Chapter 475 Pretend to be [seeking subscription]

Nezha is tossing in this big net, and the real Yellow Dragon consumes his True Qi and maintains the continuation of the formation. Ji Chang watched from the sidelines, looking confused, and didn’t know why.

In his eyes, this picture is like a headless fly, bumping everywhere, without any direction to speak of. In this invisibly gave Ji Chang a reassurance. Jiang Ziya was the next general with just a little trick, playing around.

“Shang Xian, I see that Nezha is exhausted, why not take this opportunity to give a fatal blow and smash his golden body, so that there is no need to continue to toss.”

Ji Chang’s “Nine Six Zero” looked a little anxious. He focused on the result. He didn’t care about this process. What Ji Chang wanted was the supremacy of the human race. Only in this way can he protect himself.

However, the real Yellow Dragon dropped a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. With his current Cultivation Base and ability, he can’t stand it. After losing the battle, the real Yellow Dragon can only hope so.

If there is a fight, with this little guy’s ability, if there is no help from own senior brother Yuding real person, he will definitely be torn to pieces by him, and the reputation of 12 Jinxian will be further discredited.

Primitive Tianzun, therefore Bo Yan was furious, and making such mistakes at this time would only be asking for trouble. However, the more capable brothers, wounded, half-dead, half-dead, and don’t step forward to preside over the overall situation at this time, how can they show their own ability?

After all, the Yellow Dragon staff has been on leave for thousands of years, and the cultivation of the Yellow Dragon from the Yellow Dragon can be regarded as a positive result. I haven’t done anything else in these years. I booked a real person with my senior and learned a lot, but other people’s is always someone else’s.

But now it’s good, it’s hard to ride a tiger. I ran into someone as soon as I came up.

In the end, he was really helpless. Among the methods that could not be helped, he thought of the most stupid and simplest method.

“Nezha, you have such a Cultivation Base and ability at a young age, and the future is limitless. I don’t want to kill you here. Only if you know how to judge the situation and measure the situation is a good man. Why not surrender, even if you sit down and talk about it. .”

The Yellow Dragon Daoist said calmly, calling the True Qi of the whole body, and forcibly suppressing the irritability of the backlash.

For a time, the copper bells no longer swayed, and in the kaleidoscope-like world, Nezha’s thousands of shadows gathered together and broke away from the state of mind. Hearing what the real Yellow Dragon said, Nezha didn’t dare to make a mistake. He could only follow this opportunity and take a good breath of fresh air to calm his heart pounding.

“Shang Xian, you and I have different positions and different directions. Now they are the masters. If you surrender now, wouldn’t it be unfaithful? Even if I die on the battlefield, I don’t want to bear infamy.”

Nezha’s temperament is still strong and fierce, and he can say what he has, never cryptic words. Facing a strong opponent, it is natural to admire him. When facing a weak opponent, as long as the opponent is not too much, he has never defeated the killer.

When the real Yellow Dragon saw him at his young age, his tone of voice was very happy, without the slightest retreat, and there was no room for relaxation. And there are no gaps in these words. The real Yellow Dragon, who has always been good at sociability, can be said to be the bottom of the 12 golden immortals, but even his master Yuanshi Tianzun is not as good as his master Yuanshi Tianzun. One point for him


Mo Wuyi can still change his three points, reverse black and white, confuse the audience, take out of context, distort facts, and can also make people stunned. This book was born to him, and it is no different from Daoist. If two people are put together, even if it is 3000 years, they may not be able to name each other.

“You didn’t break my formation, and I didn’t teach you how to do it. It can only be regarded as a tie. I see that you are a craftable material. I don’t want to ruin this good seed from my hand and kill you. Therefore, Heavenly Dao also Will not allow me.

The Yellow Dragon real person gave Nezha the first feeling that this person can distinguish right from wrong. Compared with other brothers, the first intuitive feeling is more convincing, and he can’t see any cunning or conspiracy at all from his face. This trick also slowly dropped his vigilance for some reason.

In the end, I saw him continue to say, “I am here by the order of the revered Master to understand Ji Chang’s fate, and nothing else. As long as you put down the sharp weapon in your hand, I will no longer make a move. I believe Ji Chang’s Ming Jie is your little Nezha.

Nezha is connected with the cause and effect, it seems there is such a reason. There is no room for a clear stand between people and fire. If they meet each other, unless there are special circumstances, they will naturally fight each other. As for the fate of the robbery, it may be Nezha’s.

“Shang Xian, if that’s the case, just send me out. I promise you that as long as I get out of this circle, Nezha will never make another move.”

Nezha swears to Heavenly Dao that if he eats his words, he will be chopped by the thunder. .

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