that it was Yun Zhongzi, their faces flushed instantly.

As a true immortal of good fortune, Yun Zhongzi is blessed by heaven.

He can easily avoid some crises. He must have sensed some heaven-level things when he didn't take action just now.

Now thinking about it, they were indeed reckless.

If it weren't for the mercy of Xukong, the disciples of the Chan Sect and Jie Sect would have to die today.

After reacting, the disciples of the two sects felt cold all over.


At this moment, the bodies of the Three Pure Ones appeared again in the void.

With a pale face, he looked at Gui Xuan with shock, "Who are you?!"

This kind of power is even stronger than that of the Taoist Ancestor. Why has he never heard of this person?

"He is the Taoist Ancestor of the human race, Taoist Taixuan!"

Xuan didn't know when he woke up, and said with a weak breath.

"Teacher, Taixuan was listed as the Taoist Ancestor of the human race by the three ancestors of the human race, and has accepted Fuxi as a disciple."

"Please make the decision, teacher!"

Sage Taiqing was stunned.

When did the human race have an additional Taoist Ancestor? How could he not know?

He immediately deduced and found that Taixuan had been preaching in the human race for countless years.

He helped the human race to survive countless crises. Such a great contribution was listed as the Taoist Ancestor by the three ancestors of the human race and enjoyed the incense and luck of the human race.

After understanding the reason, Saint Taiqing took a breath.

He, the leader of the human sect, was almost sidelined!

The name of the Taoist ancestor of the human race is not small. If this goes on, who in the entire human race will know the name of the leader of the other sect.

Gui Xuan said at this time, "Have you figured it out?"

"Since you have figured it out, remember what I said, if you interfere in the affairs of the three emperors of the human race again."

"Next time, I will not speak so easily."

After saying that, his figure disappeared in the void.

Looking at the disappearing Gui Xuan, the eyes of the Three Pure Ones shrank.

Only then did they realize that the one who killed them just now was just an incarnation of the other party.

"Big brother..."

Tongtian Sect Master swallowed his saliva and didn't know what to say.

Such a terrifying strength, killing them is like killing ants.

A strong sense of terror appeared in their hearts.

"Go to Zixiao Palace!"

Taiqing Saint's voice was cold and disappeared in the void.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master followed closely.


No. 1 Honghuang World.

In Fangzhang Fairy Island, Gui Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

"With this shock, it's enough to place a clone with the strength of a saint there."

"A blue lotus clone, with the same comprehension as me, when the time comes, I can pick the fruit at will."

"Taking advantage of the prosperity of the human race in the second prehistoric world, this world should also be planned."

As he said, his eyes looked towards the coast of the East China Sea.

That is where the human race gathers.

Then Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu and other saints opened their eyes one after another.

"This world is really magical, it's just like what Gui Xuan Daozu said."

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes revealed aftertaste.

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. I didn't expect that the prehistoric world also has many kinds."

Hong Yun also sighed.

After just one trip, they found that although the two worlds are different, the direction is the same.

And after devouring themselves in another world, they obviously felt that they had become stronger!

It's really stronger!

Whether it's the soul or the magic power, there is a feeling of comprehensive improvement.

Gui Xuan pointed his finger, and the Gate of the Heart split into seven parts, falling into the hands of several prehistoric saints present.

"From now on, you will take the No. 2 prehistoric world as your goal and plan the prehistoric situation."

"When the time is ripe and the luck of the two worlds merge, our chances of survival will be greatly enhanced."

Only when the luck of the two worlds merge, he will have a glimmer of hope and completely pull Hongjun down.

Use the power of luck to let Hongjun, who is like a dream, continue to dream, and prepare for finding a way to escape from the dream.

Several prehistoric saints present nodded and left with their own gates of the heart.

This matter is serious, and they already know the prehistoric situation very well. The rise of the human race in this world and the great catastrophe of the Conferred God have little to do with them.

It is better to go to the No. 2 prehistoric world to participate in the two worlds and conduct drills.

In case of any unexpected events, they can also respond.

In this way, several saints and three prehistoric saints directly regarded the No. 2 prehistoric world as their own practice place.

After they left, Gui Xuan left behind a Qinglian clone, and his main body entered the chaos.

"The Chaos Pearl can conceal the secrets of heaven, but I don't know what role it plays in this dream."

"I still need to get more of that kind of aura, otherwise I always feel unsafe when facing that old guy."

Hongjun didn't know how many dreams he had experienced, and his strength was unpredictable.

In the previous battle, Gui Xuan clearly felt that this old guy still had some trump cards that he hadn't taken out.

As for the broken book.

He had also observed it, but he didn't see anything.

In the end, he could only let it be placed in the Chaos Pearl to see if there were any discoveries in the future.

After thinking about the follow-up, the Qinglian clone disappeared in Fangzhang Fairy Island.

When he appeared again, he had transformed into a Taoist in green clothes and appeared on the coast of the East China Sea.

"Let the name of Taixuan, my seat, spread in the human race..."

With a smile on his face, the Qinglian clone who transformed into Taixuan walked towards the heartland of the human race.

At this time,

In the Nuwa Palace, Nuwa was sitting cross-legged with a troubled look on her face.

She looked at the white light in her palm and hesitated.

"In the end, I still have to go find Hou Tu..."

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