Prehistoric: Reborn as a tortoise, with understanding that defies heaven

Chapter 108: The Three Saints make up for the three days, Zhen Yuan sits in heaven (Wish everyone a

In the Zixiao Palace, the Xuanmen saint was shocked.

The arrival of the saint is a major event, related to the struggle for destiny.

Another saint was born, and the six saints of Xuanmen lost all thoughts of fighting for heaven for a moment and disappeared into Zixiao Palace.

Only the new Heavenly Emperor Haotian and Heavenly Mother Yaochi were left standing there looking at each other.

After a while, Haotian's face turned gloomy, "Junior sister, come with me to heaven!"

These senior brothers and sisters don’t take themselves seriously.

The ancient world.

Purple air comes from the east for hundreds of millions of miles, golden flowers bloom in the sky, and spiritual dew condenses and falls from the sky.

After hundreds of millions of years, another saint was born.

Following the pressure of the saint, countless creatures from ancient times raised their heads and looked in the direction of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that there was a prehistoric saint in Longevity Mountain who did not show any signs of the mountain and did not leak water, Zhen Yuanzi!

"I, Zhen Yuanzi, today established a prehistoric tunnel to complete the prehistoric world, preach to all living beings, educate all living beings, and look to heaven to learn from it!"

A vast voice appeared, resounding throughout the vast world.

The panic and holy power dominate the wilderness.

"Meet the true saint, Zhen Yuanzi!"

Billions of Holy Spirits worshiped.

At this time, the Six Saints of Xuanmen appeared. Looking at this scene, thoughts were rolling in their hearts.

"Did the streak of Hongmeng Purple Qi on Hongyun's body go to Zhen Yuanzi?"

The Six Saints immediately had this thought in their minds.

The relationship between Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Hongyun was unknown to everyone in the whole prehistoric period.

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly became a saint, and they couldn't help but think about it.

However, something even more unexpected happened.

A black vortex appeared in the void, and the underworld saint Houtu slowly walked out of it.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhenyuan for becoming a saint!"

Houtu said aloud with a smile on his face.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw Hou Tu, he also had a smile on his face, "You're welcome, fellow Taoist."

When the Six Saints of Xuanmen saw Hou Tu appear, they couldn't help but open their eyes wide, "She..."

Doesn't it mean that Hou Tu can't leave the underworld? Once he leaves the underworld, he no longer has the strength of a saint?


And when did Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu become so familiar with each other? They had obviously never interacted with each other before...

Various speculations appeared in the hearts of the Six Saints of Xuanmen.

Finally, Saint Taiqing spoke slowly, "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for becoming a saint."

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader also reacted at this time and hurriedly came forward to congratulate, "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhenyuan for becoming a saint..."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, "Fellow Taoists, you're welcome."

As he spoke, the conversation changed.

"I am becoming a saint today and want to establish a field. It just so happens that all my colleagues are here, so we can bear witness together."

After saying this, before the Six Saints of Xuanmen could react, Zhen Yuanzi's aura suddenly exploded.

A loud voice resounded throughout the ancient land, "I feel that the thirty-third heaven is incomplete. Today, there will be another day above the thirty-third heaven, called: Earth Tomorrow!"


As Zhen Yuanzi's words appeared, golden light flashed and glow rolled above the thirty-third heavenly palace.

In the blink of an eye, a new first heaven appeared above the thirty-third heavenly palace, shocking the world.

This is not over yet.

Hou Tu continued, "Since fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi has such a big ambition, I cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

"I will open another day under your land tomorrow, and it will be called: Netherworld Heaven!"


The sky changes again.

Under the Earth's Heaven and above the Thirty-Third Heaven, a space with rolling underworld energy and surging Yin energy appeared.

Nether Sky appears!

The Six Sages of Xuanmen were all shocked and looked at Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu in disbelief.

Especially Sanqing, who just felt a great opportunity disappearing in front of him, was about to speak.

A gloomy word appeared between heaven and earth, flowing into the ears of all creatures in the wild.

For a time, hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire prehistoric world were horrified.

Just listening to the position of the Netherworld Blood Sea, Ancestor Minghe's momentum rose, and his voice was filled with murderous intent, "Then I will open another day under this Netherworld Sky, and it will be called: Blood Fiend Sky!"


The holy throne appeared and the purple energy reappeared.

In the eyes of the Six Saints of Xuanmen and countless creatures, Ancestor Minghe appeared in the void with the aura of a saint.


"When was he sanctified?!"


Beiming Kunpeng's eyes widened and he almost wanted to vomit blood.

He did not hesitate to attack Hongyun for Hongmeng Ziqi, causing Hongyun's death.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Yuanzi and the Ancestor Minghe became saints one after another, which made him almost unable to accept it.

What frightened him even more was the relationship between Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

If Zhen Yuanzi wants to avenge Hongyun, then...

A strong feeling of fear instantly occupied Kunpeng's entire heart.

Two saints in one day!

After hundreds of millions of years, two saints appeared again on this ancient land!

No warning!

I don’t believe in the saints, but the status of saints in Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Minghe cannot be faked.

"Meet the Saint of Styx!"

"Meet the Saint of Styx!"

Billions of living beings bowed down to worship.

The Six Saints of Xuanmen were stunned.


Three thick golden lights of merit fell from the sky and landed on Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Ancestor Ming He.

The thirty-sixth level of heaven is perfected, the heaven becomes more stable, and the destiny of heaven increases.

This is a reward for the three saints who complete the thirty-sixth level of heaven.

