Chapter 358 Da Ji enters the palace [seeking subscription]

You must know that King Zhou was quasi-promoted and lost his mind. King Zhou is still King Zhou, but the seven emotions and six desires of King Yoo have been magnified hundreds of millions of times.

Although King Zhou had suppressed all these seven emotions and desires before, King Zhou was not Sage after all, he hadn’t been cut off, that is, Sage had them all, not to mention he was a king.

After the seven emotions and six desires of King Zhou were magnified, after seeing Daji’s peerless face, his eyes couldn’t move away, plus the charm of Humei itself.

Even more shocking, Wang Xiaomi looked at Daji with a very frivolous behavior.

“This beauty is Daji?”

Su Daji is no longer the old Su Daji, but Nine tailed Fox has become, Daji frowned slightly and performed a courtesy:

“Yes, Great King, the sinner is the daughter of Su Hu, Su Daji, Daji has seen the Great King!’

Seeing Su Daji frowning, Feng Wang was very distressed, and then strode over to help Daji up:

“Beauty please get up soon!””

Daji saw King Zhou helping him up, and then responded weakly:

“Don’t be like this, the king, people are still sinners, no one can afford to look down on slaves!”

Hearing what Daji said, Fei Zhong knew that what he had just done had offended Daji. Looking at Daji’s appearance, he must have hated him, Fei Zhong quickly stood up:

“Majesty, Empress Daji is a woman appointed by the great king, but Daji’s father is still there.”

When King Zhou heard Fei Zhong’s words, he quickly realized it and said to Su Hu:

“Su Hu listens to the decree!”

Although Su Hu hated Yin Shang very much, it was a Chaoge, and he didn’t dare to be presumptuous.Su Hu knelt on one knee:

“The guilty minister is here!”

King Zhou said:

“Don’t sin against the ministers and the ministers. I will exonerate all your crimes. From now on, restore all your positions. From now on, you will be the lone head of the country!”

Su Hu was not happy at all. Su Hu looked at his daughter and felt very distressed. You must know that Daji is her most beloved daughter, and Daji is no longer Su Daji, so Humen did not look after Su Hu at all, but politely confronted him. Wang Xingli:

“Men’s daughter, thank you, the king!”

Fei Zhong was also a wise man, knowing that Daji had just entered the palace, and once she was nowhere, Fei Zhong reminded King Zhou:

“Majesty, the empress doesn’t even have a status now!”

King Zhou replied:

“Oh, it’s the fault of the lonely, it’s the fault of the lonely, the elder sister is her noble concubine, Concubine Su, the beauty will be the lonely noble concubine from now on!”

Da Ji Yingying gift:

“The concubine, thank you, the king!”

Everyone saw the matter settled, and Wen Zhong was not by his side, and Bi Gan knew that the only king was Yin Jiao and Yin Hong’s two sons.

In order for King Zhou to have multiple sons to inherit the Datong, King Zhou should also give birth to a few more sons, and this Daji’s style is very good, and Bigan did not stop him.

Bigan didn’t speak, Fei Zhong was still fanning the flames beside him.Everyone didn’t speak, and the king gave the order loudly:

“Come here, take the noble concubine and empress to her palace, take good care of her, and pass the order on, today I want to have a big feast for the ministers!”

In this era, apart from the regular wife, no one else is qualified to hold a wedding, but the king has a feast for the officials, and everyone is enough to see that the king attaches great importance to Su Daji.

Therefore, no one stood up and felt bad. They all bowed their heads one after another. No one knew what these people were thinking, and Su Hu sighed when he saw his own daughter walked into the harem. He was very sad.

Su Hu knew that his daughter had paid too much for her Su family, and Su Hu didn’t want her daughter’s efforts to be wasted, so she could only swallow her anger.

Soon after eating, the king came up. King Zhou and the ministers were intertwined. The king thought of Da Ji’s peerless appearance and beautiful posture, and he didn’t want to take any more. After a while, King Zhou said to Fei Zhong:

“Qing family, here you have to take good care of Gu, Gu is a little too drunk and has to go back to rest!”

As a human spirit, Fei Zhong naturally knew what King Zhou was thinking. As the first dog of the king, Fei Zhong quickly said to the king:

“The king, rest assured, I will take care of it here!”

King Zhou laughed loudly:

“Okay, okay, okay, I really am a lonely minister of the brachial stock, I like it, haha, I like it!”

After speaking, he staggered towards the harem. When King Zhou left the front hall and entered the harem, he didn’t walk anymore, but commanded the maid beside him:

“Lead the way, I’m going to see Sumei alone!”

The maid around me naturally knows who Su Mei is. If you know that the harem is talking about Su Daji, the maid leaned slightly:

“Yes, King, come with me uncle!”

(The money is good) After speaking, he took King Zhou to the place where Su Fuji was resting and sleeping. King Zhou waved his hand at the people around him:

“Go down, no one is allowed to come in without my order!”

Su Daji dressed up in the room, heard King Yue’s words, leaked a smile, then stood up, when he saw King Zhou enter the room, Su Daji softly bowed:

“The concubine has seen the great king, the great king Jinan!”

King Zhou hurried forward, helped Su Daji up, and was very excited:

“Beauty, there are no outsiders here, so please don’t be polite, no one likes this place?”

After finishing talking about Su Daji, if it was the old Su Daji, he would definitely be shy, but the Nine tailed Fox in front of me!.

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