Chapter 378 King Zhou is out of trouble [seeking subscription]

This Nine Dragon Body Formation is a formation created by the original Tianzun, which Jiang Ziya wanted to use in Xiqi.

However, the original Tianzun did not tell Jiang Ziya that Jiang Ran used the King Zhou’s palace in order to gain the appreciation of King Zhou.

After Jiang Ziya arranged the Nine Dragon Guards, all the dragon energy of Dashang gathered.

You must know that this is the dragon energy of a dynasty. Dragon Qi discovered the evil spirit technique on King Zhou. You must know that this evil spirit technique is evil spirit.

How could Dynasty Dragon Qi let this Emperor be harassed by evil spirits!

Countless dragon qi rushed into King Zhou’s body, and one after another rushed into the spell of evil spirits.

With a sound in King Zhou’s heart, Zhunti’s vision of the evil mind was immediately broken, but Da Shang’s dragon energy was also consumed a lot.

It would be fine if the dragon energy of Dashang was consumed because of King Zhou’s rebellious actions, but the dragon energy was consumed because of Zhunti.

So the human karma suddenly appeared from the void, and then fell on Zhun Ti, but Zhun Ti was Heavenly Dao Sage.

Karma is not occupied, so countless karma bypassed Zhunti’s body and fell into the Western religion.

Originally, there was not a lot of Qi Luck taught in the West, because this time the karma suddenly dropped by a lot.

The sudden appearance of karma caused Zhun Ti to be stunned for a moment, and then Zhun Ti was stunned, and Zhun Ti was very angry:

“Original, what you did!”

There was no concealment of the matter of Zhun mentioning. After Zhun mentioned and scolded Primordial, the beginning and the end of the things that Primordial also knew, + disdainfully muttered to himself:

“Do it yourself!”

When Tongtian saw this situation on Jinzheng Island, he smiled very happily:

“It’s Karma’s retribution!”

Ling Bao smiled slightly:

“King Zhou is the way of good luck!”

King Zhou failed because of the evil mind, but he knew all the things before, and King Zhou knew that he had been calculated by others, otherwise it would be impossible for own to do such a reckless thing.

Thinking of what happened during the sacrifice, King Zhou’s face was uncertain. Fei Zhong saw that King Zhou was angry, thinking that King Zhou didn’t like Jiang Ziya, so he stood up and pointed at Jiang Ziya:

“You demon way, did you do something evil against the king, come someone to take it for me!”

With Fei Zhong’s words, the guards outside immediately rushed in. Jiang Ziya was shocked. Although Jiang Ziya had a Cultivation Base, this was the Human Palace. Although Jiang Ziya had a Golden Fairy Cultivation Base.

But he couldn’t perform well, Jiang Ziya hurriedly shouted with cupped hands:

“My lord, I wish!

King Zhou looked at Jiang Ziya very gratefully, if he didn’t have Jiang Ziya, he wouldn’t have done anything unreasonable!

So King Zhou said to Jiang Ziya:

“Master, don’t blame you!”

After King Zhou finished speaking, the surrounding guards were reluctant to force them. What was the situation? The king said coldly:

“Grab Fei Zhong and You Hun for me, and behead to show the public at noon tomorrow!”

When everyone heard it, they were very happy. Originally, King Zhou planned to use Fei Zhongyouhun to contain other ministers who were not single-minded with him.

But I didn’t expect these two people to put Own Dashang into a dangerous situation!

When Fei Zhong and You Hun heard this, they panicked. What was going on, Fei Zhong quickly knelt before the king:

“The king is forgiving, the king is forgiving, if we do something wrong, please let the king inform us.

King Zhou knew that calculating his own person must be a great power, but he has no ability to retaliate now, but he has to vent his anger, so Fei Zhong and You Hun became the punching bag of the king.

It was these two people who told the interpretation and teaching. Although King Zhou knew that it was not the original intention of these two people, King Zhou did not want to let these two people go.

King Zhou waved his hand coldly:

Bring it on!”

Seeing this situation, the two became even more panicked and hurriedly shouted for mercy. When the guard saw that the king was silent, they took them down.

Then King Zhou stood up and faced Jiang Ziya’s luggage:

“Thanks a lot!

Although Jiang Ziya has a lot of knowledge, what happened just now really shocked me. Jiang Ziya cupped hands said:

“The king appreciated and named me his deputy, this is what I should do!”

King Zhou laughed and said:

“Is the deputy minister? I was murdered by a treacherous man. I was vaguely and very faint. It was the deputy minister who helped me solve this scourge. I must report the vice minister!”

However, King Zhou did not directly close the official, but asked Bigan:

“Father, what is the capacity of the deputy minister? (Promise) Ming”

Bigan stood up and answered:

“Lord Qizi, the deputy minister’s ability is stronger than me, and the deputy minister is talented, with Cultivation Base in the body, unlike the old minister, the energy is not as good as before!”

King Zhou believed in Bi Gan very much, and then said:

“Well, if that’s the case, then Jiang Ziya listens to it!”

Jiang Ziya stood up:

“Weichen is here!”

King Zhou:

“Jiang Ziya, with a splendid breast, is a great talent. Now you are the prime minister of the great businessman, and you are equal to the father of Biganya. You two will govern the great businessman together.

The Prime Minister You was effective in treating loneliness, and he named Prime Minister You Shang Zhongbo, and gave him a house, 20 maids, 50 householders, 80 guards, 20,000 coins, and 30 rolls of cloth!”.

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