"God is above. I am the giant turtle of the North Sea. Today, I feel that the pillars of heaven are collapsing and all the spirits in the prehistoric world are in great trouble. I am willing to cut off my limbs and turn them into pillars of heaven, supporting the four poles of heaven and earth! I hope God will witness it!"

The giant turtle of the North Sea supports the sky with its body!


The thick power of the merits of the Heavenly Dao descended from the sky and landed on the North Sea.

The 1.296 billion feet long giant turtle was shining with golden light, leaving only a soul in the void. Its limbs flew to the four poles of heaven and earth, swelled against the wind, and supported the rapidly closing heaven and earth.

The prehistoric saint who had just stabilized the prehistoric earth, water, wind and fire were all stunned, and his eyes fell on the North Sea.

But he found that it was the Chaos Demon God left over from ancient times, who used his body to repair the sky.

The saint was overjoyed, and the pressure on his body was reduced a lot, leaving only the water of the Tianhe River falling from the sky.

"This turtle cannot transform, but I didn't expect it to want to use this method to rebuild; with the merits of supporting the sky, it will also be a blessed immortal after reincarnation."

The Taiqing Saint smiled.

The leader of Shangqing Tongtian was quite tempted and had the idea of ​​accepting a disciple.

But the catastrophe was not over yet, so it was not the right time and had to delay for the time being.

At this moment, Hongjun's figure appeared in the void.

As soon as he appeared, he looked at several prehistoric saints angrily, "I asked you to stabilize the prehistoric world, is this what you did!"

The hearts of Sanqing, Nuwa, and the two saints of the West were horrified.

"Teacher, please forgive me!"

The Taoist was furious, and hundreds of millions of lives wailed. As saints, they could not escape the blame.

But Hongjun continued, "Nuwa, why don't you use the Qiankun Ding to refine the sky-repairing things quickly!"

"This is your opportunity, and you deserve it!"

Nuwa was blessed, and the Qiankun Ding appeared in her palm, and the flames rose, and she began to refine the five-colored divine stone.


Something strange happened to the saints.

After seeing Nuwa refining the five-colored stone, Hongjun continued to say, "There is a Chaos Demon God above the North Sea, which is a species left over from ancient times and cannot transform."

"This Chaos Demon God is a giant turtle, whose limbs can just support the four poles of heaven and earth, and the turtle shell can be used as a support for the sky-repairing stone."

"Tongtian, why don't you take action quickly!"

Do you want to hear what you are saying!

The saints looked at Hongjun in the void with strange eyes, and there was some silence for a while.

The atmosphere was a little awkward here.

The giant turtle has supported the sky by itself, and has gained infinite merits and is about to reincarnate and cultivate again.

My own teacher actually...

The most uncomfortable one is Tongtian Sect Master, who is in a dilemma.

If he goes, he will be like a fool, and if he doesn't go, he will disobey his teacher's orders.

Immediately fell into a dilemma.

What the saints didn't expect was that after Hongjun in the void said this, he disappeared into the void, leaving only a few of them in a daze.

"Teacher, he..."

Tongtian looked at his two elder brothers, somewhat confused.

The eyes of the Taiqing Saint flashed, "Let's get through today's catastrophe first before we talk about other things."

"Tongtian, go to the North Sea and get the tortoise shell that the giant tortoise shed, which will also be regarded as an explanation to the teacher."

Tongtian's heart condensed, nodded and disappeared on the spot.

In the void.

Guixuan looked at the scene just now and felt relieved.

"This incarnation left by Hongjun has no spiritual intelligence at all, just like a program."

It seems that Hongjun's attention to this world has become very small.

In this case, Guixuan felt much more relieved.

He sucked out a suction force towards the North Sea, and the reincarnated giant tortoise soul that was about to dissipate in the void was sucked into his mouth before he could react, and merged into his own soul.


Countless complicated memories appeared in his mind.

This is the memory inheritance from the giant tortoise for countless years, and there are many of them; but for Guixuan, they are all very familiar.

The memory of the giant tortoise in this world is roughly the same as his.

The difference is that most of the giant turtles in this world are sleeping, and they are rarely awake.

This also causes the giant turtles to only grow their bodies instinctively, but their origin and strength have not recovered much.


After absorbing the Yuanshen of the giant turtle in this world, Gui Xuan was shocked.

For a moment, he suddenly felt a familiar breath appear, and then disappeared quickly.

"My Yuanshen has become stronger; and..."

An inexplicable breath appeared in his Yuanshen.

This breath is exactly the same as the breath he captured in the Chaos Pearl.

However, the quantity is much less.

"Is Hongjun so strong?"

Gui Xuan had some guesses in his mind.

"No wonder Hongjun in this world is so much stronger than Hongjun in my world."

The prehistoric world is like a dream, evolving the world.

There are many kinds of dreams. Some people dream with chaotic consciousness and cannot distinguish between true and false.

Some people dream with clear sea of ​​consciousness, and the truth and falsehood are in their hearts.

The records in the books in the hands of Hongjun in this world are relatively complete, and the understanding of the catastrophe is relatively deeper.

It is possible that he already knows this method of becoming stronger.

But this speculation needs time to verify.

Silently watching Tongtian take away the tortoise shell of the prehistoric giant turtle, and then looking for the giant turtle's soul around but couldn't find it, he left with the most regretful feeling.

Guixuan already has an idea about this world of prehistoric.

"The time difference between the two worlds is not big, but the strength of this world of prehistoric is much weaker than that of my world, and it is very manipulable!"