The Taiqing saint hurriedly deduced the secret of heaven, trying to find the reason.

But what made him feel uncomfortable was that Tianji didn't know when it would become chaotic again.

You must know that after the end of the Lich War, the secret of the prehistoric world gradually began to become clear.

As saints, they can definitely calculate some secrets, but what surprised them today was that the secrets were actually in chaos.

Taking a deep breath, Saint Taiqing said, "You three have gone too far. I have to wait for the three brothers to complete the three days in heaven."

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader were shocked, and they understood the reason in an instant. They looked at Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Ming He with gloomy eyes.

"You three saints are so shameless when you seize this opportunity from me!" the leader of Tongtian Cult said coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun also looked ugly, "Without the permission of the Taoist ancestors, you disturbed the ancient secrets of heaven, what are you going to do!"

But he saw three saints, Zhen Yuanzi, Hou Tu, and Ancestor Ming He, standing together.

Zhen Yuanzi said quietly, "This ancient heaven has been missing for a long time. Today we are waiting for the Three Saints to complete the heaven. Why don't you let us go?"

"Seeing our benefits, you are jealous. Is this Pangu Zhengzong, Xuanmen Sanqing? Where is your reputation?"


Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed drastically.


But Zhen Yuanzi snorted coldly, as if thunder sounded in Sanqing's ears.

Sanqing's expression changed wildly.

Such strong strength, so possible!

Zhen Yuanzi no longer looked at them, but looked up at the heaven.

"Today, I am sitting in the heaven and in charge of the ancient heaven. Who among you is dissatisfied!"


Three terrifying holy powers appeared, shocking the world, and the void quickly twisted.

The pressure was so heavy that hundreds of millions of creatures in the ancient world could not lift their heads, and the Six Saints of Xuanmen almost squatted in the void.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at the Six Saints of Xuanmen and stepped lightly in the void.

Countless innate spiritual energy condensed and appeared, forming three holy seats in the void.

Zhen Yuanzi is sitting in the middle, Ancestor Minghe is on the left, and Saint Houtu is on the right.

The three saints sit in the heaven, shaking the void and coercing the prehistoric world.

At this time, the newcomer Haotian, the Emperor of Heaven, and Yaochi, the mother of Heaven, suddenly appeared.

Just what Zhen Yuanzi said happened, and his expression changed wildly.

The Second Saint of the West rolled his eyes.

Saint Zhunti said, "Tao Ancestor has made it clear before that Junior Brother Haotian will be the lord of Heaven. Don't make a mistake, Zhen Yuanzi!"

"Otherwise, if Dao Ancestor comes in person, everything will be over!"


Zhen Yuanzi's eyes fell on Haotian and Yaochi.

Before Haotian, who had just appeared, could stand firm, he felt a overwhelming pressure coming towards his face.


Haotian felt like the world was spinning and his eyes were black.

The body was unconsciously suppressed in the void and fell a few points downward.

The same is true for Yaochi who is traveling with him.

Haotian swallowed, resisted the pressure on his body, and spoke with difficulty, "The master has made it clear that I will sit as the Lord of Heaven!"

Already arranged?

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes were filled with golden light.

Backing away, Ancestor Styx also looked thoughtful.

After a long time, a voice appeared in Zhen Yuanzi's ear, and a smile appeared on Zhen Yuanzi's face.

Then the aura on his body suddenly dissipated, and Haotian relaxed and felt relaxed.

Zhen Yuanzi said slowly to Zhunti, "When did I say that I disagreed with Haotian being the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Are you trying to sow discord between me and Junior Brother Haotian with what you just said? Zhunti, you are so insidious!"


A giant palm appeared in the void, and in less than a moment, it traveled through the void and hit Zhunti hard on the face.

Zhunti felt like the world was spinning and his body flew straight out.

"Junior brother!"

The saint's expression changed and he quickly caught up with him.

Sanqing and Nuwa were shocked, "Zhen Yuanzi is so powerful!"

Just taking a random shot made the saints of Xuanmen feel cold in their hearts.

Zhen Yuanzi said, "My brother Hongyun was robbed of his position in the Zixiao Palace. In order not to repay the cause and effect, he watched Hongyun die."

"I still want to provoke you today, but I simply don't take it seriously."

"If you say anything else, I will let you try some authentic methods!"

Ancestors Hou Tu and Ming He looked at San Qing and Nu Wa with stern eyes; the threat in them could not be expressed in words.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, and Haotian and Yaochi flew to his side and landed not far from the Holy Seat.

Zhen Yuanzi said aloud, "Since Dao Ancestor has already honored you two as the Lords of Heaven, I cannot but express my gratitude."

"From now on, I and the Three Saints will be in charge in the heaven, and you two will work hard to keep things running. If you have anything to do, just go to your master directly."

So shameless! !

Sanqing and Nuwa almost cursed.

The three of you have taken over the fate of heaven, and leave the hard work to Haotian, Yaochi, and

Whenever he encounters a problem, he throws it to Taoist Hongjun.

You have taken all the benefits of co-authorship, inside and outside, and others are the ones doing the work and taking responsibility, right?

Haotian and Yaochi's faces darkened and they almost took action.

Saint, don’t be so shameless!

They only looked at the angry few, but they had no idea that the Taoist Zhen Yuanzi spoke of was not Taoist Hongjun at all, but someone else.

This is not over yet.

After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, Hou Tu spoke up again, "You two new Lords of Heaven and Mother of Heaven have low strength and insufficient prestige."

"I will appoint the Six Emperors of Heaven today to share the burden for you and the two of you."

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