
Gui Xuan's words were like a bolt from the blue, appearing in the minds of several saints and his disciples.

How many prehistoric worlds?

Are there still many prehistoric worlds in this prehistoric world?

If it is true, it will simply subvert the three views.

Gui Xuan ignored their feelings and continued, "The war comes from another prehistoric world."

"It is basically the same as the prehistoric trend in this world, but there are some differences in details."

"I will refine the spiritual treasure and send you to another prehistoric world. You also exist in that world. What you have to do is to devour them and replace them!"

"Then occupy the world in various ways and occupy the destiny of heaven and earth!"

As he said, Gui Xuan passed all the information about the second prehistoric world into their minds.

He even told them the future calamity without missing a single detail.

Looking at the prehistoric saints who were absorbing the information in front of them, their faces kept changing, sometimes blue and sometimes white.

Gui Xuan's eyes were silent.

If they can't even accept this, then in the future, when they know that the world is false and I am not true, won't they be even more unable to accept it.

This is also Guixuan's test for them.

If they can't accept it, then Guixuan will suppress it until the world is empty and disappears with the world.

I don't know how long it took.

The four saints, Liu'er Macaque, Kong Xuan, and Jin Peng opened their eyes in disbelief.

Hong Yun said in a hoarse voice, "Daozu, I'm dead, right..."

From the memory left to him by Guixuan, before the war between witches and demons, after Hongjun Daozu's three lectures, he was besieged and killed by Kunpeng, Di Jun and other quasi-saints, and then reincarnated as Yun Zhongzi.

He was accepted as a disciple by Yuanshi Tianzun of the Chanjiao and became a true immortal of Fude.

Not only him, Liu'er Macaque also had a pale face.

"Master, I..."

He opened his mouth.

In his memory, Hongjun Daozu's words "The law is not passed on to Liu'er" made him waste countless years, and finally he was killed by Tathagata Buddha, the incarnation of Duobao.

This ending...

It's really hard for him to accept.

On the other hand, the Styx Patriarch, Kong Xuan, and Jin Peng were better.

Although their endings were different, none of them died.

Hou Tu was as calm as water.

After all, the memory in her mind was briefly mentioned to her by Daozu Gui Xuan, and that was only the ending of Hou Tu in another world.

What does it have to do with his authentic saint Hou Tu!

Among a group of saints in the wild, only Hou Tu could see clearly.

Gui Xuan said in a calm voice, "So what if it is, so what if it is not?"

"Since you are here, it proves that everything is false; with me here, you have already escaped from your original fate and achieved a new life."

"Instead of complaining here, it is better to achieve your true self and change yourself!"

Hou Tu also said after hearing this, "He is him, you are you, why bother? Under the leadership of Daozu Gui Xuan, we just keep moving forward, and don't think about the rest!"

Hong Yun's eyes shook, and his momentum suddenly surged.

After a long time, he said respectfully, "Thank you, Daoist Ancestor Gui Xuan, and Daoist Fellow Hou Tu!"

He is not me, and I am not him; but I can become him.

That's enough!

The same is true for Zhen Yuanzi, the Old Ancestor of Minghe, Liu Er Mihou, Kong Xuan, and Jin Peng.

Gui Xuan nodded.

His team did not disappoint him.

With a point of his right hand, a palm-sized portal appeared in his palm, emitting a hazy treasure light.

Gui Xuan said, "This is the treasure I refined, the door of the soul."

"This door can help you enter another prehistoric world. In that world, you only need to find another place where you are and swallow it."

"The rest is to plan the luck of this world as quickly as possible and control it completely."

Speaking of this, Gui Xuan's face was serious.

"The other world is called the No. 2 world by this seat; the time of the catastrophe is the same as this world."

"The old guy from the No. 2 world has appeared in this world; his control over the No. 2 world is very weak, but you also need to pay attention."

What? !

Hearing this, several Honghuang gods were startled.

I didn't expect that the one in this world had been replaced.

It's terrifying!

A chill in their backs appeared in their hearts.

If the self in the so-called No. 2 world appeared and replaced themselves unconsciously, then this...

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

"That old guy wants to control the fate of this world. Once he succeeds, not only me, but also you will be suppressed."

"When the infinite catastrophe comes, all of us will become nothingness and sink to the bottom of the road."

"Since he is like this, we will surround his lair, use his world as the foundation, and connect this world."

"Bring that old guy down completely!"

As he spoke, a murderous intention appeared on Gui Xuan.

"Follow the order of Daozu Guixuan!"

All the sacred gods present were shocked and bowed in response.

Guixuan raised his right hand, and the door of the soul flew into the void and turned into a three-meter-high portal.

"This door allows your soul to enter the second world of prehistoric times, which is weaker than this world."

"And you are either a saint, immortal, or your strength exceeds that of another world."

"It's easy to replace it."

"Go, explore the way first, and then when the tunnel army invades, it will be good to clear the way for them!"


The four saints and three quasi-saints flew out and disappeared into the portal.

Gui Xuan looked up at the void, his eyes piercing through the endless void and looking at the location of Zixiao Palace.

"Since you care so much, then the Conferred God in this world will be left to you, Xuanmen, to fight, and I will go to steal the house."

It's just a catastrophe. After the Conferred God, Buddhism will spread to the west and eliminate demons in the west.

The luck of this world will return again.

At that time, the luck of the two worlds will be united, and the general trend is in my hands!

No. 2 Primordial World.

Gui Xuan's soul transformed into a black-haired Taoist and appeared in the human race.

At this time, the witch and lich catastrophe had passed, and the prehistoric land was in ruins and the secrets of heaven were unclear.

It was the time for him to plan for the human race.

The ancestral land of the human race, Shouyang Mountain.

This place is where the Taiqing Saint preached.

