Prehistoric: Reborn as a tortoise, with understanding that defies heaven

Chapter 110 The fate of the human race, the reincarnation of Fuxi

Human race territory.

Gui Xuan was wearing a Taoist robe, sitting in a thatched house, holding a spiritual fruit in his hand.

He watched the fight in the Heavenly Court with interest.

"Although there are two saints in the Western world, there are too many causes and effects on these two guys."

"Comparatively speaking, they are the two who are easier to control."

"If you want to plan the fortune of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect, you need to wait until the Conferred God Calamity, when the Jie Sect will fall apart and all the fortune will belong to the Heavenly Court; the fortune of the Chan Sect will be damaged, and when the time is right, it can be collected in an instant."

Hong Yun has swallowed Yun Zhongzi, and will soon be able to occupy the magpie's nest and plan the fortune of the Chan Sect.

"The fortune of the human sect is in the human race. The two saints just want to enjoy the fruits of their labor without asking about the causes and effects of the human race, but they have given me an opportunity."

As for the demon race...

Gui Xuan's eyes flashed.

"I don't know if Nuwa can keep the fortune of the demon race..."

The Heavenly Court itself is the Heavenly Court of the demon race. In the eyes of the demon race, it is a holy place that cannot be shaken even if it is defeated.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Minghe Patriarch, as the holders of the destiny of the Heavenly Court, have great righteousness in mind.

They have already subtly transferred a part of the destiny of the demon race, but the time has not come yet and it has not yet appeared.

The battle of the prehistoric world is a battle of destiny.

The destiny of the prehistoric world is concentrated in one person, which can affect the direction of the prehistoric heavenly way.

Since Gui Xuan has already understood that the prehistoric world is like a dream.

This prehistoric heavenly way is the instinct of dreams, so he will not change the prehistoric world at will.

Otherwise, the dreamer will wake up, the dream will be broken, and everything will end.

Only by taking it step by step and giving the dreamer a beautiful dream can the dream last.

What is a beautiful dream?

It is nothing more than following the dreamer's mind and acting accordingly.

In Gui Xuan's view, this prehistoric destiny is the key to controlling dreams.

"Old boy, whether you want to revive Pangu or have other plans, this seat will figure it out."

"All dreams are real, only I am real!"


The prehistoric world does not count years.

While the Western world was in constant war, the East was peaceful.

All creatures and spirits were recovering their vitality and preparing for the next catastrophe.

Zhen Yuanzi's ascension to sainthood was also a big deal for the human race.

During the catastrophe of the human race, Zhen Yuanzi protected the human race and left a line of fire for the human race.

The human race has always remembered it deeply.

In order to congratulate Zhen Yuanzi on his ascension to sainthood, the three ancestors of the human race went to the Heavenly Court and Earthly Court in person. Since then, the ancestral temple of the human race has once again added a statue of a saint.

The witches and liches were damaged, and the human race prospered.

The prosperity of the human race is a certainty.

Under this certainty, the number of the human race continued to grow.

At this time, the human race was almost reaching the number before the catastrophe, and it was blooming all over the prehistoric land.

As the number of the human race increased rapidly, some concerns also appeared among the high-level human race.

One day, Cang, the leader of the human race on the coast of the East China Sea, brought some human tribes to a thatched hut.

"Senior Taixuan, Cang of the human race has something to do, and I hope to see you."

Cang started shouting before he even reached the thatched hut.

Gui Xuan's incarnation Tai Xuan stood in the thatched hut with a helpless expression, "The door is open, come in yourself."

Since knowing the location of Tai Xuan, the Taoist transformed by Gui Xuan, Cang, the human leader, has come here whenever he has something to do.

Whenever he encounters something that he can't solve, he will come here.

Tai Xuan was half lying in the thatched hut, looking at the dozen or so human leaders in coarse clothes and linen who came in, and said casually, "Tell me, what unsolvable problem have you encountered again."

"Let me make it clear first, I don't know everything; don't hold too high hopes."

Cang sat on the ground with a smile and said, "Senior Tai Xuan knew five hundred years in the past and five hundred years in the future. He is an incredible great master with extraordinary abilities."

Tai Xuan's mouth twitched, "If you don't know how to praise, don't force yourself to praise."

You are too insulting to me!

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a bunch of spiritual fruits appeared in front of these human leaders, "If you have something to say, just say it, don't talk about other things."

Cang scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "We, the human tribe leaders, have discussed it and want the senior to be the totem of our human race."


Tai Xuan looked at Cang speechlessly, "So you sent a fool like you here? To test my opinion?"

"You fool, do you know what a totem is?!"

Cang looked dazed.

"Totem is the belief of a race! It is the carrier of the soul and the symbol of the race!"

"You fool, you actually want me to be a totem, what are you thinking!"

Tai Xuan felt helpless.

