Chapter 476 Three tricks to determine the outcome [seeking subscription]

Facing Nezha’s oath, the real Yellow Dragon seemed very indifferent, and then said to Nezha, “It doesn’t have to be this way, you have such a skill at a young age. I believe it must be from a famous disciple. I naturally believe what you said. It’s just that you haven’t let go of your strength, so you still stop. Let’s sit down and have a talk.”

The words of the real Yellow Dragon are nothing more than a fight.

However, in reality, the real Yellow Dragon is delaying time. If there is a senior brother’s Slashing Sword in his hand, the next door is here to spit for this tongue.

But Nezha still didn’t dare to let go. Ji Chang was sinister and cunning. Maybe he was holding back badly. As long as he acted lightly, he might fall into his trap.

Nezha has to guard against this, the real Yellow Dragon is just a passer-by, at least for now.

“Shangxian, let’s just say 10 if you have anything, there is no need to go around.”

Nezha stared at Ji Chang’s every move, for fear of some mistakes. Time is tight now, and according to Ji Chang’s current marching speed, he can cross the mountains in front of him within three days at most.

However, the real Yellow Dragon is a little impatient when he sees Nezha, and he knows his own skills, which makes him a little bit difficult.

“This is a long story. Although you and I have different positions, isn’t it actually for your own practice? If you are obsessed with persuasion, don’t blame me for taking action and be merciless.”

Said the real Yellow Dragon, he stretched out his hand and started his posture. I saw him pinch his hand and recite the countless yellow paper talisman. It came out from his cuff.

All of a sudden, Fu Zhuan turned into a human form, one by one, like a paper man, like a thousand horses, surrounded by the formation, one by one eager to try.

When Nezha saw it, he felt a sense of playfulness. The little people who were one inch tall were densely exposed in front of Nezha’s own eyes. But Nezha didn’t dare to take it lightly, so he took a step back and raised the rocket gun in his hand.

“Shangxian, I still did it. Just be direct. It depends on my own good fortune if I live or die.

The Yellow Dragon real person was so excited that he intended to frighten this kid, but the situation was quite the opposite, which was beyond his expectation. But in the face of Nezha, this hairy boy, I don’t know why the real Yellow Dragon suddenly gained a certain degree of self-confidence.

“You junior, I will start with you. Even if I win you, there will be nowhere to put my face. It will surely make outsiders laugh out of their teeth, saying that I am bullying the small and relying on the old to sell the old.

Real Yellow Dragon said by touching his beard. At this instant of time, he blinked his eyes and thought, and said, “Why not, I will make three moves. If your little maotou can resist it, I will let you go. If not, then you can honestly disarm and surrender. There is no need to continue like this.”

The real Yellow Dragon is reasonable, and according to his logic of thinking, Nezha takes advantage of it. The winner is decided within three strokes, neither showing the mountains nor showing the water. If you click it to the end, you can be considered as a face.

Nezha nodded, agreeing.

Immediately, the real Yellow Dragon’s palm twisted, and thousands of small paper figures that were one inch taller immediately became active.

In this first move, Nezha thought that the real Yellow Dragon had released the water and intended to let him go.

“Shangxian, then Nezha is more offensive.

The tip of the tip of the gun is one point, and several flames are ejected. The little paper man ignited, and immediately became more restless. At a time, one passed the two, the two passed on the benevolence, and a sea of ​​fire appeared in the formation.

Ji Chang stood aside, and he could see the bad things in this at a glance. It can be said that from the generals to the soldiers, no one fails to see that the first move of the real Yellow Dragon has been lost.

“Real person, didn’t you mean it?” Ji Chang questioned.

Nezha’s natural fire attribute physique, fire control skills have long been as perfect as fire, and has reached a state of peaking. Looking at this sea of ​​fire, Ji Chang was about to burn out. The dry fire in his heart had already burned his eyebrows.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, look

The real Yellow Dragon smiled, and then casually pointed, as if drawing a dragon to clear the sky. A star-like beam of light, looking casually in twos by threes, 960s.

However, just as the sea of ​​fire burned out, the flames suddenly gathered together, and I saw a bull that grew out of the fire.On the forehead of this bull was a piece of yellow paper with a clear writing on it. Visible characters.


Nezha had been mentally prepared for the emergence of this change. After all, he is one of the second-generation disciples of Yuanzun who sat down, and his personal strength and abilities are not comparable to him.

“Shangxian, it looks like I’m going to lose.

Nezha encountered this raging fire, especially the bull who ran out of this raging fire, and was even more excited.

Afterwards, Nezha used Huntianling, a red silk floating in the air, landed on the bull’s head, bound its perspective, and restricted the bull’s pace in a short time.

“How do you think I use this trick? Did I win the first round?”.

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