Chapter 377 Centrifugal master [seeking subscription]

When Tongtian appeared in the dojo, everyone saluted the Master of Tongtian:

“See the leader!”

Tongtian nodded:

“Get up all!”

Tongtian looked at everyone, everyone was waiting eagerly for Tongtian to speak, after all, everyone didn’t know what Tongtian was going to do?

The whole world looked at everyone and said to them:

“Everyone, you know about my previous battle with Primal Tianzun. The reason is that real Taiyi came to kill Shiji. Although Shiji is a disciple of Outer Sect, he is also a disciple of Jiejiao.

I have also told you about the matter of enshrining the gods and measuring the calamity. Originally, I didn’t want to intercept the conflict between the people of the teaching and the disciples of the interpretation, so I asked you to close the door training cultivation in your respective dojos to avoid the amount of robbery.

But the Primitive Tianzun deceived people too much. His disciple is a disciple, but my disciple is no longer a disciple. 10

So calling everyone here this time is to confess to you, no matter which sect you meet outside, as long as you have the truth, you will kill me. Others don’t care about the sanqing division, and I don’t have to take care of it. NS.

So don’t lose my face in the sky outside. ‘

Hundreds of thousands of disciples heard Tongtian’s words, and they immediately felt blood boiled and shouted in unison:


The sounds of hundreds of thousands of cultivators resounded all over the world, and the entire prehistoric people heard them. Others had no idea what happened to the interception teaching.

But Primordial Tianzun was paying attention to Tongtian, and Primordial heard the words of Tongtian. Hearing the sound of hundreds of thousands of cultivators, Primordial Qi trembled all over, and with a wave of his palm, the mountain bag in front of Primordial suddenly turned into powder.

The original angry shouted:

“Tongtian, you are deceiving too much!”

Originally, he didn’t think about owning the problem, and put all his faults on Tongtian. Tongtian wouldn’t do it in the first place.

However, under Ling Bao’s intervention, Tongtian cut off the three corpses, and naturally he would not be affected by the three corpses.

So after giving this order, Ling Bao knew what Tongtian did, and said with a smile:

“This is interesting!”

Because the catastrophe in the world has not yet begun, the two sects of Chanjiao and Jijiao have met.

Zhunti saw this situation and danced with excitement:

“Haha, great, I finally have a chance to teach in the West!”

Seeing Zhunti’s appearance, the guide also leaked a hint of smile.

The real Taiyi was reprimanded by the primitive:

“Look, look, this is the good thing you do. Kill and kill. You run to Immortal Cave to kill. You have grown up! Ah? You really think that Sage is invincible in the wild, right? ?”

Majestic Taiyi lowered his head, afraid to speak, and looked at Majesty Taiyi’s head down. The primitive reprimanded him for a while, feeling meaningless, and shouted at Majesty Taiyi:

“Will you get out of here, waiting for me to reward you?”

When the real Taiyi heard it, he saluted the original Tianzun:

“The disciple retire, I wish Master a longevity!’

Primordial saw real Taiyi being scolded by himself, and he knew the etiquette, and was relieved, so Primordial stopped Taiyi:

“Wait a minute, and then go down the mountain after you go out. Don’t be so revealing when you go down the mountain this time. If you meet someone who is not able to fight, you can hide, and you can calculate afterwards.

Also, go out this time to be low-key, don’t be too ostentatious, and come back as soon as you find a suitable apprentice!”

Taiyi nodded:

“Yes, Master!”

The original anger did not disappear, and he waved his hand:

“get out!”

Master Taiyi knew that he was in trouble this time, and sighed, but Master Taiyi knew that he had done nothing wrong. Although he killed Shiji, he also wanted to keep himself from occupying Karma in this calamity.

Because there is no Karma with the dead, but what Taiyi does not know is that the dead do not have Karma, but the abilities of Taiyi cannot destroy the true spirit.

In addition, Shiji’s true spirit became a member of the Conferred God List, and the body was taken away by Ling Bao.

In the future, the real Taiyi will know what the real Karma is, but the second Taiyi at that time will know it too late.

Besides, the real Taiyi bid farewell to the original Tianzun, and went down the mountain to collect disciples.

Cihang Daoist saw the real Taiyi go down the mountain and was very surprised and jealous.

To know how much the real Taiyi has caused this time, she knows what Jinxian Jinxian knows, but I didn’t expect that the original Tianzun did not punish him at all, but simply reprimanded him and let him go down the mountain.

If it were for someone else, I would not know how severe the punishment would be.

He used to be Guang Chengzi, and now he is Taiyi real person, which makes other people unable to understand the eccentricity of the original Tianzun.

Cihang Daoist thought for a long time, then turned around and left.

Primitive Tianzun focused all his energy on other things, so he didn’t pay attention to his own apprentice at all.

The original Tianzun didn’t pay attention, but Ling Bao saw it, so Ling Bao shook his head and didn’t speak. The master and disciple had already turned away from his morals, and he was not good at doing anything. However, Ling Bao still focused on Chaoge.

In Chaoge at this time, Jiang Ziya is laying out the formation. This formation is not a prehistoric formation, but a Feng Shui formation that uses the luck of the dynasty, the Nine Dragon Guardian formation. .

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