Cang and the tribal leaders behind him looked at each other.

The name of Tai Xuan is in the limelight among the human race, and it has been preached for billions of years.

The entire human race has long regarded Tai Xuan as one of the beliefs of the human race, so today they came to Tai Xuan to talk about this.

I didn't expect this person to react so strongly.

But Gui Xuan said again, "The totem is related to the destiny of the tribe. You are too careless."

"If the human race wants to find a totem of the race, it needs to find a powerful race among the billions of races in the prehistoric world, which is compatible with its destiny. They will prosper together and suffer together. Only in this way can it be done."

Cang's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"I told you that Senior Taixuan has a way, but you still don't believe it."

"It's still Chief Cang who has a way!"



In an instant, all the leaders of the human tribes present complimented Cang, and Cang held his head high!

Taixu was furious when he saw this, "You idiot, when did you become so smart! You actually plotted against me."

"Hey, hey, senior Taixuan, don't be angry. It's about the fate of the human race. I'm helpless."

Cang's face begged for mercy, and then his tone was serious.

"Senior, the human race has experienced a great calamity and has finally returned to such prosperity."

"After several discussions and consultations with the Ancestors, we finally decided to find a powerful ally."

"If something happens to the human race again, we can advance and retreat together with the human race. If there is another war, we won't be alone."

"I know your senior's character, that's why I made this bad move. I hope you can forgive me."

Tai Xuan hummed, "You ate my fruit and you still look aggrieved."

"When did humans become so cunning?"

Cang and other human leaders smiled sheepishly, "I will definitely send more fruits to my seniors someday!"

Taixuan glanced at Cang, and said without being too embarrassed, "You can find allies, but there is one thing you must remember, including all races."

"Humanity should strengthen itself! Never put your hope in others."

Cang looked serious and bowed, "Remember the teachings of our seniors!"

Taixuan nodded, "Looking at the great clans in the ancient world, except for the two lich clans, there are countless powerful races."

"However, there are some things that you can't just ask and others will agree to."

"Those who are qualified to become the totem of the human race are none other than the three ancient races."

"But Qilin rarely comes out, and the Phoenix Clan doesn't come out of the immortal volcano."

"Only the Dragon Clan is the closest to the Human Race and has the best chance of becoming the Human Race's totem."

Cang stood aside and his eyes shone brightly, "Dragon clan..."

How could they not know the name of the Dragon Clan?

On the coast of the East China Sea, there are many dragon tribes, and some human races have even interacted with dragon tribes.

However, due to the sea separation, the two races did not have a deep understanding.

When I heard Tai Xuan say this today, I immediately had an idea.

Taixuan continued, "Totem is just one of them. There is also a turtle clan under the dragon clan."

"The Turtles live long lives and don't have much karma; they are auspicious to the human race."

"One totem, one auspicious sign, can ensure the longevity of the human race."

When the conversation changed, a stream of light appeared on Taixuan's fingertips, "Take this object to the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Clan and the Turtle Clan can agree to this in an instant."

After saying that, he disappeared into the thatched house.

Cang took the stream of light and found that it was two drops of blood-colored jade pendants exuding mysterious patterns.

Without looking carefully, Cang said to the direction Tai Xuan left, "Senior, the human ancestor has informed the entire clan that from now on, senior will be one of my human race's Taoist ancestors!"

"The human race will always remember our predecessors!"


After he said these words, the fate of the human race changed.

A huge human luck fell on Gui Xuan.

Guixuan, who had already appeared in the Fenggun tribe, said frivolously, "Isn't this coming?"

With the luck of the human race in his body, he can also be the Taoist ancestor of the human race from now on!

The method of helping the human race obtain totems seemed to enhance the human race's luck, but in fact it actually helped him obtain the human race's luck.

This plan finally came to fruition.

"The Lich Measuring Tribulation has passed. This calamity has brought great prosperity to the human race. The time of the 129,900 Yuan Gui, coupled with the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation, will be another 129,600 Yuan Gui! Enough for this You have understood all the laws of the entire prehistoric world."

Looking at the prehistoric void with burning eyes, Gui Xuan felt excited.

This prehistoric world looks similar to the No. 1 prehistoric world, but it is actually much weaker.

This is the reason why Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu were able to suppress the Six Sages of Xuanmen with just their momentum.

The overall strength gap is too big, which also makes it very easy for him to comprehend the laws of heaven.

His understanding is unparalleled. At this stage, he relies entirely on his understanding to improve himself and control the laws.

Gui Xuan had a hunch in his heart that once he understood all the laws of the ancient world, there would be unexpected surprises.

This kind of surprise may be related to whether he can break through the dream and become reality.


While Gui Xuan was waiting in the Feng Gun tribe.

Nuwa sat in the Wa Palace, sometimes frowning, sometimes sighing.