Since the great catastrophe of the human race, the human race left tens of millions of people here, and the rest of the human race all migrated to the coast of the East China Sea.

Gui Xuan came here in the form of a Taoist priest, looking at the Shouyang Mountain, which was tens of millions of feet high, with rules flowing in his eyes.

"The treasure of the human race's luck, Kongtong Seal."

While thinking, a peanut-sized seal appeared in his palm.

This is the treasure of the human race's luck in the No. 1 prehistoric world, Kongtong Seal.

After the Taiqing Saint preached to the human race, a great catastrophe occurred in the human race, and the human race and the demon race fought. The Kongtong Seal was connected with the human race's luck and came out in advance.

Gui Xuan took the opportunity to get it.

However, the Kongtong Seal in the No. 2 prehistoric world has not yet been born.

The human race in this world has not yet prospered, and the luck is not obvious. The treasure of the human race's luck has not yet come out.

The innate spirit baby's light flowed, and a series of inexplicable auras appeared from the Kongtong Seal in Gui Xuan's palm and flowed into the void.

He wanted to use the Kongtong Seal of the No. 1 prehistoric world to lure the Kongtong Seal of this world.

The Kongtong Seal is of great importance to the human race, and can depose and establish the Human Emperor.

It is the treasure of the human race's luck. Controlling this seal can make it easier for him to plan for the human race.


In the connection of the breath, a few ripples began to appear on Shouyang Mountain.

A golden seal with nine dragons intertwined appeared in the void.

Gui Xuan's heart moved, and he put away the Kongtong Seal in his hand.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the Kongtong Seal of this world was taken into his palm and quickly refined.

"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, let me take the position of the teacher of the human emperor."

Gui Xuan's face was gentle, and he raised his foot to leave Shouyang Mountain.

The next second he appeared near Lei Ze.

In the prehistoric Lei Ze, thunder rolled in the sky and strange phenomena continued.

Here, thunder and lightning intertwined, and thunder was bred. It was the place where the ancient thunder god appeared.

Gui Xuan looked at the land of Lei Ze, and lightning flashed in his eyes.

His Heavenly Law of Thunder had already been perfected, and he didn't care about the thunder of Lei Ze at all.

At the edge of Lei Ze, a huge footprint attracted his attention.

The footprint was filled with thunder and lightning, forming the only place in the entire Lei Ze.

"Let me add some ingredients for you."

Gui Xuan pointed his finger, and a stream of light fell into the footprint and disappeared.

Gui Xuan nodded, turned around and disappeared.

Since then, a Taoist named Tai Xuan appeared in the human race, wandering in the human land and preaching to the human race.


The second prehistoric world, the Heaven.

A Yuanhui has passed since the war between witches and demons.

The vitality of the prehistoric land is slowly recovering, but the demon heaven has become lonely because the demons have dispersed.

The Xuanmen saints are arguing over the vacancy of the Heaven.

Except for the Holy Mother of the Human Race and the leader of the Demon Cult, Nuwa, the other five saints have been arguing for a Yuanhui.

Which sect controls the Heaven represents endless luck.

Among them, the Chan Sect, Jie Sect, and Western Sect were the most violent.

For this reason, the two saints of Chan Sect and Jie Sect had many unpleasant quarrels, and Nuwa often laughed at them.

In Zixiao Palace.

The six saints of Xuanmen gathered in Zixiao Palace, sitting cross-legged with various thoughts.

"Teacher, my Western Heaven is barren and should belong to my Western Sect."

Zhunti shouted loudly.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was gloomy, "What does my Eastern Heaven have to do with you Western Sect!"

Tongtian Sect Master followed closely, "My Jie Sect is determined to seek a glimmer of life for the prehistoric creatures. The Heaven should belong to my Jie Sect. You Western Sect stretched your hands too far!"

Taiqing Saint watched from the side and had a headache.

He has been quiet and inactive since he became a saint, but the ownership of the Heaven is related to luck, and he also wants to fight for it.

But his two younger brothers are already fighting fiercely. If he gets involved again, it will only make other saints laugh at him.

He still has the face of the saint of the Three Pure Ones!

Just when the Saint Taiqing didn't know what to do, Taoist Hongjun spoke slowly.

"The Heavenly Court cannot be without a master. Since you can't come up with any conclusion, I will make the arrangements."

As he said that, Hongjun waved his hand, and the boys Haotian and Yaochi appeared in the Zixiao Palace.

When the saints saw the two boys appear, their hearts sank.

It seems that their teachers have already made arrangements.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu were gloomy.

Hongjun didn't estimate their mood, and said, "Today, the boys Haotian and Yaochi will be in charge of the Heavenly Court. Haotian is the Emperor of the Heavenly Court, and Yaochi is the Mother of the Heavenly Court, and they will jointly control the Heavenly Court."

With a finger, the image of the two Taoist boys changed drastically.

A man in a golden dragon robe and a woman in luxurious clothes appeared.

Haotian and Yaochi were delighted and saluted quickly, "Thank you, Master!"

Hongjun nodded, and several streams of light appeared and fell in front of Haotian and Yaochi.

"This mirror is named Haotian Mirror today. It is both offensive and defensive, and I will give it to you; this spiritual root is the Peach Tree, one of the ten best spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, and I will give it to Yaochi to manage."

"As the Emperor of Heaven and the Mother of Heaven, you must manage the prehistoric world with your heart in the future."

"If you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask your senior brothers and sisters."

After speaking, Hongjun disappeared in Zixiao Palace.

Only a few saints were left, looking at Haotian and Yaochi with ugly faces.

However, before they could speak, a strong momentum suddenly broke out in the prehistoric land.

The faces of the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa, and the Two Saints of the West all changed drastically.

"A prehistoric saint has become a saint!!"

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