Chapter 357 Nine tailed Fox anti-water [seeking subscription]

Could it be that her chance is coming?

However, the original Tianzun had promised her future before, and now it is replaced by this Venerable, isn’t it?

“I know that the original has promised you a lot of benefits, but what he can give you, I can give you the same.”

After Ling Bao finished speaking, the eyes of Nine tailed Fox lit up.

Yuanshi Tianzun is indeed powerful, it is one of the Sages in this world, but the existence behind Ling Bao is even more terrifying, it can be compared with the ancestor Hongjun!

Isn’t it clear enough which one to choose?

“Of course the little demon listens to you, but Yuanshi Tianzun gave me a task, how should I explain it?”

Nine tailed Fox didn’t need to think at all, and immediately chose Lingbao.

“You can just follow what he said to you, but there are two points. You are not allowed to harm Zhongliang, and you must not kill people. If you commit too many killings, I will not be able to keep you!

10 The two things Ling Bao said were the most hesitant of Nine tailed Fox.

If she wants to gain the Tao, she does not need to touch Karma, the task assigned by the Primordial Heavenly Lord will definitely be entangled by Karma.

But now what Ling Bao said happened to the heart of Nine tailed Fox.

Nine tailed Fox was a little overjoyed, and immediately knelt on the ground.

“Thank you Venerable for your guidance, but I need to use Su Daji’s shell to go to Chaoge!”

Of course Ling Bao knew about this. Since he wanted to save Su Daji, he was bound to help Nine tailed Fox to complete the matter.

“These little things are very simple.”

When Ling Bao’s spiritual thoughts moved, a green and pleasant jade pendant appeared in his hand. The jade pendant was brilliant and exquisite.

“This jade pendant can cut through the secrets of heaven. Even if Sage is here, it can’t be calculated on your body. It can also cover up the Monster Qi on your body. As long as you act carefully, there will be no problems.

Ling Bao gave the jade pendant to the Nine tailed Fox, and then hit the Nine tailed Fox with another magic trick.

I saw that the Nine tailed Fox began to change all over, and in just one breath, it became exactly the same as Su Daji on the bed.

It’s just that there is a little more of Fox Demon’s unique charm between the gestures.

“Thanks Venerable!”

Nine tailed Fox was very happy, looked up and down his new look, and quickly thanked Ling Bao.

“If something happens, please contact me through this jade pendant.”

After solving the Nine tailed Fox, Ling Bao looked back at Su Daji on the bed.

Since Nine tailed Fox is going to replace Su Daji, this Su Daji needs to be dealt with properly.

At this moment, a divine mind suddenly appeared.

“You send that Su Daji to me. There is just a girl missing from the Wa Palace. I see the sign of this girl’s birth and her temperament is pretty good, so just take it!”

Sage knew the world at the first thought, and Ling Bao didn’t hide Nuwa from doing these things, so Nv Juan knew it clearly.

Nuwa also couldn’t bear to see such a good seedling Su Daji.

Why do women embarrass women? Su Daji is just a pawn in this calamity.

“Very good, very good, I am worrying about how to place Su Daji.”

Ling Bao nodded, Nuwa’s arrangement is very good, this Su Daji is indeed in Huigen, and is also quite a fairy.

With a wave of his hand, he put Su Da in his sleeve.

“This matter is over, you stay in Chaoge, Nezha, let’s go!”

Nezha followed Ling Bao obediently, and the two quickly left.

Nine tailed Fox sent Ling Bao away, so she hurriedly lay on the bed, she had to pretend to be Su Daji and go to the song!

Sister Su in the inn had been stiffened by Li Daitao, but no one knew about it.

After taking a rest at the Enzhou Station, the group returned to Chaoge quickly, and soon they were summoned by the king.

“Chen Chongbei has seen the great king!”

Chongbeihou saluted King Zhou and immediately told King Zhou of the victory.

“Okay, very good, the Chongbei Hou is indeed as good as it was back then! I heard that you brought back Su Hu?”

King Zhou glanced at Chongbeihou with a look of joy on his face.

“Indeed, the criminal Su Hu is already waiting outside the temple, hoping that your majesty can summon it.”

King Zhou nodded, and pointed his finger at Fei Zhong who was not far away.

“Go and bring in Jizhou Hou Su Hu!”

Fei Zhong quickly agreed when he saw that the errand fell on him.

Su Hu had already waited outside for 883, quite a little restless, although he had surrendered, Chongbei Hou also promised that the king would not do anything to him.

But he did something like that before after all.

“Is this the guilty minister Su Hu?”

Fei Zhong went outside proudly, saw Su Hu at a glance, and yelled deliberately.

When Su Hu saw him, his face became very embarrassed.A treacherous official, dare to call his name that way?

“So it’s you! Hurry up and lead the way, I’m going to see the king!”

Su Hu’s words are all contempt, and he doesn’t put Fei Zhong in Own’s eyes at all.

Seeing that Su Hu still had this attitude towards him, Fei Zhong hated him so much, but his face didn’t show at all. Instead, Mimi smiled and took Su Hu into the Great Hall.

“Su Hu, the criminal minister, has seen the king!”

“Su Da, the daughter of the criminal minister, has seen the great king!”

The two of them saluted King Zhou together, and then stood up when the king heard a waiver.

King Zhou’s sight fell on Su Daji’s body involuntarily.

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