Use the prehistoric world to invade the prehistoric world and seek the prehistoric luck of this world.

By the time Hongjun, the prehistoric world he was in, reacted, it was already too late.

"Seeking truth from dreams, I don't want to disappear like this."

"Hongjun, I also want it to be true~~~"


The soul is taken back.

Returning to the Abbot's Fairy Island again, Gui Xuan's aura was misty.

"Let the prehistoric world I am in be called Prehistoric World No. 1, and the other prehistoric world be called Prehistoric World No. 2. This will make it easier to distinguish."

Gui Xuan had a premonition that if he wanted to make it true step by step, he would escape from Hongjun's dream.

We must devour as many North Sea giant turtles as possible in other prehistoric worlds to collect that special aura.

In the future, he will encounter more and more prehistoric worlds!

"Dreams are illusory, the only one in the world, achieve your true self, transcend everything!"

This is the next step for him.

The laws of the mind flow, and the laws of time and space appear in the world.

"Let me use the laws of the soul as a guide, and the laws of time and space, the avenue of universe and other avenues as the foundation, to refine a door of the soul and invade the ancient world!"

Time passes.

A yuan will pass in the blink of an eye.

The ancient land was no longer wreaked by the two Lich clans, and began to regain its vitality.

With the support of saints from various religions, the human race spread throughout the ancient land and blossomed everywhere.

Suddenly one day, the creatures of the East China Sea discovered that the once prosperous Buddha Mountain Gate of the East China Sea disappeared and disappeared.

Countless Buddhas and Buddhas no longer appear in the world, and only various temples in the human domain are still standing.

At the same time, the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain and the authentic saint Zhen Yuanzi also began to close the gate and hide Wanshou Mountain in the void.

As time goes by.

The influence of East China Sea Buddha Land and Longevity Mountain Wuzhuang Temple on the prehistoric world No. 1 began to weaken.

Hongjun, who was in the Zixiao Palace in the chaos, noticed this scene, and after silently deducing to no avail, he nodded secretly.

"Quite sensible."

Know how to advance and retreat, and understand the general trend.

The variables in this world are much smarter than what he has encountered before, but they are also much more difficult to deal with.

Hongjun's eyes were filled with thoughts, and he began to summon the four saints Sanqing and Nuwa.

As for the Two Saints of the West, they are still being suppressed in the Western World, and there are only two good corpses wandering around in the wild land.

In desperation, Hongjun had no choice but to summon the two good corpses.

It wasn't that he didn't want to break the seal and rescue the Second Saint of the West, it was just that Gui Xuan was too ruthless.

Connecting heaven and earth with the power of cause and effect, suppressing the two sages of the West under the mountain of law.

After he came to this world, he was also implicated in cause and effect.

If you rescue the two saints of the West at will, you will be counterattacked by the fate of the world, and the evil path will change.

In order to develop the prehistoric trend, Hongjun had no choice but to let it be suppressed in the Western world.

When Hongjun summoned the Xuanmen saint, Guixuan also started his own arrangement.

Beihai, Abbot Fairy Island.

Gui Xuan was sitting cross-legged on the Immortal Island, with Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, Hong Yun, and Ancestor Ming He appearing beside him.

"Meet Guixuan Taoist Ancestor!"

Gui Xuan nodded and said slowly, "I am summoning you this time to tell you something important."

As he spoke, he explored his palm.

In the Buddhist land of the East China Sea, Kong Xuan and Jin Peng, who were practicing Buddhism, appeared here.

Kong Xuan and Jin Peng were stunned for a moment. When they came to their senses, they saw several saints and Taoist ancestors, and they quickly greeted them!

"Meet Guixuan Taoist Ancestor! Meet the Saint!"

Gui Xuan's face was gentle, "I once said that I would accept you as my disciples. Today, in front of the four saints, I will accept you as my registered disciples."

"When the time is right, I can list it as a direct descendant!"

Kong Xuan and Jin Peng looked excited, "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Disciple of Tao Ancestor!

This is a great honor, and its status is comparable to that of several saints in the Three Purities.

Several saints present congratulated him.

Two streams of light from the ruins in Gui Xuan's hand fell in front of Kong Xuan and Jin Peng, "This is my gourd on Buzhou Mountain. It is among the innate spiritual treasures. It is given to you today. You can experience its wonderful effects by yourself!"

"Thank you, Master."

At this time, the six-eared macaque who was practicing was summoned by Gui Xuan.

After learning that he had two junior brothers, the six-eared macaque looked very excited.

After getting to know each other several times, Gui Xuan spoke again.

"Now that everyone is here, I will stop talking nonsense."

Guixuan looked serious, looked at the people in front of him, and slowly said, "Everyone, the war has begun!"


All the saints present were shocked.

war? !

What kind of war can make a Taoist look like this?

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes flashed, "Dao Ancestor, please make it clear!"

Gui Xuan did not speak, but waved his hand, and spheres appeared one after another in the void.

There are living creatures living inside these spheres, and their spiritual values ​​are everywhere.

If you look carefully, Yanran is a real world.

The four saints were puzzled.

Suddenly Houtu asked aloud, "Taozu, why are these worlds the same?"

As expected of Houtu, he has a delicate mind and quickly discovers problems.

Gui Xuan said slowly, "Chaos is boundless, and the wilderness is vast."

"Have you ever thought about whether this prehistoric world is the only one?"

"How many prehistoric worlds exist in this chaos?!"

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