Chapter 376 Tongtian Juxian【seeking subscription】

After hearing the introduction, Zhunti was very convinced, because although the introduction is not Sage, it is indeed a great Luo Jinxian, and the Realm that is introduced is much higher than his own.

You should know that Zhunti has made himself from the early stage of Zhunsheng to the Sage stage through countless merits.

Although he can feel Heavenly Dao through Hongmeng Ziqi, Realm is not as good as a lead.

The answer can communicate directly with Heavenly Dao through the powerful primordial spirit, and he can only communicate with Heavenly Dao through the Hongmeng Ziqi, so many things on Heavenly Dao, Zhunzi will still follow the words of the introduction.

Zhunti had to sigh and said:

“Since the elder brother has said so, it can only be done like this!”

“Nine Zero Zero” received Zhun’s words and nodded:

“Wait, now Honghuang is the world of Sanqing!”

The quasi-rebuttal:

“Huh, Sanqing’s human education, interpretation education, and interception education have no way to compare with Ling Bao. Although Ling Bao does not establish a religion, his human race is the protagonist of the prehistoric people, and no one has as much luck in the predominantly as Ling Bao! ”

Then he said with a sigh:

“Ling Bao talent, we can’t calculate him at all, we must know that when the strength reaches a certain level, any calculations are empty!”

He said with a sigh:

“Hey, who would say no? I just don’t know why Ling Bao didn’t preach. You must know that Hongdiao Dao Zu became a saint but he preached for 30,000 years, from the lowest level of cultivation to the Tao after Sage!

It would be great if Ling Bao could explain its cultivation method, so that we could continue to cultivate to a higher level, unlike the present, there is no other way to cultivate in the future except Qi Luck!”

Take the lead and explain to Zhunti:

“This is also something that can’t be helped. Hongjun Daozu only preached the great famine because he wanted to join the Dao and collect the great luck. But Ling Bao is different, and Ling Bao Venerable doesn’t need to join the Dao at all.

Although Ling Bao Venerable doesn’t need great luck, most of the great luck now lies in Ling Bao Venerable’s hands!”

Ling Bao also felt it when Suyin and Zhunti were talking about Ling Bao. Ling Bao closed his eyes and communicated with Heavenly Dao, and then he knew the plan to receive and Zhunti, Ling Bao said to himself Say:

“Hmph, count your acquaintances, otherwise, I will definitely teach you what is so colorful!”

Nuwa heard Ling Bao talking to herself and asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, what is so colorful!”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“It’s okay, it’s just that the two Western teachers planned to calculate me, but they were taken and stopped!”

Nuwa pouted:


Hearing Nuwa’s expression on watching the excitement, Ling Bao smiled speechlessly, and didn’t say anything about them.

And when Tongtian returned to Jinzheng Island, the ringing of the Immortal Gathering Bell was heard by countless cultivators in the prehistoric cultivators.

Although I don’t know what the Lord Tongtian is, since it was the order of Tongtian, everyone came out of the own dojo and flew towards Jinzheng Island.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of immortals flying in the direction of Golden Claw Island from various places, the original Tianzun Gangwang had just returned to the Yuxu Palace. He also knew what Tongtian had done, and was very jealous.

When seeing so many apprentices in Tongtian, I naturally know why Tongtian’s luck is so strong.

When Daddy saw this, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

However, the Western teaching Zhunti is very envious and said:

“Brother, when will we be able to become like this in Western teaching, it will be fine at that time!”

The reference encourages Zhun to mention:

“Take your time, sooner or later we will be able to teach in the West to be the same as Jiu Jiao, and even stronger than Jiu Jiao 1”

Ling Bao sighed and said:

“Hey, this Tongtian is really looking for death!”

Nuwa asked for unknown reasons:

“What’s wrong?”

Ling Bao explained:

“Originally, the contradiction between the three cleansings was just a moral dispute between them, but now Tongtian summoned everyone back to let other Sage know that his disciples are numerous. 0

What do you think of other Sages? You have to know that there is only one Xuandu under the name of daddy, eleven disciples under the original name, and fourteen disciples under the name.

There are only three or two cats in the West. What do you think of these Sages?”

When Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words, his eyes lit up, and then asked:

“They won’t unite and kill the teachings!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Why not, Sage is immortal, and Tongtian will not die, but Tongtian’s disciples will not die, and if Tongtian is allowed to develop like this, then who can compete with Tongtian?

You can’t fight for the Confucianism, tell me, can Qi Luck compete for the sky?”

Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words and asked very curiously:

“What did Tongtian call these disciples in the past?”

Ling Bao probably guessed at 5.0, Tongtian is not the one who suffers.

After Jiejiao disciples came to Jin’ao Island, one by one came to the place where Tongtian usually preached.

You must know that this Jinzheng Island is the place where Sage preached. Although it doesn’t look very big, there is a space created by the Lord Tongtian.

Even the small dojos are very large. Needless to say, they can hold hundreds of thousands of games, but they are millions, and there is no problem with tens of millions.

All the disciples of Jiejiao came to Tongtian’s dojo, and Tongtian saw that most of the disciples had come. It is estimated that those who did not come would have died.

Tong Tian ignored those people, but appeared in the dojo

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