A white spot of light appeared in her palm, erratic.

"The secret is in chaos. I don't know if the previous arrangement can continue."

She exchanged the luck of the human race for her eldest brother's chance of survival.

But now something happened in the underworld, which made Nuwa hesitate.

"It's better to go and find out."

After thinking for a long time, Nuwa finally decided to go to the underworld.

If the delay continues and the opportunity is missed, all calculations will change.

As soon as the decision was made, Nuwa no longer delayed and disappeared into the Wa Palace.

Reappeared already in the underworld.

What surprised her was that Hou Tu had already appeared here, as if waiting for her.

And behind Hou Tu are the great witches of the witch clan.

Without waiting for Nuwa to speak, Houtu said with a smile, "Sister came so slowly, let me wait."

Nuwa's eyes shrank, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Holding back her thoughts, Nuwa said calmly, "Thank you for your hard work, sister. This is the spiritual treasure that I got by accident. It's my apology."

After saying that, he threw a spiritual treasure to Hou Tu.

Hou Tu looked at the Lingbao in his hand, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, "Sister is so polite, it makes my sister feel a little embarrassed."

Sorry, please postpone it for a while.

Nuwa felt helpless.

She always felt that Houtu was a little different from before, but she couldn't put it into words.

Nuwa said, "In that case, sister, let me get straight to the point."

"We have calculated that the next catastrophe will bring prosperity to the human race, and the human race will become the protagonist of heaven and earth; and I, the Taiqing Saint, deduced the fate of the human race and found that the human race should have three emperors and five emperors to suppress the fate of the human race."

"My elder brother Fuxi died in the war between the witches and demons, and only a trace of his soul remained in the world. He can be one of the three emperors."

"This time I came to find my sister, I want to use the six reincarnations of the underworld to reincarnate my elder brother into the human race. I hope my sister will help me."

After saying that, he looked at Houtu, feeling a little nervous.

If he could rely on his saintly strength to force Houtu to agree before, but now Houtu's strength is weird and it is impossible to do it.

Nuwa had no choice but to talk to her in a good way.

Houtu looked at Nuwa and said lightly, "A low-grade innate spiritual treasure wants me to lead the way in the reincarnation path. Sister, are you looking down on my underworld too much?"

"What do you mean?"

Nuwa was stunned.

Hou Tu looked indifferent, "Not enough!"

"If you want to use my reincarnation path to cleanse Fuxi's soul, this low-grade spiritual treasure of my sister is not enough."

Nu Wa's mind was churning, staring at Hou Tu seriously, "What do you want?"

No refusal means that there is something to talk about, but I don't know what Hou Tu wants.

Hou Tu suddenly smiled, "I want two, one is the River Map and Luo Shu, and the other is the demon flag for the demon clan!"

"Impossible!" Nu Wa refused without thinking.

These two treasures, one is related to Fuxi's human race's proof of the Tao, and the other is related to his demon cult leader's control over the demon clan.

How can I hand them over.

However, Hou Tu just looked at Nu Wa with a smile, without saying a word.

After a long time, Hou Tu spoke, "It seems that your brother is not so important in your heart. You are reluctant to give him two spiritual treasures. Tsk tsk..."


Nu Wa was furious, "You are the ancestor of the Wu clan, and you still want to control the demon clan!"

Hou Tu spoke slowly, "The two clans of Wu and Lich put aside their differences and march west together. It is a good thing for the saints of the two clans like us. Why can't I control the demon clan?"

"Sister, do you think that I have a good temper and whatever you say is true?"


As he spoke, Hou Tu's aura changed drastically.

A shadow appeared behind him.

A human body with a snake tail, seven hands behind his back, two hands in front of his chest, holding the Teng Snake in both hands.

It was the true form of the ancestor of the witch.

"Greetings to the ancestor of the witch!"

The great witch behind Hou Tu had a fanatical face and bowed and shouted!

Nu Wa was shocked, "Didn't you leave the Wu clan and become a reincarnation? How could it be possible..."

She actually still has the true body of the ancestor of the witch!

At this moment, in Nu Wa's eyes, Hou Tu was no longer just a reincarnation saint, the peaceful lady.

Instead, he is a thorough witch saint!

A bad premonition appeared in her heart.

Sure enough, Hou Tu waved her hand, and the two spiritual treasures on her body, the River Map and Luo Shu, and the demon-summoning flag, flew out involuntarily and fell into Hou Tu's hands.

In Nu Wa's unbelievable eyes, Hou Tu said in a calm voice, "Just wait for the right time to send Fuxi's Yuan Shen over, and you can go."

Nu Wa opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, she was driven out of the underworld by a great magic power, and she appeared again and returned to the Wa Palace.

"How is this possible! I am also a saint!"

Nu Wa was shocked.

Hou Tu, how did you do it...

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