Chapter 477 Full-click 【subscribe】

Use softness to overcome rigidity, and softness to bring rigidity, and the strength is just right. The phantom Niukong has brute force, and has no power to fight against the clever Nezha.

The real Yellow Dragon had a cold sweat in his heart, but he was pretending to be calm, but his appearance was showing appreciation. He touched his beard, he hummed, and then nodded again, several small movements continued together. , It seems that all this is being expected.

“What a genius, just a little bit of tricks has already shown me your ability. You have done a good job of this, but I will take it seriously next.”

The real Yellow Dragon’s eyes suddenly widened, and Nezha’s head shrank back, still realizing that the situation was not good.

I saw Nezha quickly leave the battlefield with Manniu, flipped a few heels backwards, and pulled out a distance of 100 meters.

At the same time, the real Yellow Dragon was released in the dark, and the flame energy wrapped in the soul and sky spirit was gradually released. Then the attributes changed, a fire changed into water, and a water dragon suddenly escaped from the flames.

As the saying goes, water and fire are incompatible. It can be seen that the real Yellow Dragon is still very effective in applying these rules. Five Elements reversed and refreshed Nezha’s cognition.

The water dragon hovered in mid-air, and for a while, dark clouds suddenly rose above the formation.

The water droplets condensed in the air slowly fell, and the raindrops became bigger and bigger. The sea of ​​fire in front of me was slowly extinguished by the rain.

Water is pervasive, and in this pouring rain, the water dragon shield is invisible. From various incredible angles, a high-frequency attack was launched against Nezha.

The sharp claws of the water dragon, Nezha, which grabbed it. Immediately, Nezha turned around and pierced him with a spear in his hand. However, after the water drop broke, it recondensed into an entity in an instant, dissolving the fierce force on Nezha’s body in a clever way.

It was like a fist hitting cotton, and the strength was used a lot, but the power of the fist did not give feedback in time, and every move and every style was empty.

Nezha didn’t dare to show weakness in the formation. Although he did not find a way to break the law, some people could not bear it in this protracted war of attrition.

The bystander Ji Chang didn’t know why.

“I really don’t understand you, old guy. I asked you to come here to help, but you are acting with me here. What is this?” Sister Ji Chang muttered in her heart.

He was anxious and couldn’t tolerate the slightest error. A little disclosure, the face of him is the abyss. Once he falls into it, he is not the only one involved. As a result, the whole family will be trapped in a place where it will never be restored, and it will be difficult to turn over within a hundred years.

“Real man, why not kill him with a single move? It’s time for this cat and mouse game to end.

At this time, the real Yellow Dragon couldn’t be distracted, a slight difference, he lost again this round. If you lose three games in a row, you will definitely be laughed off by your own brothers.

I saw him clenching his teeth and persisting, and the sweat bead on his forehead became more and more obvious. Paper can’t contain fire, and so is the truth. With a few tricks of temptation, the real Yellow Dragon has already been exposed. It’s just that he concealed it better, and seemed a little absent-minded, but in fact, he was already very flustered.

“Brother, brother, why aren’t you coming? Your good brother can’t hold on.” Madam Yellow Dragon complained in his heart. His senior brother Yuding Madam did not show up for a long time, which made his heart more and more bottomless.

“Shangxian, don’t let me go anymore, I really want to be serious.

In this short period of time, facing such an opponent, there is no end to it, and in Nezha’s heart, the real Yellow Dragon must be secretly pointing to himself, and facing such a reasonable person, he also has a lot of respect in his heart.

But the real Yellow Dragon closed his eyes tightly and did not dare to open them. Thinking”,

“Hahaha. It really is a manufacturable material, if so, let me see your true ability, the last trick will determine the outcome.”

The real Yellow Dragon laughed. Then, his eyes opened sharply, and his eyes flashed with blue light. When the dark clouds collided, a lightning bolt suddenly appeared and thunderbolt.

The sudden sky thunder pointed directly at Nezha’s heavenly spirit.

At the same time (of King Nuo), the water droplets in the heavy rain suddenly stood still, and immediately, a huge vortex appeared out of thin air. The whirlpool rotates, and the nearby airflow and raindrops are all absorbed into it, slowly condensing in the center of the formation.

The drops of water gathered more and more, and the copper bell that had been quiet for a long time began to sway slowly.

Nezha, this is really going to be true. Immediately became nervous. Hun Tian Ling protected her body, and the Hot Wheels turned into phoenix and phoenix. Use this as a preparation to parry the final blow of the Yellow Dragon real person.

“Shangxian, I’m ready.”

“Life and death are fate, whether Nezha can survive this fate today depends on my luck.”

This is not serious yet, daddy has already done his best.

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